
View redline properties

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Mit der Location Referencing-Lizenz verfügbar.

You can view the properties of a redline as either a map layer or a feature class.

Redline properties

The following tables describe the redline properties:


The Redline Name property appears at the top of the Location Referencing tab.


Redline Name

The name of the redline feature class.


You can view the following Fields properties for the redline feature class:


From Measure

The Start Measure field of the redline feature class.

To Measure

The End Measure field of the redline feature class.

Route ID

The unique ID of the route with which the redline is associated.

Route Name

The unique name of the route with which the redline is associated.

Effective Date

The effective date of the redline feature.

Activity Type

The edit activity type of the redline feature, such as create route, extend route, and so on.

Network ID

The unique ID of the network with which the redline is associated.

View redline properties by map layer

You can view the properties of a redline map layer from the Contents pane:

  1. Open the Contents pane in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Right-click the redline layer whose properties you want to view and click Properties.

    The Layer Properties dialog box appears with the selected network layer name shown in the title bar.


    The dialog box tabs that appear on the left of the dialog box are specific to the selected layer type.

  3. Click the Location Referencing tab on the left.

    Scroll down if the tab isn't visible in the list.

    The Location Referencing tab displays general properties for your selection at the top, with additional nodes below.

  4. Click the arrow for a node to expand or collapse its properties.

    If the value or field name is longer than the display, hover over the property to view its details, or resize the dialog box to view additional details.


    You can copy the read-only properties to your clipboard.

  5. Click OK to exit the Layer Properties dialog box.

View redline properties by feature class

You can view the properties of a redline feature class from the Catalog pane:

  1. Open the Catalog pane in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Expand the geodatabase connection and any subfolders to browse to the feature class.
  3. Right-click the redline feature class whose properties you want to view and click Properties.

    The Feature Class Properties dialog box appears with the selected feature class name shown in the title bar.


    The dialog box tabs that appear on the dialog box are specific to the selected layer type.

  4. Click the Location Referencing tab on the left.

    Scroll down if the tab isn't visible in the list.

    The Location Referencing tab displays general properties for your selection at the top, with additional nodes below.

  5. Click the arrow for a node to expand or collapse its properties.

    If the value or field name is longer than the display, hover over the property to view its details, or resize the dialog box to view additional details.


    You can copy the read-only properties to your clipboard.

  6. Click OK to exit the Feature Class Properties dialog box.