ArcGIS Pro 3.3 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping Namespace / LineOfSightResult Class / ObstructionPoint Property

In This Topic
    ObstructionPoint Property
    In This Topic
    Gets the location, if any, of the first obstruction on the observer's sight line to the target.
    public MapPoint ObstructionPoint {get;}
    Public ReadOnly Property ObstructionPoint As MapPoint
    ObstructionPoint can be null - meaning there is no obstruction along the sight line. It will be projected to the LineOfSightParams.OutputSpatialReference or the spatial reference of the surface if LineOfSightParams.OutputSpatialReference is null.
    Get Line of Sight
    var losParams = new LineOfSightParams();
    losParams.ObserverPoint = observerPoint;
    losParams.TargetPoint = targetPoint;
    // add offsets if appropriate
    // losParams.ObserverHeightOffset = observerOffset;
    // losParams.TargetHeightOffset = targerOffset;
    // set output spatial reference
    losParams.OutputSpatialReference = MapView.Active.Map.SpatialReference;
    LineOfSightResult results = null;
      if (tinLayer.CanGetLineOfSight(losParams))
        results = tinLayer.GetLineOfSight(losParams);
    catch (Exception ex)
      // log exception message
    if (results != null)
      bool targetIsVisibleFromObserverPoint = results.IsTargetVisibleFromObserverPoint;
      bool targetVisibleFromVisibleLine = results.IsTargetVisibleFromVisibleLine;
      bool targetVisibleFromInVisibleLine = results.IsTargetVisibleFromInvisibleLine;
      if (results.VisibleLine != null)
        MapView.Active.AddOverlay(results.VisibleLine, visibleLineSymbol.MakeSymbolReference());
      if (results.InvisibleLine != null)
        MapView.Active.AddOverlay(results.VisibleLine, invisibleLineSymbol.MakeSymbolReference());
      if (results.ObstructionPoint != null)
        MapView.Active.AddOverlay(results.ObstructionPoint, obstructionPointSymbol.MakeSymbolReference());

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

    ArcGIS Pro version: 3.2 or higher.
    See Also