Create and close jobs

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Mit der Workflow Manager-Lizenz verfügbar.

A job is a unit of work performed by one or more people. For example, updating parcel data, creating a new work plan for a residential subdivision, and creating a map of a specific scale each qualifies as a job. Each individual job is an instance of the job template, which serves as the blueprint for a job. The job is comprised of many components, which contain information for executing the job and contribute to activity logging. For more information about executing a job and accessing the descriptive information and history of the job, see Job view.

Create jobs

A new job is created by creating an instance or a copy of the predefined job template and its properties. The workflow of the job can be automatically executed immediately after the job is created, and all the steps that are set to automatically execute will be executed. When defining these workflows, you should consider adding fewer steps that require user interaction so that it can be run unmanaged. If a step requiring user interaction is included in the workflow, the job will stop at this step and await user feedback to continue execution.

The Auto-execute workflow upon job creation option is defined in ArcGIS Workflow Manager (Classic) Administrator. Once applied, this setting is consumed by ArcGIS Pro.

Learn more about advanced workflow concepts


Creating a job is a privilege-based activity and requires the CreateJob privilege. If you are unable to create jobs, contact your administrator.

  1. Click the Workflow tab.
  2. Click a job template in the Create Jobs gallery.

    A job is created based on the default properties of the job template, and the job view opens to display the job information.


    The Create Jobs gallery can be expanded to display all the job types that exist in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database. The job templates can be filtered by category, by clicking the All drop-down arrow at the top of the expanded gallery.

Job type in favorites category

If you create jobs of a specific job type often, you can add the job type to favorites in the create job gallery. The job types added to favorites are displayed before other categories. The favorites are saved with the project, so you can have a different list of job types in favorites for different projects.

Add a job type to favorites

Job types that are used to create jobs often can be added to favorites and displayed before other categories.

  1. On the Workflow tab, in the Create group, expand the gallery, if needed.
  2. Right-click the job type name and click Add to Favorites.

    The job type is added in the Favorites category displayed in the expanded gallery.

Remove a job type from favorites

Job types that are not being used to create jobs often can be removed from favorites.

  1. On the Workflow tab, in the Create group, expand the gallery, if needed.
  2. Right-click the job type name in the Favorites category and click Remove from Favorites.

    The job type is removed from the Favorites category displayed in the expanded gallery.

Create a job with advanced options

Jobs can be created using the Advanced option on the create job gallery with changes in predefined job types properties. The Advanced option on the create job gallery opens the Create New Jobs geoprocessing tool. It can be used to create multiple jobs with a predefined location of interest, and to change job assignment and priority defined in default job type properties.

Close jobs

Once the job is completed, it can be closed. During the life of the job, one or more jobs can be closed at any time from the Workflow view if you have the CloseJob privilege. Jobs that are offline cannot be closed until they are first brought online. Once a job is closed, it cannot be reopened unless you have the CanReopenClosedJobs privilege.

Jobs can be closed in the enterprise Workflow Manager (Classic) geodatabase using the Workflow tab.

  1. In the workflow view, select one or more jobs in the job list.
  2. On the Workflow tab, in the Actions group, click Close Schließen.

    This will close the jobs in the Workflow Manager (Classic) geodatabase.

Create jobs from maps

The Workflow tab capability allows you to create jobs in Workflow Manager (Classic) based on map selections.


The availability of the Workflow tab in the map view depends on the connection to the Workflow Manager (Classic) database. Job creation on the Workflow tab still honors the CreateJob privilege. It will be grayed out without the privilege. The number of jobs that are being created is determined by the number of selected features on the map. Workflow Manager (Classic) supports single or multiple selection of points and polygons.


Line feature selection is not supported; if a line is selected it will be ignored during the creation of jobs.

  1. Import or create a new map.
  2. Click the Workflow tab.

    The Workflow tab allows you to make a selection on the map.


    Currently only polygons and points are supported as AOI or POI respectively for newly created jobs.

  3. Use the Job Gallery on the Workflow tab to create new jobs. The map selection defines the LOI in the new job.
  4. If necessary, click the Clear button Entfernen on the Workflow tab to clear any selection, and make a new selection.

    If no features are selected the job is created without defining the LOI.

  5. At the creation of more than ten jobs a warning message appears.
    • No—The creation is cancelled.
    • Yes—The progress indicator will proceed to show activity.

    The job creation honors AOI Overlapping in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database system setting. If the map selection partially overlaps the existing job LOI, the job will not be created with the overlapped feature in the selection. The rest of the selection will still define the LOI in other jobs. A toast notification message will pop up warning the user that not all jobs were created.

  6. Hinweis:

    If you check the Merge Features check box, it allows you to define one union polygon or multipoint feature from the map selection and create only one job regardless of the number of the features being selected on the map.