Maps and versioning in Workflow Manager (Classic)

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In Workflow Manager (Classic), you can store maps and associate these maps with job types. An advantage of storing these maps in the Workflow Manager (Classic) system is that they can be reused across numerous job types without making duplicates. You can establish links between the job types and map documents to determine what map to present to the end user. There are two maps that usually relate to a job type—a job's basemap template and an LOI basemap template. Maps are also used on the Workflow view to display the results of a job query. This can be configured through system settings.

The job's basemap template is the map that is opened when you are in an ArcGIS Pro and provide the editor with the data needed to carry out tasks. For example, if you are doing updates to a transportation system, the data may be street and rail feature classes symbolized in an appropriate fashion.

The LOI basemap template is the map that is presented to your users when they are defining jobs spatially or defining a location of interest (LOI) for a job. When defining a location of interest, it is important to have background layers that are applicable to the area you are working in. For example, if you are doing work based on a certain set of features, you should have those features defined as your backdrop for LOI definition.

Author maps for Workflow Manager (Classic)

Editing maps that are going be used as the job's basemap template need to be authored in a specific way to ensure the appropriate layers are repointed to the job’s editing version and privileges. The layers in the job maps can be from various sources, such as the data workspace or reference database; however, only the layers from the data workspace will be repointed to the job's editing version.

Version the job map

The layers in the job map are repointed to the editing version and user connection information based on the option selected in the Import/Launch Mapping Items step. The step has three options for version repointing:

  • Change all connection information—This will repoint the layers to a job's version, and user connection information will be changed based on the connection information of the data workspace of the job. Only the layers referencing data from the data workspace and chosen to be repointed in the job type properties will be repointed. The layers referencing data from the data workspace and chosen not to be repointed in the job type properties will be displayed with their default version. However, the layers that are not referencing data from the data workspace and chosen to be repointed in the job type properties will be displayed as a broken data source. Further, the layers that are not referencing data from the data workspace and chosen not to be repointed in the job type properties will be displayed with their default version.
  • Change only the version of the job's data workspace—This will only repoint the layers to a job's version and will not change the user connection information. All layers referencing data from the data workspace will be repointed to a job's editing version irrespective of whether they have been chosen to be repointed in the job type properties. The layers that are not referencing data from the data workspace will be displayed as a broken data source.
  • Do not change any connection information—The version or user connection information of the layers in the map will not be changed.