Exporting ArcGIS Pro maps to the ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) database

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Mit der Workflow Manager-Lizenz verfügbar.

The Export Map button is accessible only to users with Administrator privileges and becomes available when a map view with a workflow connection is present. The tool exports the map to ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) with the same name as its item.

The exported map can then be used as a basemap or copied to a folder using Workflow Manager Administrator. The Export Map button is unavailable for the Define AOI and Launch ArcMap step types.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Create a new blank project or open an existing project.
  3. Insert a new map or import an existing map.
  4. In the map view, on the Workflow tab, click the Export Map button .
    Export Map button on Workflow tab

    The map is exported to ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic).

    If a map with the same name already exists, the following message appears:

    Workflow Manager (Classic) repository message

  5. On the Workflow Manager message, do one of the following:
    • Click Yes to replace the existing map in your database with the one you are currently exporting.
    • Click No to cancel the export process.