Manage Reviewer error results

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Mit der Data Reviewer-Lizenz verfügbar.

Tutorial summary

In this exercise, you will use the errors found during data review to identify and correct features which do not meet quality requirements. You will also update the status of error results to document your progress.

Estimated time

30 minutes

Software requirements

ArcGIS Pro 2.4 or later

Data requirements

The data for this tutorial is available from the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro Tutorial page. This package contains an ArcGIS Pro project package and a subset of the Local Government sample data. To download the data, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro Tutorial page.
  2. Click Download.
  3. Extract the files to a convenient location on your computer, such as C:\Data_Reviewer_for_ArcGIS_Pro_Tutorial.

Open the project

In this exercise, you will open a project package using ArcGIS Pro and verify its contents.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro and sign in if necessary.

    If you have not already downloaded the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro tutorial data, see the data requirements listed above.

  2. On the start page, under your recent projects, click Open another project.

    If you already have a project open, click Open Projekt öffnen on the Quick Access Toolbar and go to step 4.

  3. On the Open page, under Open, click Computer and click Browse Durchsuchen.
  4. Browse to the Data_Reviewer\Exercise_6 folder on the Open Project dialog box.

    The Data_Reviewer\Exercise_6 folder is located in the directory where the Data Reviewer for ArcGIS Pro tutorial package was extracted.

  5. Select DataReviewerArcGISProTutorial_Exercise6.ppkx.
  6. Klicken Sie auf OK.
  7. The project opens with a topographic basemap containing city data zoomed to Naperville, Illinois.

Review error results

Error results are created through multiple workflows including automated validation of features using validation check and semi-automated workflows such as redlines created when visually reviewing data against an authoritative source. Regardless of how these results were created, they are stored in a geodatabase to enable centralized management and reporting of known data errors.

In this exercise, you will work in the Reviewer Results pane and browse results created during validation. The Reviewer Results pane enables you to view, interact with, and manage the results of your data validation.

  1. In the Catalog pane, expand Reviewer Results.
  2. Expand Session Results, right-click 1 : ArcGIS Pro Tutorial, and click Open.

    The Reviewer Results pane opens and displays the error results created in previous exercises. This information includes the life cycle and status of the result, the unique identifier and source of the error, a descriptive title, and the severity of the error relative to other errors.

  3. On the Edit tab, in the Data Reviewer group, click Manage Quality to activate the Manage Quality tab.
  4. On the Manage Quality tab, in the Results group, click Symbolize to display error layers in the active map for the error results displayed in the Reviewer Results pane.

    The Symbolize menu contains interactive controls for managing display settings.

  5. In the Reviewer Results pane, from the Reviewer Results menu , click the Feature Results filter to display only those error results associated with features and rows in your map.
  6. Double-click the ID column header to sort errors in ascending order.

    Reviewer Results pane

  7. Click the row expander (+) for feature 9 to display details of the result.

    The row expands to display details that include a description of the error, user-defined notes, and life cycle information such as the user name associated with identifying, correcting, and verifying the error.

    Reviewer Results details

  8. Double-click the row header of an error result to zoom to and select the feature associated with the error.

    The feature in error is selected, and the map zooms to it.

  9. In the Reviewer Results pane, right-click the row header of another result and click Pan To Results.

    The feature in error is selected and the map pans to it.

Correct errors on existing features

Reviewer error results follow a defined life cycle that progresses through three distinct phases. All errors begin in the Review phase, where they are assessed and, if necessary, corrective actions are taken. Once an error is corrected (or marked as an exception) it then progresses to the Corrected phase, where the related feature is assessed to ensure that the correction applied is appropriate. Errors that have been corrected properly are moved into the Verified phase. Errors that fail verification are returned to the Review phase for additional work.

In this exercise, you will review some of the error results and perform edits to correct features that do not quality requirements. After correcting the feature, you will then update the status of the error result.

  1. In the Reviewer Results pane, double-click the ID column header to sort the results in ascending order.
  2. Right-click the row header for feature 204 and click Zoom To Results.

    The feature is selected and the map zooms to the Mill School facility point feature. The point needs to be moved to the center of the polygon feature and the edits must be saved.

  3. Move, rotate, or scale a feature for the Mill School site.

    You may need to activate additional layers in the Contents pane to correct features properly.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for FacilitySitePoint (ID: 323).
  5. Once both points are moved, select FacilitySitePoint (ID: 204) and FacilitySitePoint (ID: 323) in the Reviewer Results pane.
  6. Right-click the row header of the selected errors and click Update Results.

    The Update Results pane appears with the results listed under the Review phase.

    Update Results pane

  7. Select the FacilitySitePoint (ID: 204) result in the tree view.
  8. Click the Update Correction Status drop-down arrow in the Status pane and choose Resolved.
  9. Type Moved facility point in the Correction Notes text box.
  10. Uncheck the Automatically verify result check box in the Status pane.

    When Automatically verify result is checked, error results that have been corrected are automatically moved to the to the Verified phase.

  11. Click Apply.

    The error's status changes to Resolved, and it appears under the Correction phase in the tree view. The icon for the result also changes in the Reviewer Results pane.

  12. Repeat steps 7 through 11 for FacilitySitePoint (ID: 323).

Both results are now in the Correction phase.

Correct missing feature errors

In this exercise, you will review errors related to missing features and perform edits to add these features to the database. After creating the missing features, you will update the status of the error result.

  1. In the Reviewer Results pane, double-click the ID column header to sort the results in ascending order.
  2. Right-click the row header for feature <Null> and click Pan To Results.

    The map pans to the location of a missing road centerline feature (N MAIN ST). A new feature needs to be created at this location to correct the error.

    Road centerline feature

  3. On the Edit tab, in the Features group, click Create.

    The Create Features pane appears containing feature templates for the active Map view.

  4. On the Create Features pane, click the Roads-Local Street centerline feature template to activate the Line tool.
  5. In the Map view, sketch a new road centerline starting from the bottom in the 13th AVE and ending in the cul-de-sac new Cornerstone Church.
    Road centerline

    The Create Features pane will show an error indication that the edit has violated an attribute constraint rule (Requirement ID 1—Road centerline must split at an intersection).

    Requirement ID 1 - Error
  6. Close the error message and press Esc.

    This clears the invalid sketch.


    To review attribute rules configured on features in your map do the following:

    1. In the Contents pane, choose a feature layer.
    2. In the Contents pane, right-click Road Centerline layer, and click Design-Attribute Rules. The Attribute Rules pane and tab appear.

  7. In the Create Features pane, create a new road centerline sketch starting from the intersection of W 14th AVE and ending in the cul-de-sac near Cornerstone Church.

    A new road centerline feature is created on the map.

    New road centerline feature

  8. In the Reviewer Results pane, right-click the row header for feature <Null> and click Pan To Results.

    The map pans to the location of a missing site address point feature. A new feature needs to be created at this location to correct the error.

    Site address point feature

  9. In the Create Features pane, click the Site Address Points-Current feature template to activate the Point tool.
  10. In the Map view, sketch a new site address point feature at the location of the error result.
  11. The Create Features pane will show an error indication that the edit has violated an attribute constraint rule (Requirement ID 3—Site address points must be within building footprints).

    Requirement ID 3 - Error

  12. Close the error message and press Esc.

    This clears the invalid sketch.

  13. In the Create Features pane, create a new site address point inside the boundaries of the building footprint feature.

    A new site address point feature is created on the map.

    New site address point feature

  14. Once both features have been created, choose RoadCenterline (ID: NULL) and SiteAddressPoint (ID: NULL) error in the Reviewer Results pane.
  15. Right-click the row header of the selected errors and click Update Results.

    The Update Results pane appears with the results listed under the Review phase.

    Update Results pane - Review section

  16. Click the red Review parent node.
  17. In the Status section, click the Update Correction Status drop-down arrow and choose Resolved.
  18. Type Missing feature created in the Correction Notes text box.
  19. If necessary, uncheck the Automatically verify result check box.

    If the Automatically verify result check box is checked, error results that have been corrected are automatically moved to the to the Verified phase.

  20. Klicken Sie auf Übernehmen.

Both results are now in the Correction phase.

Verify error results

After error results are in the Correction phase, another analyst can review the corrected feature and verify that they have been resolved correctly. The verification part of the workflow allows you to move errors to the Verified phase which ends the error life cycle.

In this exercise, you will verify that all features have been corrected properly and update the status of related errors in the Correction phase.

  1. In the Update Results pane, click RoadCenterline (ID: 0) found in the Correction phase.
  2. Click the Update Verification Status drop-down arrow in the Status pane and choose Acceptable.
  3. Type Error Verified in the Verification Notes text box.
  4. Click Apply.

    The error's status changes to Acceptable, and it appears under the Verification phase in the tree view. The icon for the result also changes in the Reviewer Results pane.

  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for SiteAddressPoint (ID: 0).

    Reviewer Results verified results

    All corrected errors are now verified.

  6. On the Quick Access Toolbar, optionally click the Save button Speichern to save the project.

You have completed the quality assurance workflow by adding error results to your project to validate your data using configured checks implemented in your project using either Reviewer batch jobs or map-based Reviewer rules. Finally, you have reviewed, corrected, and verified errors detected during data review.

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