Take jobs offline and bring jobs online

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Mit der Workflow Manager-Lizenz verfügbar.

Offline jobs

Offline jobs allow you to utilize workflow management capabilities when disconnected from your organization's network. The benefit of working with offline jobs is that you can complete tasks assigned to you when in the field or when off of the network.

When you take a job offline, all the necessary configuration elements required for the job to work in the offline mode are taken offline as well. Once the work in the offline mode has been completed, the jobs are brought back online, along with any new information associated with them.

Disconnected job life cycle

Offline jobs are still displayed by queries in the enterprise environment and can be opened as read-only, but they cannot be executed or worked on in an enterprise environment until they are brought back online. When offline, jobs have almost all of the functionality that is available with online jobs. Jobs can be taken offline and brought back online in several ways; the steps for these methods are discussed below.

Take jobs offline

Jobs are taken offline using the workflow view and job view. When a job is taken offline, the necessary configuration elements are taken offline. The job's workflow, all the steps in the workflow, the extended properties, the job type, and the associated tasks are taken offline for the job. All the hold types, priorities, status types, activity types, job notifications, queries, groups, users, and privileges are also taken offline so the job would work as expected when disconnected from the network.

Using the Workflow tab

One or more jobs can be taken offline from the enterprise Workflow Manager (Classic) geodatabase using the Workflow tab.

  1. In the workflow view, select one or more jobs in the job list.
  2. On the Workflow tab, in the Actions group, click the Take Offline button Auftrag offline nehmen.

    This will take the jobs offline.

Using the job list on the workflow view

One or more jobs can be taken offline from the enterprise Workflow Manager (Classic) geodatabase in the workflow view using the job list context menu.

Context menu from the job list

  1. In the workflow view, select one or more jobs in the job list.
  2. Right-click the selected jobs and click Take Offline.

    This will take the jobs offline.

Using the job view

A job can be taken offline from the job view.

  1. On the Job tab, in the Job group, click the Take Offline button Auftrag offline nehmen.

    This will take the job offline.

Bring jobs online

Once offline work is complete and the project is connected to the network again, the offline job can be brought back online to sync the offline job with the enterprise Workflow Manager (Classic) geodatabase. The changes made to the offline job are then applied to the enterprise geodatabase.

A user who has the OfflineJobOverride privilege can bring jobs online without access to the Workflowoffline.gdb for the project that the offline job is in. When the OfflineJobOverride privilege is used to bring a job back online, all of the offline changes will be lost. In this situation only the available state of the online job will be reactivated. This can be used in instances where the offline database becomes unavailable and a job needs to be worked on.

Using the Workflow tab

One or more jobs at a time can be brought back online in the enterprise Workflow Manager (Classic) geodatabase using the Workflow tab.

  1. In the workflow view, select one or more offline jobs in the job list.
  2. On the Workflow tab, in the Actions group, click the Bring Online button Online schalten.

Using the workflow view job list

One or more jobs at a time can be can be brought back online in the enterprise Workflow Manager (Classic) geodatabase from the workflow view using the job list context menu.

Context Menu from Job list

  1. In the workflow view, select one or more offline jobs in the job list.
  2. Right-click the selected jobs and click Bring Online.

Using the job view

A job can be brought back online from the job view.

  1. On the Job tab, in the Job group, click the Bring Online button Online schalten.

Jobs can be taken offline and brought back online from the workflow view and the job view.