Working with large datasets in Geostatistical Analyst

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Mit der Geostatistical Analyst-Lizenz verfügbar.

In general, the interpolation methods of Geostatistical Analyst can process large amounts of input data. However, some of the methods—for example, kriging and radial basis functions—may fail to complete, or the process may take a very long time to complete.

The reading of data, especially large datasets, often accounts for most of the processing time. To ensure optimal performance when using Geostatistical Analyst, the input data is rewritten to scratch files, using an indexing system. These scratch files are utilized when the same data is used with different interpolation techniques or when different interpolation parameters are used with the same input data.

The scratch files are written to the ArcGIS Pro local cache folder (in Windows at ...\AppData\Local\ESRI\Local Caches\GACacheV1). The file names are usually preceded by ga. These files usually have a file extension of .ds01, .ds02, or .ds03.


ERROR 000426: Out Of Memory may also be thrown if there is insufficient disk space available for the scratch files.