Create S-57 Exchange Set (Maritime)

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Mit der Maritime Charting-Lizenz verfügbar.


Allows a mariner to view the Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) datasets in an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) for shipboard navigation.

An exchange set is a package of files that contains one catalog file and at least one S-57 dataset file (New Edition [EN] and Revised Edition [ER]). Once you have exported and published your S-57 data, you need to package the S-57 dataset files into a valid S-57 exchange set.


  • Validate the S-57 product and clear it for publishing before creating the exchange set.

  • This tool packages external files referenced by features in the following formats:

    • ENC: (*.txt, *.jpg, and *.tif)
    • IENC: (*.txt, *.jpg, *.tif, and *.xml)
    • AML: (*.txt, *.tif, *.pdf, *.html, *.htm, .jpeg, *.jpg, *.avi, .mpeg, and *.mpg)
    • Additional file types can be configured for each product type in <install location>\Resources\Maritime\S57ISO8211.xml.

  • If an external file with the same name exists in multiple input folders, the one in the same folder as the S-57 product is given highest priority, followed by the order in which the folders appear in the input.


Input Directories

Folders that contain at least one S-57 base cell (*.000) and, optionally, any of the following:

  • S-57 update datasets
  • README.txt file
  • Any referenced files in the S-57 cells (*.txt, *.tif, and *.jpg)

Output Directory

The location of an empty folder where the ENC_ROOT folder will be written. The folder must be empty for the tool to execute successfully.

Layout Format

Specifies the directory and folder structure of the exchange set.

  • VERSION_LAYOUT The exchange set will be written in the format ENC_ROOT\CATALOG.031, ENC_ROOT\<Agency>\<ProductName>\<MajorEdition>\<MinorEdition>\<S57Product>, <Referenced Files>. This is the default.
  • PRODUCT_LAYOUTThe exchange set will be written in the format ENC_ROOT\CATALOG.031, ENC_ROOT\<ProductName>\<S57Product>, <Referenced Files>.
  • FLAT_LAYOUTThe exchange set will be written in the format ENC_ROOT\CATALOG.031, <S57Product(s)>, <Referenced Files>.
Updates Only

Specifies how S-57 update datasets in the input folder will be processed.

  • Checked—The output exchange set will include all the updates but not the S-57 base dataset. If there are no updates, the output will include the S-57 base dataset.
  • Unchecked—The output exchange set will include the S-57 base dataset and any update datasets. This is the default.

    An S-57 base dataset is required in the input folder when creating an update exchange set.


Abgeleitete Ausgabe

S-57 Exchange Set Directory

The location of an empty folder where the ENC_ROOT folder will be written.





  • Basic: Nein
  • Standard: Erfordert ArcGIS Maritime
  • Advanced: Erfordert ArcGIS Maritime

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