Create Geostatistical Layer (Geostatistical Analyst)

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Mit der Geostatistical Analyst-Lizenz verfügbar.


Creates a new geostatistical layer. An existing geostatistical layer is required to populate the initial values for the new layer.


  • The Geostatistical model must be a geostatistical layer. The complete name of the dataset used to create the geostatistical layer is stored within the layer.

  • If the geostatistical model source uses a normal score transformation, the parameters of the transformation will be recalculated for the input datasets.

  • Layers can be input to the Input dataset(s) parameter. If you specify a layer, the selected features in the layer will be used to create the Geostatistical Layer. If you specify a path to a dataset on disk, all features in the dataset will be used.

  • In Python scripting, the GeostatisticalDatasets ArcPy class will be useful for populating the Input dataset(s) parameter.

  • For data formats that support Null values, such as file geodatabase feature classes, a Null value will be used to indicate that a prediction could not be made for that location or that the value should be ignored when used as input. For data formats that do not support Null values, such as shapefiles, the value of -1.7976931348623158e+308 is used (this is the negative of the C++ defined constant DBL_MAX) to indicate that a prediction could not be made for that location.


Input geostatistical model source

The geostatistical model source to be analyzed.

File; Geostatistical Layer
Input dataset(s)

The name of the input datasets and field names used in the creation of the output layer.

Geostatistical Value Table
Output geostatistical layer

The geostatistical layer produced by the tool.

Geostatistical Layer


  • Basic: Erfordert Geostatistical Analyst
  • Standard: Erfordert Geostatistical Analyst
  • Advanced: Erfordert Geostatistical Analyst

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