Enable Reviewer error results on a geodatabase

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Errors detected during the quality control process can be stored in a geodatabase as Reviewer error results and used during corrective workflows and for error reporting. The following outlines the steps for storing Reviewer error results in a geodatabase. For more information on geodatabases, see Types of geodatabases.

  • Directly editing Reviewer error results may corrupt the relationships between the various tables and may affect performance. It is recommended that you manage results using the Reviewer Results and Update Results panes.
  • For best performance, the spatial reference you select for your results should match the spatial reference of the data you are validating.

File geodatabase

Perform the following steps to store Reviewer error results in a file geodatabase.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro and open the Catalog pane if necessary.

    To open the Catalog pane, click the View tab and click Catalog Bereich "Katalog".

  2. Connect to a folder that contains the file geodatabase you want to use to store Reviewer error results.
  3. Click the Analysis tab and click Tools Werkzeuge.

    The Geoprocessing pane appears.

  4. In the Find Tools search box, type Enable Data Reviewer.
  5. Click the Enable Data Reviewer geoprocessing tool in the Search Results list.

    The Enable Data Reviewer geoprocessing tool appears in the Geoprocessing pane.

  6. For the Workspace parameter, browse to the file geodatabase you want to use to store Reviewer error results.
  7. For the Coordinate System parameter, select the spatial reference that matches the data you will be reviewing.
  8. Click Run.

    When the tables have been successfully created, a message appears at the bottom of the Geoprocessing pane.

Update Reviewer results to the current version

If you have Reviewer error results you created in earlier versions of Data Reviewer that you want to use with a later release of the software, the Reviewer workspace may need to be upgraded to the latest version depending on the original version.


Upgrading a Reviewer workspace created in an enterprise geodatabase requires credentials with administrative privileges. For more information, see Geodatabase management.

Nonversioned enterprise geodatabase

Follow the steps below to upgrade a Reviewer workspace created in a nonversioned enterprise geodatabase:

  1. Back up the geodatabase so you have a copy of your data before proceeding.
  2. Start ArcGIS Pro and open the Catalog pane if necessary.

    To open the Catalog pane, click the View tab and click Catalog Bereich "Katalog".

  3. Connect to a folder that contains the geodatabase you want to use to store Reviewer error results.
  4. Click the Analysis tab and click Tools Werkzeuge.

    The Geoprocessing pane appears.

  5. In the Find Tools search box, type Enable Data Reviewer.
  6. Click the Enable Data Reviewer geoprocessing tool in the Search Results list.

    The Enable Data Reviewer geoprocessing tool appears in the Geoprocessing pane.

  7. For the Workspace parameter, browse to the enterprise database connection file for the geodatabase that you want to upgrade.
  8. Leave the Coordinate System and Configuration Keyword parameters empty as they are ignored when upgrading an existing Reviewer workspace.
  9. Click Run.

    When the workspace has been successfully upgraded, a message appears at the bottom of the Geoprocessing pane.

Versioned enterprise geodatabase

Follow the steps below to upgrade a versioned Reviewer workspace created in a versioned (traditional) enterprise geodatabase:

  1. Back up the geodatabase so you have a copy of your data before proceeding.
  2. Start ArcGIS Pro and open the Catalog pane if necessary.

    To open the Catalog pane, click the View tab and click Catalog Bereich "Katalog".

  3. Create a new enterprise database connection with administrative privileges to your Reviewer enterprise workspace. For more information, see Connect to a database.
  4. Use the Reconcile Versions geoprocessing tool to reconcile all versions to your default version.
    1. For the Reconcile Mode parameter, choose Reconcile all versions.
    2. For the Target Version parameter, choose your default version.
    3. Check the Acquire Locks check box to ensure that the target version is not modified during the reconcile and post operation.
    4. Check the Post Versions after Reconcile check box to post to the target version after the reconcile.
  5. Use the Compress geoprocessing tool to remove states not referenced by a version and any redundant rows.
  6. Use the Enable Data Reviewer geoprocessing tool to upgrade the workspace to the current software version.
    1. For the Workspace parameter, browse to the enterprise database connection file for the geodatabase you want to upgrade.
    2. Leave the Coordinate System and Configuration Keyword parameters empty as they are ignored when upgrading an existing Reviewer workspace.

    The Enable Data Reviewer geoprocessing tool can be used to create or upgrade the contents of an existing Reviewer workspace (data and schema) to the current software version.

  7. Click Run.

    When the workspace has been successfully upgraded, a message appears at the bottom of the Geoprocessing pane.

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