Modify Network Calibration Rules (Location Referencing)

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Modifies the network calibration rules for an LRS Network.

When creating an LRS Network, you can choose how gapped routes are calibrated while creating or editing routes. Using this tool, you can configure calibration rules for a network after the LRS Network has been created and during the data loading process.

Learn more about creating and modifying an LRS Network in ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing or creating and modifying an LRS Network in ArcGIS Roads and Highways.

You can use any of the following methods to calibrate routes with physical gaps:

  • Stepping Increment
  • Adding Increment
  • Euclidean Distance

Each method will produce a different calibration value for a route with physical gaps created using the LRS editing tools. The example below shows the calibration of a route created from a centerline with physical gaps for each calibration method and calibration of a route with retirement between the measure 0.5 and 1 for each calibration method.

In the retire route scenario, a physical gap is created between the measures 0.5 and 1. The calibration rules are applied only if a physical gap is introduced due to an editing activity and do not affect the existing gaps. In the example, the gap between measures 2 and 2.5 remains unaffected due to retirement.


  • The following tables show the results of gap calibration using the Create Route and Retire Route panes after setting up rules using this tool.

    Erstellen einer Route mit physischen Lücken

    Route erstellenBeispiel einer KalibrierungBeschreibung

    Schrittinkrement von 0,1

    Schrittinkrement von 0,1

    Ein Messwert von 0,1 wird zum ersten Messwert nach jeder physischen Lücke hinzugefügt.

    Hinzufügen eines Inkrements von 0,1

    Hinzufügen eines Inkrements von 0,1

    Ein Messwert von 0,1 wird nach jeder physischen Lücke zu jedem Messwert hinzugefügt.

    Euklidische Entfernung

    Euklidische Entfernung

    Ein Messwert, der der geradlinigen Entfernung der physischen Lücke entspricht, wird nach jeder physischen Lücke zum ersten Messwert addiert.


    Stilllegen einer Route zwischen den Messwerten 0,5 und 1

    Route stilllegenBeispiel einer KalibrierungBeschreibung

    Route vor der Stilllegung erzeugt eine physische Lücke

    Route vor der Stilllegung erzeugt eine physische Lücke

    Der stillgelegte Teil einer Route wird angezeigt, bevor mit "Stilllegen" eine physische Lücke erzeugt wird.

    Schrittinkrement von 0,1

    Schrittinkrement von 0,1

    Ein Messwert von 0,1 wird zum ersten Messwert nach der physischen Lücke hinzugefügt.

    Hinzufügen eines Inkrements von 0,1

    Hinzufügen eines Inkrements von 0,1

    Ein Messwert von 0,1 wird zu jedem Messwert nach der durch die Stilllegung entstandenen physischen Lücke hinzugefügt.

    Euklidische Entfernung

    Euklidische Entfernung

    Ein Messwert, der der geradlinigen Entfernung der physischen Lücke entspricht, wird zum ersten Messwert nach der durch die Stilllegung entstandenen physischen Lücke hinzugefügt.

  • This tool supports setting the gap calibration rule and the calibration offset for the specified network.

  • Typically, network calibration rules can be modified once the network is created. Changing the calibration rule will apply the new rule only to routes edited or loaded in the future. All routes edited or loaded previously will not honor the new calibration rule. They honor the calibration rule set at the time of their creation or editing.

  • You can use the As Is option in the Calibration Rule parameter to retain the existing gap calibration method with an option to change only the calibration offset value pursuant to requirement.

  • The Calibration Offset parameter must be set for the adding increment and stepping increment methods. The values must be numeric, with or without decimals; negative values cannot be used.

  • The Calibration Offset parameter value cannot be set less than or equal to the m-tolerance of the network. It can be either zero or greater than the m-tolerance value of the network.

  • Defining the Calibration Offset parameter value as zero (0) will produce a route with no gap in calibration measure at physical gaps.

  • The default gap calibration rule for an LRS Network is Stepping Increment with an offset value of 0.

  • This tool is not supported with feature services.


LRS Network Feature Class

The input LRS Network feature class.

Feature Layer
Calibration Rule

Specifies the method that will be used to define calibration gap measures.

  • As IsThe existing defined method in the network will be used while changing the calibration offset value.
  • Adding Euclidean DistanceThe Euclidean, or straight-line, distance will be calculated and added at each physical gap along an edited route.
  • Stepping IncrementA value will be defined that will adjust, or step, at each physical gap in the route. This is the default.
  • Adding Increment A value will be defined and added to each measure of a route at each physical gap, in addition to the total length of the from and to measures of the route.
Calibration Offset

The value of the Calibration Rule parameter's Adding Increment or Stepping Increment method. The increment value must be numeric and can include decimals.

Update route measures in cartographic realignment

Specifies whether or not to recalibrate route measures based on length changes in cartographic realignment.

  • As isThe existing defined method in the network will be used. This is the default.
  • EnableEnable recalibration of route measures based on length changes in cartographic realignment.
  • DisableDisable recalibration of route measures based on length changes in cartographic realignment.

Abgeleitete Ausgabe

Output Network Feature Class

The updated network feature layer.

Feature Layer




  • Basic: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Standard: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing
  • Advanced: Erfordert ArcGIS Location Referencing

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