Modify Event Behavior Rules (Location Referencing)

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Modifies event behavior rules for the registered event layer or feature class.


  • The following event behavior rules are set by default:


    Calibrate Route

    Stay Put

    Retire Route

    Stay Put

    Extend Route

    Stay Put

    Realign Route

    Stay Put

    Reassign Route

    Stay Put

    Carto Realign Route

    Honor Route Measure


Event Feature Class

The event feature class.

Feature Layer
Calibrate Rule

Specifies the event behavior rule defined for the calibrate activity.

  • Stay putThe geographic location of the event is preserved; measures may change. This is the default.
  • RetireBoth measure and geographic location are preserved; the event is retired.
  • MoveThe measures of the event are preserved; the geographic location may change.
Retire Rule

Specifies the event behavior rule defined for the retire activity.

  • Stay putThe geographic location of the event is preserved; measures may change. This is the default.
  • RetireBoth measure and geographic location are preserved; the event is retired.
  • MoveThe measures of the event are preserved; the geographic location may change.
Extend Rule

Specifies the event behavior rule defined for the extend activity.

  • Stay putThe geographic location of the event is preserved; measures may change. This is the default.
  • RetireBoth measure and geographic location are preserved; the event is retired.
  • MoveThe measures of the event are preserved; the geographic location may change.
Reassign Rule

Specifies the event behavior rule defined for the reassign activity.

  • Stay putThe geographic location of the event is preserved; measures may change. This is the default.
  • RetireBoth measure and geographic location are preserved; the event is retired.
  • MoveThe measures of the event are preserved; the geographic location may change.
  • SnapThe geographic location of an event is preserved by snapping the event to a concurrent route; the measures may change.
Realign Rule

Specifies the event behavior rule defined for the realign activity.

  • Stay putThe geographic location of the event is preserved; measures may change. This is the default.
  • RetireBoth measure and geographic location are preserved; the event is retired.
  • MoveThe measures of the event are preserved; the geographic location may change.

Abgeleitete Ausgabe

Updated Input Feature Class

The updated feature layer.

Feature Layer




  • Basic: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing

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