ArcGIS Pro 3.3 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry Namespace / Coordinate3D Structure / DotProduct Method
The input Coordinate3D to use in the dot product.

In This Topic
    DotProduct Method (Coordinate3D)
    In This Topic
    Calculates the dot product of this Coordinate3D and another Coordinate3D. Vector dot product is used.
    public double DotProduct( 
       Coordinate3D other
    Public Function DotProduct( _
       ByVal other As Coordinate3D _
    ) As Double


    The input Coordinate3D to use in the dot product.

    Return Value

    A double representing the dot product of this Coordinate3D and the input Coordinate3D. The dot product is the sum of multiplying corresponding components of each Coordinate3D.
    Vector Operations
    // Easy 3D vectors
    Coordinate3D v = new Coordinate3D(0, 1, 0);
    // v.Magnitude = 1
    Coordinate3D other = new Coordinate3D(-1, 0, 0);
    // other.Magnitude = -1
    double dotProduct = v.DotProduct(other);      // dotProduct = 0
    Coordinate3D crossProduct = v.CrossProduct(other);
    // crossProduct.X = 0
    // crossProduct.Y = 0
    // crossProduct.Z = 1
    Coordinate3D addVector = v.AddCoordinate3D(other);
    // addVector.X = -1
    // addVector.Y = 1
    // addVector.Z = 0
    // Rotate around x-axis
    Coordinate3D w = v;
    w.Rotate(Math.PI, other);
    // w.X = 0
    // w.Y = -1
    // w.Z = 0
    // w.X = 0
    // w.Y = -0.5
    // w.Z = 0
    // w.X = 0
    // ww.Y = 2
    // w.Z = 0
    // w.Magnitude = 2
    w.Move(3, 2, 0);
    // w.X = 3
    // w.Y = 4
    // w.Z = 0
    // w.Magnitude = 5
    Coordinate3D emptyVector = new Coordinate3D();
    // emptyVector = (0, 0, 0)
    // emptyVector = (Nan, Nan, Nan)
    Coordinate3D c1 = new Coordinate3D(2, 3, 4);
    Coordinate3D c2 = new Coordinate3D(9, -1, 3);
    var result_add = c1 + c2;
    // result_add = (11, 2, 7)
    var result_sub = c1 - c2;
    // result_sub = (-7, 4, 1)
    var b = result_sub != result_add;
    // b = true
    result_add = emptyVector + c1;
    // result_add = (Nan, Nan, Nan)
    b = result_add == emptyVector;
    // b = true

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

    ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
    See Also