
Create and modify an LRS

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Mit der Location Referencing-Lizenz verfügbar.

A linear referencing system (LRS) extends the geodatabase to provide additional capabilities for linear referencing, including support for multiple linear referencing methods (LRMs), event location management, and a time-aware LRS.

You can create an LRS with a feature dataset that contains centerline, calibration point, and redline feature classes; create an LRS from an existing dataset; or modify an existing LRS using geoprocessing tools.

See LRS data model to learn about the data elements used in the LRS.

Create an LRS

You can use the Create LRS geoprocessing tool to create an LRS using the minimum schema. The minimum schema items created are the centerline, calibration point, and redline feature classes, and the centerline sequence table. The names for the LRS; the centerline, calibration point, and redline feature classes; and the centerline sequence table should not already exist in the geodatabase.

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, open the Create LRS geoprocessing tool.
  2. Click the Browse button Durchsuchen next to Input Location and browse to the geodatabase in which the LRS will be created.
  3. Type the name of the new LRS in the LRS Name text box.
  4. Name the following minimum schema items:
    • Type the name of the centerline feature class to create in the Centerline Feature Class Name text box.
    • Type the name of the calibration point feature class to create in the Calibration Point Feature Class Name text box.
    • Type the name of the redline point feature class to create in the Redline Feature Class Name text box.
  5. Type the name of the centerline sequence table to create in the Centerline Sequence Table Name text box.
  6. Click the Spatial Reference drop-down arrow and choose a spatial reference for the new LRS.

    Alternatively click Select coordinate system Koordinatensystem on the Coordinate System dialog box to choose the spatial reference.

  7. Define the tolerance and resolution for all of the following:
    • Define the x,y tolerance for the new LRS in the XY Tolerance text box.

      It is recommended that you have an x,y- and a z-tolerance at least 10 times as large as the x,y- and z-resolution for data used in Roads and Highways.

    • Define the z-tolerance for the new LRS in the Z Tolerance text box.
    • Define the x,y-resolution for the new LRS in the XY Resolution text box.
    • Define the z-resolution for the new LRS in the Z Resolution text box.

    The spatial reference, tolerance, and resolution inputs will be applied to all output feature classes.

    Tolerance and resolution fields in the LRS must share a unit of measure of meters or feet. For more information, see Tolerance and resolution settings for the LRS.

  8. Click Run to create the LRS.

    The LRS entities that comprise an LRS are created in the geodatabase.

  9. In the Catalog pane, expand the geodatabase you specified above to view the new feature dataset, minimum schema feature classes, and the centerline sequence table.

    The centerline, calibration point, and redline feature classes are created in a feature dataset with the provided LRS name.

Create an LRS from an existing dataset

You can create an LRS from an existing dataset using the Create LRS From Existing Dataset geoprocessing tool. The existing centerline, calibration point, and redline feature classes that are not yet registered with an LRS must be inside a common feature dataset. The feature dataset name can be different from the LRS name.

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, open the Create LRS From Existing Dataset geoprocessing tool.
  2. Type the name of the new LRS in the LRS Name text box.
  3. Expand the Centerline section, click the Centerline - Feature Class drop-down arrow, and choose the feature class in an existing dataset to use as the centerline feature class. Alternatively click the Browse button Durchsuchen and browse to an existing dataset.
  4. Click the Centerline - Centerline ID Field drop-down arrow and choose the centerline ID field.

    This field is populated based on the feature class chosen in the Centerline - Feature Class parameter. The field type must match the centerlineID field type in the centerline sequence table.

  5. Expand the Centerline Sequence section, click the Centerline Sequence - Table drop-down arrow, and choose the table to use as the centerline sequence table. Alternatively click the Browse button Durchsuchen and browse to an existing dataset.
    1. Click the Centerline Sequence - Centerline ID Field drop-down arrow and choose the centerline ID field in your centerline sequence table. The field type must match the centerline ID field type and length in the Centerline feature class.
    2. Click the Centerline Sequence - Route ID Field drop-down arrow and choose the route ID field in your centerline sequence table. The field type must match the routeID field type and length in the calibration point and redline feature classes.
    3. Click the Centerline Sequence - From Date Field drop-down arrow and choose the From date field in your centerline sequence table. This field must be a date field containing the From date.
    4. Click the Centerline Sequence - To Date Field drop-down arrow and choose the To date field in your centerline sequence table. This field must be a date field containing the To date.
    5. Click the Centerline Sequence - Network ID Field drop-down arrow and choose the network ID field in your centerline sequence table. The Short Integer field type is supported.
  6. Expand the Calibration Point section, click the Calibration Point - Feature Class drop-down arrow, and choose the feature class in your existing dataset to use as the calibration point feature class. Alternatively click the Browse button Durchsuchen and browse to an existing dataset.
    1. Click the Calibration Point - Measure Field drop-down arrow and choose a measure field. The Double field type is supported.
    2. Click the Calibration Point - From Date Field drop-down arrow and choose the From date field in your calibration point feature class. This field must be a date field containing the From date.
    3. Click the Calibration Point - To Date Field drop-down arrow and choose the To date field in your calibration point feature class. This field must be a date field containing the To date.
    4. Click the Calibration Point - Route ID Field drop-down arrow and choose the route ID field in your calibration point feature class. The field type must match the routeID field type and length in the centerline sequence table and redline feature class.
    5. Click the Calibration Point - Network ID Field drop-down arrow and choose the network ID field in your calibration point feature class. The Short Integer field type is supported.
  7. Expand the Redline section, click the Redline - Feature Class drop-down arrow, and choose the feature class in your existing dataset to use as the redline feature class. Alternatively click the Browse button Durchsuchen and browse to an existing dataset.

    The Redline feature class must not be z- or m-enabled.

    1. Click the Redline - From Measure Field drop-down arrow and choose the From measure field in your redline feature class. The Double field type is supported.
    2. Click the Redline - To Measure Field drop-down arrow and choose the To measure field in your redline feature class. The Double field type is supported.
    3. Click the Redline - Route ID Field drop-down arrow and choose the route ID field in your redline feature class. The GUID and Text field types are supported. The field type must match the routeID field type and length in the calibration point feature class and centerline sequence table.
    4. Click the Redline - Route Name Field drop-down arrow and choose the route name field in your redline feature class. The field must be a Text field containing the route name.
    5. Click the Redline - Effective Date Field drop-down arrow and choose the effective date field in your redline feature class. The field must be a Date field containing the effective date.
    6. Click the Redline - Activity Type Field drop-down arrow and choose the activity type field in your redline feature class. The Short Integer field type is supported.
    7. Click the Redline - Network ID Field drop-down arrow and choose the network ID field in your redline feature class. The Short Integer field type is supported.
  8. Click Run to create the LRS from your existing dataset.

    The LRS is created in the geodatabase specified.

  9. In the Catalog pane, expand the input location you specified above to view the new feature dataset, minimum schema feature classes, and the centerline sequence table.

    The centerline, calibration point, and redline feature classes are created in a feature dataset with the provided LRS name.

Modify an existing LRS

You can modify an existing LRS in the specified workspace. You can change which centerline, calibration point, or redline feature class is registered with the LRS, and you can change configurations, such as enabling conflict prevention. The existing centerline, calibration point, and redline feature classes that are registered with an LRS must be inside a common feature dataset. The feature dataset name can be different from the LRS name.

The Modify LRS geoprocessing tool can be used on a feature class or table with or without geometry or records.

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, open the Modify LRS geoprocessing tool.
  2. Click the Browse button Durchsuchen next to Input Workspace and browse to the workspace that contains the LRS you want to modify.
  3. Click the Current LRS Name drop-down arrow and choose the name of the LRS you want to modify.

    When you choose the current LRS name, all the existing feature classes are populated in the Centerline, Centerline Sequence, Calibration Point, and Redline sections.


    The route ID and centerline ID must be unique; however, this tool doesn't check for duplicate IDs or nonexistent network IDs.

  4. Type the new name of the LRS in the New LRS Name text box.
  5. Optionally click the Conflict Prevention drop-down arrow and enable or disable conflict prevention.

    Conflict prevention must be set to Enable if you intend to publish feature services. For more information, see Conflict prevention.

  6. Expand any section that contains a feature class you want to modify, click the Browse button Durchsuchen, and choose the feature class.
  7. Click Run to modify the LRS.