Analyze Airport Features (Aviation)

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Mit der Aviation Airports-Lizenz verfügbar.


Analyzes specified point features around an airfield to find and record information such as distance from a given runway centerline or the end of the nearest runway, and the designation for that nearest runway.


  • The Input Features do not need to have any specific field schema. Only the geometry field and object ID field are required.

  • In the absence of shape z-values in the input airport features, when Shape Z is specified, a height of 0 will be assumed.

  • If Input Features contains a description field, the description field and values will be included in the output. The name of the description field can be one of the following:

    • DESC

  • A five-nautical mile search radius will be used to filter searches made by the tool when it locates the nearest features to the Input Runway Features.

  • If Input Runway Features contains a runway designation field, runway designation values will be included in the output. The name of the runway designation field can be one of the following:


  • If the input runway end-point or airport reference point features are not provided, the resulting output fields will be empty.

  • If Runway End Features contains a runway end designation field, runway end designation values will be included in the output. The name of the optional runway end designation field must be RUNWAYENDD.


Input Features

The input point features that will be analyzed and recorded, in terms of their physical relationships to features in the other inputs.

Feature Layer
Input Runway Features

The input runway polyline features, specifically their centerlines, that will be used in the analysis.

Feature Layer
Output Table

The output table, with a row for each input airport feature, containing the analytical results.

Table View
Input Features Height

The name of a field in the input airport features dataset. The specified field must contain numeric values. The values in this field will be used to identify the height of each input airport feature.

  • SHAPE_ZHeight values will be derived from the z-values of the input point features. This is the default.
Input Features Height Unit

Specifies the linear unit of measure that will be used when the Input Features Height parameter is specified.

  • KilometersKilometers
  • MetersMeters
  • DecimetersDecimeters
  • CentimetersCentimeters
  • MillimetersMillimeters
  • Nautical MilesNautical miles
  • MilesMiles
  • YardsYards
  • FeetFeet
  • InchesInches
  • Decimal DegreesDecimal degrees
  • PointsPoints
  • UnknownUnknown
Runway End Features

The input runway end point features associated with the runways in the Input Features Height Unit parameter that represent the thresholds of those runways.

Feature Layer
Airport Reference Point Features

The input airport reference point features that define the center point of an airport, located at the geometric center of all the usable runways and computed as a weighted average of the end of runway coordinates.

Feature Layer
Airport Reference Point Height

The name of a field in the input airport reference point features dataset. The specified field must contain numeric values. The values in this field will be used to identify the height of each input airport reference point feature.

  • SHAPE_ZThe z-value of each point. This is the default.
Airport Reference Point Height Unit

The linear unit of measure that will be used when the airport reference point height is specified.

  • KilometersKilometers
  • MetersMeters
  • DecimetersDecimeters
  • CentimetersCentimeters
  • MillimetersMillimeters
  • Nautical MilesNautical miles
  • MilesMiles
  • YardsYards
  • FeetFeet
  • InchesInches
  • Decimal DegreesDecimal degrees
  • PointsPoints
  • UnknownUnknown


Dieses Werkzeug verwendet keine Geoverarbeitungsumgebungen.


  • Basic: Nein
  • Standard: Erfordert Airports
  • Advanced: Nein

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