Thin Spot Heights (Topographic Production)

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Generalizes spot heights for a given area of interest in accordance with product specifications.


  • The input features for this tool are typically outputs of the Generate Spot Heights tool. Use this tool when Generate Spot Heights generates more spot heights than desired for cartographic purposes.

  • This tool does not generate new output. It assigns values in the Invisibility Field of the input feature class to identify extraneous features for removal from a view. The result will be a simplified, representative collection of spot heights.

  • The input must have an Invisibility Field that will be updated by this tool.

  • The input must have an elevation field that accurately represents the elevation of the spot heights. The elevation field must exist so that the tool can determine the high and low spots. The measurement unit of elevation is not required for this tool.


Input Features

A point feature layer or feature class representing the spot heights for a given area of interest.

Feature Layer
Area of Interest

The selected feature in the area of interest (AOI) that is used to identify input features to process. There should be one and only one selected AOI.

Elevation Field

The elevation field in Input Features to use for the spot height.

Invisibility Field

The field where the visibility attribute will be written.

High Low Spots Field

The field that will be used to identify the highest and lowest spots.

Search Distance

The minimum distance between spot heights. For example, if the search distance is 3,000 meters, there will be at least 3,000 meters between a chosen spot height and the next chosen spot height. The default value will be 1,300 meters, as this is the optimal value for 50K sheets.

Linear Unit
Maximum Number Of Spots

The number of spot heights will not exceed this number.

Input Contours

Input contours used to identify if point features are in depressions or tops.

Feature Layer
Contour Code Field

The field in the database that contains the domain value for index contour, intermediate contour, depression contour, and depression intermediate contour. It is a string value of the field, such as HQC.

Depression Code Value

Used to identify depression code values. A depression refers to an elevation completely surrounded by higher-elevation contour lines.


Abgeleitete Ausgabe

Updated Features

Features that have been thinned based on input criteria.

Feature Layer


Dieses Werkzeug verwendet keine Geoverarbeitungsumgebungen.


  • Basic: Nein
  • Standard: Nein
  • Advanced: Erfordert Production Mapping

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