Erstellen und Ändern von LRS-Schnittpunkten

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Mit der Location Referencing-Lizenz verfügbar.

You can create intersections in a new intersection feature class for an existing LRS Network; modify an existing intersection feature class in an existing LRS Network; or load event records from a table, layer, or feature class into an existing intersection feature class.

Erstellen eines LRS-Schnittpunktes

Use the Create LRS Intersection tool to create an intersection point feature class for a parent LRS Network. If the intersection feature class is not modeled in advance, it can be created as an output of this tool while the intersection is registered in the LRS geodatabase.

Weitere Informationen zu Feldern und Eigenschaften der Intersection-Feature-Class

To add intersections to the intersection feature class, run the Generate Intersections tool.

Weitere Informationen zum Erstellen und Aktualisieren von Schnittpunkten

Gehen Sie wie folgt vor, um eine Intersection-Feature-Class im LRS zu erstellen.

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, open the Create LRS Intersection tool.
  2. Klicken Sie neben Parent LRS Network auf die Schaltfläche Browse Durchsuchen, und navigieren Sie in der Geodatabase zur LRS-Network-Feature-Class, in der das Ereignis registriert wird.

    The Network Description drop-down list is populated based on the LRS Network value.


    Erstellen Sie eine LRS-Network-Feature-Class, sofern im LRS noch keine vorhanden ist.

  3. Click the Network Description drop-down arrow and choose a field to use as the network description.
  4. Type the name of the intersection to be registered in the Intersection Feature Class text box.

    If the intersection feature class doesn't exist in the LRS Network, it is created.

  5. Click the Intersection Layer drop-down arrow and choose a field to use as the intersection layer.
  6. Click the ID Field drop-down arrow and choose a field to use as the ID field or type a name for the intersection ID intersection field in the ID Field text box.
  7. Click the Description Field drop-down arrow and choose a field to use as the description field or type a name in the Description Field text box.
  8. Type an alphanumeric value to use as a name separator in the Name Separator text box.
  9. Optionally, uncheck the Consider z-values when generating intersections check box if you want z-values to be used during the generation of intersections.

    If Consider z-values when generating intersections is checked, type a z-tolerance value in the Z Tolerance text box.

  10. Click Run to run the tool.

The intersection feature class is mapped to the selected fields.

Erstellen eines LRS-Schnittpunktes aus einem vorhandenen Dataset

Use the Create LRS Intersection From Existing Dataset tool to create intersections for an LRS Network using an existing feature class.

Weitere Informationen zu Feldern und Eigenschaften der Intersection-Feature-Class

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, open the Create LRS Intersection From Existing Dataset tool.
  2. Klicken Sie neben Parent LRS Network auf die Schaltfläche Browse Durchsuchen, und navigieren Sie in der Geodatabase zur LRS-Intersection-Feature-Class, in der der Schnittpunkt registriert wird.

    Erstellen Sie eine LRS-Network-Feature-Class, sofern im LRS noch keine vorhanden ist.

  3. Click the Network Description drop-down arrow and choose the network description field to use or type a value.
  4. Choose the intersection feature class by clicking the Intersection Feature Class drop-down arrow.

    The remaining fields are populated based on the chosen intersection feature class, with the exception of Intersecting Layers.

  5. Use the default name or choose the intersection ID field from the Intersection ID Field drop-down list.
  6. Use the default name or choose the intersection name field from the Intersection Name Field drop-down list.
  7. Use the default name or choose the route ID from the Route ID Field drop-down list.
  8. Use the default name or choose the feature ID from the Feature ID Field drop-down list.
  9. Use the default name or choose the from date field name from the From Date Field drop-down list.
  10. Use the default name or choose the to date field name from the To Date Field drop-down list.
  11. In the Intersecting Layers value table, click the Intersection Layer drop-down arrow and choose an intersection layer.
    1. Click the ID Field drop-down arrow and choose an ID field.
    2. Click the Description Field drop-down arrow and choose a description field.
    3. Click the Name Separator drop-down arrow and choose a separator field.
  12. Optionally, click the add button next to Intersecting Layers to add additional intersecting layer value tables and define the value table fields for each intersecting layer.
  13. Optionally, check the Consider z-values when generating intersections check box to use z-values during the generation of intersections.

    If Consider z-values when generating intersections is checked, type a z-tolerance value in the Z Tolerance text box.

  14. Type the name of a field in the intersection feature class in the Measure Field text box to use as a measure field.
  15. Click Run to run the tool.

The intersection feature class is mapped to the selected fields.

Ändern eines LRS-Schnittpunktes

You can modify existing LRS intersections using the Modify LRS Intersection tool by remapping one or more LRS intersections fields in an LRS Intersection feature class. You can use this tool to add or remove properties from an intersection point event.

Fields you use for field remapping should be created in the underlying LRS Intersection feature class before using this tool and must have the properties outlined in the intersections data model.

Weitere Informationen zu Feldern und Eigenschaften der Intersection-Feature-Class

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, open the Modify LRS Intersection tool.
  2. Choose the LRS Intersection feature class to modify by clicking the Intersection Feature Class drop-down arrow.

    The input feature class must represent an LRS intersection.


    You can also type the intersection feature class name in the Intersection Feature Class text box.

    The remaining fields are automatically populated based on the chosen intersection feature class, with the exception of Intersecting Layers.

  3. Use the default name or choose the intersection ID field from the Intersection ID Field drop-down list.
  4. Use the default name or choose the intersection name field from the Intersection Name Field drop-down list.
  5. Use the default name or choose the route ID from the Route ID Field drop-down list.
  6. Use the default name or choose the feature ID from the Feature ID Field drop-down list.
  7. Use the default name or choose the feature class name field from the Feature Class Name Field drop-down list.
  8. Use the default name or choose the from date field name from the From Date Field drop-down list.
  9. Use the default name or choose the to date field name from the To Date Field drop-down list.
  10. In the Intersecting Layers value table, click the Intersection Layer drop-down arrow and choose an intersection layer.
    1. Click the ID Field drop-down arrow and choose an ID field.
    2. Click the Description Field drop-down arrow and choose a description field.
    3. Click the Name Separator drop-down arrow and choose a separator field.
  11. Type the name of a field to use as a measure field in the Intersection Feature Class in the Measure Field text box.
  12. Click Run to run the tool.

The intersection feature class is remapped to the selected fields.