Update a job's workflow

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Mit der Workflow Manager-Lizenz verfügbar.

When a job type's workflow is updated, you can update existing jobs to use the updated workflow. Complete these steps to update a job's workflow:

  1. Open the Workflow View if necessary.
    1. Click the View tab.
    2. Click the Workflow Manager drop-down arrow and click Workflow View (Classic).

      The workflow view appears.

  2. Select the job that you want to update in the Job List section.

    To select multiple jobs, press and hold the Ctrl key while selecting jobs.


    Offline jobs and jobs that aren't assigned to you can't be updated.

  3. Right-click the selected job and click Recreate Workflow Workflow neu erstellen.

    The Recreate Workflow dialog box appears.


    If you don't have the CanRecreateWorkflow privilege, you can't update a job's workflow.

  4. Click Yes to update the workflow.

    The job is recreated with the new workflow diagram, the job status is set to the original status of the first step, the current step is reset to the first step in the workflow, the percent complete is reset to 0, and existing step-based dependencies are not maintained. The job history is also updated to indicate that the workflow was recreated.