Add Aviation Line Bypass (Aviation)

Mit der Aviation Charting-Lizenz verfügbar.


Adjusts route polyline features that overlap point features.

In some cases, an Air Traffic Service (ATS) route may pass through a point such as a navigational aid (navaid) or designated point that is not designated as part of its airway structure. For those cases, the ATS route's line symbol can be depicted as a bypass around the point to more clearly show that the ATS route does not include the point.

When an ATS route bypasses a navaid or designated point, the route representing the line is curved slightly where the point intersects the route. This does not indicate that the flight path has changed, only that the point is not considered part of the ATS route. The following images show the difference between an ATS route that includes a designated point and a route that bypasses a designated point on a navigational chart:

Add Aviation Line Bypass tool illustration
An ATS route with a line bypass is shown.
Add Aviation Line Bypass tool illustration
An ATS route with no line bypass is shown.


  • This tool processes selected polyline features on a map. If no polyline feature is selected, the tool will process all polyline features in the feature class.

  • Input polyline and point features must be included in the same map that you choose for the Input Map parameter. Input polyline and point features are passed by reference from the input map, not a geodatabase workspace.

  • The Input Map parameter must have a set reference scale.

    Learn more about setting a reference scale in ArcGIS Pro

  • If you do not provide features for the Bypass Features parameter, the tool will revert all lines with bypass symbology to straight lines.

  • Only selected features in the Target Line Features parameter value will be processed by this tool.

  • The Radius Scale parameter is only valid if you choose Dynamic Radius as the Radius Option parameter value.

  • The Radius parameter is only valid if you choose Constant Radius as the Radius Option parameter value.

  • If you do not provide a value for the Tolerance parameter, all features with overlapping symbology will be processed.


Input Map

The input map with a set reference scale.

Target Line Features

The polyline features representing ATS routes.

Bypass Features

The point features that the Target Line Features parameter value will bypass.


The maximum distance between the center point of a bypass feature and a route.

If the linear unit is not specified or is set to Unknown, it will be the same as the input map's spatial reference.

Linear Unit
Radius Option

Specifies the type of bypass radius that will be used.

  • Dynamic RadiusThe radius will be dynamic relative to its scale factor. This is the default.
  • Constant RadiusThe radius will be a constant radius.
Radius Scale Factor

The amount a bypass with a dynamic radius will be scaled. This parameter is only valid if Dynamic Radius is chosen as the Radius Option parameter value.


The radius of a bypass with a constant radius. This parameter is only valid if Constant Radius is chosen as the Radius Option parameter value.

If the linear unit is not specified or is set to Unknown, it will be the same as the input map's spatial reference.

Linear Unit
Merge Option

Specifies whether consecutive bypass lines will be merged.

  • Consecutive bypass lines will not be mergedConsecutive bypass lines will not be merged. This is the default.
  • Consecutive bypass lines will be mergedConsecutive bypass lines will be merged.

Abgeleitete Ausgabe

Updated Line Features

The polyline feature class containing bypass lines.

Feature Layer

arcpy.aviation.AddAviationLineBypass(in_map, target_line_features, {bypass_features}, {tolerance}, {radius_option}, {radius_scale}, {radius}, {merge_option})

The input map with a set reference scale.


The polyline features representing ATS routes.


The point features that the target_line_features parameter value will bypass.


The maximum distance between the center point of a bypass feature and a route.

If the linear unit is not specified or is set to Unknown, it will be the same as the input map's spatial reference.

Linear Unit

Specifies the type of bypass radius that will be used.

  • DYNAMIC_RADIUSThe radius will be dynamic relative to its scale factor. This is the default.
  • CONSTANT_RADIUSThe radius will be a constant radius.

The amount a bypass with a dynamic radius will be scaled. This parameter is only valid if DYNAMIC_RADIUS is chosen as the radius_option parameter value.


The radius of a bypass with a constant radius. This parameter is only valid if CONSTANT_RADIUS is chosen as the radius_option parameter value.

If the linear unit is not specified or is set to Unknown, it will be the same as the input map's spatial reference.

Linear Unit

Specifies whether consecutive bypass lines will be merged.

  • NO_MERGE_BYPASSConsecutive bypass lines will not be merged. This is the default.
  • MERGE_BYPASSConsecutive bypass lines will be merged.

Abgeleitete Ausgabe


The polyline feature class containing bypass lines.

Feature Layer


AddAviationLineBypass example 1 (stand-alone script)

The following demonstrates how to use the AddAviationLineBypass function to generate bypasses with a dynamic radius.

# Name:

# Description: ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that adjusts route
# polyline features which overlap point features.

import arcpy

# Check out Aeronautical extension


# Create a reference to the project file (.aprx) containing your map

aprx ="D:\My Project.aprx")
map = aprx.listMaps("My Map")[0]

# Parameters

target_line_features = "ATSRoute"
bypass_features = ["ADHP", "NavaidComponent"]
tolerance = "1 kilometer"
radius_option = "DYNAMIC_RADIUS"
radius_scale = 1.0
radius = ""
merge_option = "MERGE_BYPASS"

# Run AddAviationLineBypass

arcpy.aviation.AddAviationLineBypass(map, target_line_features, bypass_features, tolerance,
                                     radius_option, radius_scale, radius, merge_option)

# Check in Aeronautical extension

AddAviationLineBypass example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following demonstrates how to use the AddAviationLineBypass function to generate bypasses with a constant radius.

# Name:

# Description: ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that adjusts route
# polyline features which overlap point features.

import arcpy

# Check out Aeronautical extension


# Create a reference to the project file (.aprx) containing your map

aprx ="D:\My Project.aprx")
map = aprx.listMaps("My Map")[0]

# Parameters

target_line_features = "ATSRoute"
bypass_features = ["ADHP", "NavaidComponent"]
tolerance = "1 kilometer"
radius_option = "CONSTANT_RADIUS"
radius_scale = 1.0
radius = "0.1 kilometer"
merge_option = "MERGE_BYPASS"

# Run AddAviationLineBypass

arcpy.aviation.AddAviationLineBypass(map, target_line_features, bypass_features, tolerance,
                                     radius_option, radius_scale, radius, merge_option)

# Check in Aeronautical extension



Dieses Werkzeug verwendet keine Geoverarbeitungsumgebungen.


  • Basic: Nein
  • Standard: Erfordert ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Nein

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