Beschriftung | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
Input Route Features | The LRS Network feature class in which route concurrencies will be calculated. | Feature Layer |
Output Dataset | The feature class or table to which the calculated results will be posted. | Table |
Temporal View Date (optional) | The temporal view date for the network, if one is specified. Leaving this field blank shows all time. | Date |
Set route dominance based on priority rules (optional) | Specifies whether configured route dominance rules will be used to set dominance.
| Boolean |
Include Geometry (optional) | Specifies whether geometry will be included in the output dataset.
| Boolean |
Calculates and reports concurrent route sections in an LRS Network.
Overlapping route sections will only be found if the routes share the same centerline. This tool does not identify topologically overlapping routes that use different centerlines.
Section ID GUIDs are unique for each concurrent section in the network, meaning that each route in a concurrent section will have a record with the same section ID as the other routes in that concurrent section.
The DominantFlag field has two potential values.
- 0—A subordinate route in the concurrent section
- 1—The dominant route in the concurrent section
The DominantError field has the following potential values:
- 0—No error occurred when calculating the dominant route in the concurrent section.
- 1—Two or more routes had the same attribute value for the concurrent section. The dominant route was randomly selected.
- 2—Null or no values were present for the attribute or attributes used to calculate the dominant route in the concurrent section.
- 3—Too many values were present for the attribute or attributes used to calculate the dominant route in the concurrent section.
- 4—One of two conditions were present in the concurrent section: the route was not calibrated in the concurrent section or the centerline that composes the concurrent section did not align with the geometry of the route.
If the Include Geometry parameter is checked, the output dataset will be a feature class. Otherwise, the output dataset will be a table.
Specify a Temporal View Date parameter value to calculate concurrency for that point in time. Leaving this field blank shows concurrency across all time.
It is recommended that you configure route dominance rules for an LRS Network using the Configure Route Dominance Rules tool before running this tool.
arcpy.locref.CalculateRouteConcurrencies(in_route_features, out_dataset, {tvd}, {find_dominance}, {include_geometry})
Name | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
in_route_features | The LRS Network feature class in which route concurrencies will be calculated. | Feature Layer |
out_dataset | The feature class or table to which the calculated results will be posted. | Table |
tvd (optional) | The temporal view date for the network, if one is specified. Leaving this field blank shows all time. | Date |
find_dominance (optional) | Specifies whether configured route dominance rules will be used to set dominance.
| Boolean |
include_geometry (optional) | Specifies whether geometry will be included in the output dataset.
| Boolean |
Demonstrates how to use the CalculateRouteConcurrencies function as a stand-alone script.
# Name:
# Description: Calculates and reports concurrent route sections in an LRS Network in a stand-alone script.
# Requirements: ArcGIS Location Referencing
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out any necessary licenses
# Local tool variables
in_route_features = r"C:\Data\SampleData.gdb\LRS\NonlineNetwork"
out_dataset = r"C:\Data\SampleData.gdb\LRS\ConcurrentRoutes"
tvd = ""
find_dominance = "FIND_DOMINANCE"
include_geometry = "INCLUDE_GEOMETRY"
# Execute the tool
arcpy.locref.CalculateRouteConcurrencies(in_route_features, out_dataset, tvd, find_dominance, include_geometry)
# Check in licenses
Demonstrates how to use the CalculateRouteConcurrencies function in the Python window.
# Name:
# Description: Calculates and reports concurrent route sections in an LRS Network in the Python window.
# Requirements: ArcGIS Location Referencing
# Local tool variables
in_route_features = r"C:\Data\SampleData.gdb\LRS\NonlineNetwork"
out_dataset = r"C:\Data\SampleData.gdb\LRS\ConcurrentRoutes"
tvd = "06/09/2021"
find_dominance = "NO_FIND_DOMINANCE"
include_geometry = "EXCLUDE_GEOMETRY"
# Execute the tool
arcpy.locref.CalculateRouteConcurrencies(in_route_features, out_dataset, tvd, find_dominance, include_geometry)
- Basic: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing
- Standard: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing
- Advanced: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing