Tiled Labels To Annotation (Cartography)


Converts labels to annotation for layers in a map based on a polygon index layer.

The tool divides a map into tiles and creates annotation for each tile in turn. This is useful for converting a large number of labels to annotation. The polygon index layer can be generated using the Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme To Polygons or Grid Index Features tool or any other polygon feature class that covers the area where you want to create annotation.


  • Labels can be converted to annotation for a single layer or the entire map. If the single layer option is chosen, the layer must be specified and it must be in the map.

  • Label class scale ranges are respected. When the tool generates annotation for a specific reference scale, it will only convert label classes that are turned on and visible at that scale.


    Label class scale ranges are set on the layer's properties in ArcGIS Pro. Once you configure the label properties, save the project before running this tool.

  • If you select tiles before running the tool, annotation will only be created for the selected tiles.

  • To update annotation for only some tiles in the polygon index layer, first select the annotation features with that specific TileID field value and delete them. Then select the polygon features and run the tool again.

  • One output of this tool is a series of group layers. One group layer will contain a group layer for each reference scale for which annotation was created.

  • When working in the Catalog pane or in ModelBuilder, you can use the Save To Layer File tool to write the output group layer to a layer file.

  • An existing group layer will be overwritten if the same layer name is specified and if you explicitly state that overwriting outputs is allowed.

  • If duplicate feature class names are found in the map, a number will be added to the annotation following the feature class name (for example, Cities01Anno10000, Cities02Anno10000, and so on).

  • Annotation feature classes will not be overwritten if an existing suffix is specified. In this case, a number will be added to the annotation feature class suffix (for example, CitiesAnno10000, CitiesAnno10000_1, and so on).

  • The reference scale for the annotation feature classes can be specified by doing either of the following:

    • Use a field from the polygon index layer to determine the reference scale of the output annotation feature classes. Use this option if you will create annotation for a variety of scale levels.
    • Explicitly state a reference scale value. All annotation feature classes will use this reference scale. If a reference scale is set in the map, this will be the default value input to the tool. If no reference scale is set in the map, the current scale will provide the default value.

  • If you are using a polygon index layer that was created by the Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme To Polygons tool, use the Tile_Scale field for the Reference Scale Field parameter value. An annotation feature class will be created for each layer-Tile_Scale combination.

  • If you are producing annotation at a variety of reference scales, design the map for each of those scales and don't set a reference scale.

  • If a coordinate system field from the polygon index layer is provided, the annotation for each tile will be projected into that coordinate system for the purpose of drawing and placement.

  • If the Create feature-linked annotation parameter is not checked, the Convert labels from all layers to a single output feature class parameter can be used to create a single annotation feature class for the entire map.

    When creating a single annotation feature class for the map, label classes with similar properties can be merged into one annotation class using the Merge similar label classes parameter.

  • Feature-linked annotation is associated with a specific feature in another feature class in the geodatabase. When you create the feature-linked annotation feature class, a relationship class will be automatically generated as well.

  • When creating feature-linked annotation, the output workspace must be the same as that of the feature classes to which they are linked.

  • Some labels may not display on the map because there is no room. To convert these labels, check the Generate Unplaced Annotation check box. This saves the unplaced labels in the annotation feature class, allowing you to position them later in an edit session.

  • Memory and in_memory workspaces do not support feature-linked annotation.

  • This tool honors the Annotation Text String Field Length environment. When set, it will override the default field length on the TextString field in any annotation feature classes created in a database.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Map

The map that contains the labels to convert to annotation.

Polygon Index Layer

The polygon layer that contains tile features.

Table View
Output Geodatabase

The workspace where the output feature classes will be saved. The workspace can be an existing geodatabase or an existing feature dataset.

Workspace; Feature Dataset
Output Layer

The group layer that will contain the generated annotation. You can use the Save To Layer File tool to write the output group layer to a layer file.

Group Layer
Annotation Suffix

The suffix that will be added to each new annotation feature class. This suffix will be appended to the name of the source feature class for each new annotation feature class. The reference scale for the annotation will follow this suffix.

Reference Scale Value

The scale value that will be used as a reference for the annotation. This is the scale on which all symbol and text sizes in the annotation will be based.

Reference Scale Field

The field in the polygon index layer that will determine the reference scale of the annotation. This is the scale on which all symbol and text sizes in the annotation will be based.

Tile ID Field

A field in the polygon index layer that uniquely identifies the tiled area. These values will populate the TileID field in the annotation feature class attribute table.

Coordinate System Field

A field in the polygon index layer that contains the coordinate system information for each tile. Due to the length required for a field to store coordinate system information, a polygon index layer that contains a coordinate system field must be a geodatabase feature class.

Map Rotation Field

A field in the polygon index layer that contains the angle by which the map will be rotated.

Create feature-linked annotation

Specifies whether the output annotation feature class will be linked to the features in another feature class.

  • Unchecked—The output annotation feature class will not be linked to the features in another feature class. This is the default.
  • Checked—The output annotation feature class will be linked to the features in another feature class.

Convert unplaced labels to unplaced annotation

Specifies whether unplaced annotation will be created from unplaced labels.

  • Unchecked—Annotation will only be created for features that are currently labeled. This is the default.
  • Checked—Unplaced annotation will be stored in the annotation feature class. The status field for this annotation is set to Unplaced.

Specifies whether annotation will be converted for all layers in the map or for a single layer. The single layer must be specified.

  • All layers in mapLabels will be converted to annotation for all layers in the map. This is the default.
  • Single layerLabels will be converted to annotation for a single layer. The layer must be specified.
Feature Layer

The layer with the annotation that will be converted when the Convert parameter is set to Single layer. This layer must be in the map.

Feature Layer
Require symbols to be selected from the symbol table

Specifies whether all text symbol properties can be edited.

  • Unchecked—All text symbol properties can be edited. This is the default.
  • Checked—Only symbol properties that enable annotation features can be edited to maintain reference to their associated text symbol in the collection.

Create annotation when new features are added

Specifies whether annotation will be created when new features are added to the linked feature class if the Create feature-linked annotation parameter is checked.

  • Checked—Feature-linked annotation will be created when new features are added to the linked feature class. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—Feature-linked annotation will not be created when new features are added to the linked feature class.

Update annotation when feature's shape is modified

Specifies whether the position of annotation will be updated when the shape of the linked feature is modified if the Create feature-linked annotation parameter is checked.

  • Checked—The position of the annotation will be updated when the shape of the linked feature is modified. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—The position of the annotation will not be updated when the shape of the linked feature is modified.

Convert labels from all layers to a single output feature class

Specifies whether labels will be converted to individual annotation feature classes or to a single annotation feature class. If converting to a single annotation feature class, the annotation cannot be feature-linked.

  • Checked—Labels from all layers will be converted to a single annotation feature class.
  • Unchecked—Labels will be converted to individual annotation feature classes that correspond to their layers. This is the default.

Merge similar label classes

Specifies whether similar label classes will be merged if the Convert labels from all layers to a single output feature class parameter is checked.

  • Checked—Label classes with similar properties will be merged when converting to a single feature class.
  • Unchecked—Label classes with similar properties will not be merged. This is the default.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Geodatabase

The workspace where the output feature classes will be saved.

Workspace; Feature Dataset

arcpy.cartography.TiledLabelsToAnnotation(input_map, polygon_index_layer, out_geodatabase, out_layer, anno_suffix, {reference_scale_value}, {reference_scale_field}, {tile_id_field}, {coordinate_sys_field}, {map_rotation_field}, {feature_linked}, {generate_unplaced_annotation}, {which_layers}, {single_layer}, {require_symbol_id}, {auto_create}, {update_on_shape_change}, {multiple_feature_classes}, {merge_label_classes})
NameExplanationData Type

The map that contains the labels to convert to annotation.


The polygon layer that contains tile features.

Table View

The workspace where the output feature classes will be saved. The workspace can be an existing geodatabase or an existing feature dataset.

Workspace; Feature Dataset

The group layer that will contain the generated annotation. You can use the Save To Layer File tool to write the output group layer to a layer file.

Group Layer

The suffix that will be added to each new annotation feature class. This suffix will be appended to the name of the source feature class for each new annotation feature class. The reference scale for the annotation will follow this suffix.


The scale value that will be used as a reference for the annotation. This is the scale on which all symbol and text sizes in the annotation will be based.


The field in the polygon index layer that will determine the reference scale of the annotation. This is the scale on which all symbol and text sizes in the annotation will be based.


A field in the polygon index layer that uniquely identifies the tiled area. These values will populate the TileID field in the annotation feature class attribute table.


A field in the polygon index layer that contains the coordinate system information for each tile. Due to the length required for a field to store coordinate system information, a polygon index layer that contains a coordinate system field must be a geodatabase feature class.


A field in the polygon index layer that contains the angle by which the map will be rotated.


Specifies whether the output annotation feature class will be linked to the features in another feature class.

  • STANDARD The output annotation feature class will not be linked to the features in another feature class. This is the default.
  • FEATURE_LINKEDThe output annotation feature class will be linked to the features in another feature class.

Specifies whether unplaced annotation will be created from unplaced labels.

  • NOT_GENERATE_UNPLACED_ANNOTATIONAnnotation will only be created for features that are currently labeled. This is the default.
  • GENERATE_UNPLACED_ANNOTATIONUnplaced annotation will be stored in the annotation feature class. The status field for this annotation is set to Unplaced.

Specifies whether annotation will be converted for all layers in the map or for a single layer. The single layer must be specified.

  • ALL_LAYERSLabels will be converted to annotation for all layers in the map. This is the default.
  • SINGLE_LAYERLabels will be converted to annotation for a single layer. The layer must be specified.

The layer with the annotation that will be converted when the which_layers parameter is set to SINGLE_LAYER. This layer must be in the map.

Feature Layer

Specifies whether all text symbol properties can be edited.

  • NO_REQUIRE_IDAll text symbol properties can be edited. This is the default.
  • REQUIRE_IDOnly symbol properties that enable annotation features can be edited to maintain reference to their associated text symbol in the collection.

Specifies whether annotation will be created when new features are added to the linked feature class if the feature_linked parameter is set to FEATURE_LINKED.

  • AUTO_CREATEFeature-linked annotation will be created when new features are added to the linked feature class. This is the default.
  • NO_AUTO_CREATEFeature-linked annotation will not be created when new features are added to the linked feature class.

Specifies whether the position of annotation will be updated when the shape of the linked feature is modified if the feature_linked parameter is set to FEATURE_LINKED.

  • SHAPE_UPDATEThe position of the annotation will be updated when the shape of the linked feature is modified. This is the default.
  • NO_SHAPE_UPDATEThe position of the annotation will not be updated when the shape of the linked feature is modified.

Specifies whether labels will be converted to individual annotation feature classes or to a single annotation feature class. If converting to a single annotation feature class, the annotation cannot be feature-linked.

  • SINGLE_FEATURE_CLASSLabels from all layers will be converted to a single annotation feature class.
  • FEATURE_CLASS_PER_FEATURE_LAYERLabels will be converted to individual annotation feature classes that correspond to their layers. This is the default.

Specifies whether similar label classes will be merged if the multiple_feature_classes parameter is set to SINGLE_FEATURE_CLASS.

  • MERGE_LABEL_CLASSLabel classes with similar properties will be merged when converting to a single feature class.
  • NO_MERGE_LABEL_CLASSLabel classes with similar properties will not be merged. This is the default.

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The workspace where the output feature classes will be saved.

Workspace; Feature Dataset

Code sample

TiledLabelsToAnnotation example (Python window)

Python sample for the TiledLabelsToAnnotation function that converts labels to annotation for a single layer in a map based on a polygon index layer.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data/data.gdb"
arcpy.cartography.TiledLabelsToAnnotation("Map1", "Tiles", "data.gdb", 
                                          "GroupAnno", "Anno", "", "Tile_Scale",  
                                          "OID", "", "", "FEATURE_LINKED", 
                                          "SINGLE_LAYER", "Towns", 
																																										"REQUIRE_ID", "AUTO_CREATE", 
                                          "SHAPE_UPDATE", "", "")
TiledLabelsToAnnotation example 2 (workflow script)

The following script demonstrates a workflow using the MapServerCacheTilingSchemeToPolygons and TiledLabelsToAnnotation functions.

# Name: TiledLabelsToAnnotation_Example2.py
# Description: Create a tile feature class and use those tiles to create annotation.

# Import system modules
import arcpy
import os

# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data/data.gdb"

# Set local variables
aprx = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject(r"C:/data/Annotation.aprx")
inMap = aprx.listMaps("Map")[0]
inTilingScheme = os.path.join(
outFeatureClass = "C:/data/data.gdb/Tiles"
inTileExtent = "USE_MAP_EXTENT"
inClipping = "CLIP_TO_HORIZON"
inAntialiasing = "NONE"
inScales = []

# Run MapServerCacheTilingSchemeToPolygons
    inMap, inTilingScheme, outFeatureClass, inTileExtent, inClipping, 
    inAntialiasing, inScales)

# Set local variables
inPolygonIndexLayer = "Tiles"
inOutGeodatabase = "C:/data/data.gdb"
outOutLayer = "GroupAnno"
inAnnoSuffix = "Anno"
inRefScaleValue = ""
inRefScaleField = "Tile_Scale"
inTileIDField = "OID"
inCoordSysField = ""
inMapRotationField = ""
inFeatureLinked = "STANDARD"
inWhichLayers = "ALL_LAYERS"
inSingleLayer = ""
inRequireSymbolID = ""
inAutoCreate = ""
inUpdateOnShapeChange = ""
inMultipleFeatureClasses = "SINGLE_FEATURE_CLASS"
inMergeFeatureClasses = "MERGE_LABEL_CLASS"
# Run TiledLabelsToAnnotation
    inMap, inPolygonIndexLayer, inOutGeodatabase, outOutLayer, inAnnoSuffix, 
    inRefScaleValue, inRefScaleField, inTileIDField, inCoordSysField, 
    inMapRotationField, inFeatureLinked, inGenerateUnplaced, inWhichLayers, 
    inSingleLayer, inRequireSymbolID, inAutoCreate, inUpdateOnShapeChange, 
    inMultipleFeatureClasses, inMergeFeatureClasses)

Licensing information

  • Basic: Yes
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes

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