Disable Derived Measure Fields (Location Referencing)

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Disables fields that store the derived network route ID, route name, and measure fields.

This tool doesn't delete the derived measure fields; it only removes the derived measure fields' information from the Lrs_Metadata table.


  • You can use the tool on an empty event feature class or an event feature class that has loaded records.


LRS Event Feature Class

An existing event feature class or feature layer that is registered to an LRS.

Feature Layer

Abgeleitete Ausgabe

Updated Input Feature Class

The updated feature layer for the event.

Feature Layer


Dieses Werkzeug verwendet keine Geoverarbeitungsumgebungen.


  • Basic: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing

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