Beschriftung | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
Source Geodatabase
| The database from which the product will be exported. | Workspace |
S-57 Product | The name of the product to export. This product metadata entry must exist in the ProductDefinition table, and the related extents must be present in the ProductCoverage feature class in the workspace. | String |
Export Type | Specifies the type of file that will be created during the export.
| String |
Output Location
| The location containing the output export package. | Folder |
Product Configuration File
(optional) | The configuration file that will be used to export the product. | File |
Clip Features at M_CSCL
(optional) | Specifies whether the export process will clip data that crosses an M_CSCL feature.
| Boolean |
Sample Export
(optional) | Specifies whether the product will be exported as a sample.
| Boolean |
SCAMIN Configuration File
(optional) | A custom configuration file that contains the rules for calculating a feature's SCAMIN value that overrides the default Radar Range SCAMIN method. | File |
Abgeleitete Ausgabe
Beschriftung | Erläuterung | Datentyp |
Output File | The exported S-57 cell. | File |