ArcGIS Pro 3.2 API Reference Guide
ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.Geoprocessing Namespace / Geoprocessing Class / OpenToolDialog Method
Use toolboxalias.toolname or toolname_toolboxalias for system tools, a path to a custom tool in a toolbox like @"C:\CustomTools\Toolbox.atbx\MyTool", or a relative path to a tool in a project toolbox like @"ProjectToolbox.atbx\MyTool"
Array of parameter values
Array of environment settings (name,value)
Add ToolDialog as new sub-pane
callback events are:

In This Topic
    OpenToolDialog Method
    In This Topic
    Activate Geoprocessing pane and open the tool dialog in the pane.


    Use toolboxalias.toolname or toolname_toolboxalias for system tools, a path to a custom tool in a toolbox like @"C:\CustomTools\Toolbox.atbx\MyTool", or a relative path to a tool in a project toolbox like @"ProjectToolbox.atbx\MyTool"
    Array of parameter values
    Array of environment settings (name,value)
    Add ToolDialog as new sub-pane
    callback events are:
    • OnBeginExecute - param = null. Can be sent miltiple times if user re-run the same tool
    • OnEndExecute - param type IGPResult. Can be sent miltiple times if user re-run the same tool
    • OnClose - param = null, send when user click back or open new tool in the same sub-pane
    Geoprocessing Open ToolDialog
    string input_points = @"C:\data\ca_ozone.gdb\ozone_points";
          string output_polys = @"C:\data\ca_ozone.gdb\ozone_buff";
          string buffer_dist = "2000 Meters";
          var param_values = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(input_points, output_polys, buffer_dist);
          Geoprocessing.OpenToolDialog("analysis.Buffer", param_values);
    Open a script tool dialog in Geoprocessing pane
    string input_data = @"C:\data\data.gdb\Population";
          string out_pdf = @"C:\temp\Reports.pdf";
          string field_name = "INCOME";
          // use defaults for other parameters - no need to pass any value
          var arguments = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(input_data, out_pdf, field_name);
          string toolpath = @"C:\data\WorkflowTools.tbx\MakeHistogram";
          Geoprocessing.OpenToolDialog(toolpath, arguments);
    Open the Geoprocessing Tool Pane for a specific Tool
    // For a System toolbox, to identify the specific tool to show, use
    // either:
    // o "ToolboxName.ToolName" - eg "analysis.Buffer"
    // o "Fullpath to Toolbox.tbx\Toolname" - eg:
    //       "C:\ArcGIS\Resources\ArcToolBox\Toolboxes\Analysis Tools.tbx\Buffer"
    // note:
    // For legacy purposes, the convention "ToolName_ToolBox" is also supported so,
    // o "Buffer_analysis" would also work
    // For a custom toolbox, the full path must be provided. So, for example,
    // given the custom toolbox "DeepThought.tbx" containing a python script tool
    // called "Answer", installed at "C:\Data\DeepThought-ProAddin\Toolboxes\toolboxes",
    // the full path would be:
    // o "C:\Data\DeepThought-ProAddin\Toolboxes\toolboxes\DeepThought.tbx\Answer"
    //Open the Buffer Tool GP Dialog - use either the full path or just 
    //use "ToolboxName.ToolName"
    var path = @"C:\ArcGIS\Resources\ArcToolBox\Toolboxes\Analysis Tools.tbx";
    var full_tool_name = System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "Buffer");
    var short_tool_name = "analysis.Buffer";
    var tool_name = short_tool_name;//or full_tool_name
    var extent = MapView.Active.Extent;
    var val_array = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
      var rect = GeometryEngine.Instance.Scale(extent, extent.Center, 0.25, 0.25) as Envelope;
      var poly = PolygonBuilderEx.CreatePolygon(rect, rect.SpatialReference);
      var geom = new List<object>() { poly };
      return Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(new object[] { geom, null, @"1000 Meters" });
    //Call OpenToolDialog on the UI thread!
    Geoprocessing.OpenToolDialog(tool_name, val_array, null, false);

    Target Platforms: Windows 11, Windows 10

    ArcGIS Pro version: 3 or higher.
    See Also