Append Events (Location Referencing)

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Mit der Location Referencing-Lizenz verfügbar.


Appends event records from a table, layer, or feature class to an existing ArcGIS Location Referencing event feature class.


When the target layer is a feature service layer, the validation results for this tool are written to a file in the ArcGIS Server directory. By default, this file will be automatically cleaned up after 10 minutes, which may not be enough time to process all of the validations and write them to your workstation that is running ArcGIS Pro. For larger data loads, it is recommended that you adjust the maximum file age to at least one hour. You can edit a server directory in Manager to adjust this setting.


  • An LRS dataset is required to run this tool. To create an LRS dataset, add the calibration point, centerline, and redline layers to a feature dataset; then run the Modify LRS tool with the geodatabase as the input.

  • The Input Event can be a table, layer, or feature class.

    Learn more about fields required by the ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing events data model

    Learn more about fields required by the Roads and Highways events data model

  • The Target Event should be a layer or feature class registered with Location Referencing.

  • This tool supports point and polyline features. The feature type in the input and target event parameters should match.

  • If the Generate Event ID GUIDs for loaded events parameter is checked and you want GUIDs generated, either do not map the EventID field in the field mapping section or be sure to have Null records in the EventID column in the source event data. If the EventID field in a source event record is populated and the Generate Event ID GUIDs for loaded events parameter is checked, the value in the source event record EventID field will be loaded into the target event.

  • When conflict prevention is enabled, the following are supported:

    • The events that need to be appended will automatically acquire event locks if available. If the locks cannot be acquired, the tool will return an error and provide the text file of offending locks.
    • While working in the default version, the locks acquired will be released automatically upon completion of the tool.
    • While working in a child version, the locks acquired will remain in post status on completion of the tool. You must post or delete the version to release the locks.
    • While working in a child version, if the execution of the tool is cancelled by interruption, the locks are acquired and will remain in releasable status.

  • Route calibration on physically gapped routes affects appended events in the following ways:

    • If the route calibration difference across the gap is not zero, appended events will be split at gaps.
    • If the route calibration difference across the gap is zero, appended events will be multipart events.


Input Event

The source event records to append.

Table View
Target Event

The Location Referencing event layer or feature class into which the source event records will be appended.

Feature Layer
Field Map

Controls how the attribute information in fields of the Input Event is transferred to the Target Event.

Because the data of the Input Event is appended into an existing event that has a predefined schema (field definitions), fields cannot be added or removed from the target dataset. While you can set merge rules for each output field, the tool ignores those rules.

Field Mappings
Load Type

Specifies how appended events with measure or temporality overlaps with identical Event IDs as Target Event records will be loaded into the event feature class.

  • AddAppends the Input Event records to the Target Event. No changes are made to Target Event records.
  • Retire overlapsAppends the Input Event records to the Target Event and retires any records in the Target Event with measure or temporality overlaps as the appended events. If the appended event eclipses the Target Event, the Target Event will be deleted. This option should only be used for linear events.
  • Retire by event IDAppends the Input Event records to the Target Event and retires any records in the Target Event with the same Event ID and temporality overlaps as the appended events. If the appended event eclipses a Target Event with the same Event ID, the Target Event will be deleted.
  • Replace by event IDAppends the Input Event records to the Target Event and deletes any records in the Target Event with the same Event ID as the appended events.
Generate Event ID GUIDs for loaded events

Specifies whether event IDs will be generated for Input Event records being appended. Generation of event IDs will only be applied to Input Event records with a Null value for the Event ID field.

  • Checked—Generates event IDs for the Input Event records being appended.
  • Unchecked—Does not generate event IDs for the Input Event records being appended. This is the default.
Generate Shapes

Specifies whether the shapes of the records being appended will be regenerated. This parameter is only active when the Input Event is a feature layer or feature class.

  • Checked—The shapes of the input event features will be regenerated. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—The shapes of the input event features will not be regenerated.

Abgeleitete Ausgabe

Output Target Event

The event layer or feature class to which the source event records have been appended.

Feature Layer
Output Results File

A text file that details changes made by the tool.

Text File




  • Basic: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing

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