Generate Location Diagram Features (Topographic Production)


Generates location diagram features for a Joint Operations Graphic (JOG) map sheet. The location diagram must include JOG_Index features, WAC_Index features, ONC_Index features, or LandPoly features for the area surrounding the processed sheet.


A product file installer is available for ArcGIS Production Mapping Desktop and ArcGIS Defense Mapping. The product files contain a geodatabase called MapIndex.gdb that is necessary for generating features used in this tool.


  • At a minimum, the following feature classes will be generated in the target feature dataset:

    • LD_AOI—This feature class will store the extent of the entire diagram, a 5-by-5 grid, as one feature.
    • JOG_AOI—This feature class will store the Area of Interest parameter value at the center of the 5-by-5 grid from the selected sheet.
    • JOG_SHEETS_A—This feature class will be generated to support labeling and display requirements.
    • JOG_SHEETS_L—This feature class will be generated to support labeling and display requirements.
    • JOG_ONC—This feature class will be generated if ONC_Index features are provided.
    • JOG_WAC—This feature class will be generated if WAC_Index features are provided.
    • JOG_COAST_A—This feature class will be generated if input land features are provided.
    • JOG_COAST_L—This feature class will be generated if input coastline features are provided.

  • The Area of Interest parameter value must have only one selected feature.

  • If the input feature dataset contains existing feature classes, they will be deleted prior to the tool generating location diagram features.


Input Feature Dataset

The feature dataset that will contain the location diagram feature classes. The tool will create these features classes if they do not exist.

Feature Dataset
Area of Interest

A polygon feature layer with a single selected feature that will be used to identify the center and surrounding AOIs.

Sheet Identifier Field

An attribute field that will be used to identify the generated sheet features. The default value of JOG_SHEET will be used if the field is present in the layer specified by the Area of Interest parameter value. Otherwise, specify a different field.

WAC Features

The World Aeronautical Chart (WAC) features that will be used to generate the location diagram feature classes in the input geodatabase. The default path is specified for this parameter if the Defense Mapping product files are installed.

Feature Layer
ONC Features

The Operational Navigation Charts (ONC) features that will be used to generate the location diagram feature classes in the input geodatabase. The default path is specified for this parameter if the Defense Mapping product files are installed.

Feature Layer
Land Features

The land features that will be used to generate the location diagram feature classes in the input geodatabase. The default path is specified for this parameter if the Defense Mapping product files are installed.

Feature Layer

Abgeleitete Ausgabe

Modified Feature Dataset

The updated input feature dataset that contains the location diagram feature classes.

Feature Dataset

arcpy.topographic.GenerateLocationDiagramFeatures(in_feature_dataset, area_of_interest, sheet_id_field, wac_features, onc_features, land_features)

The feature dataset that will contain the location diagram feature classes. The tool will create these features classes if they do not exist.

Feature Dataset

A polygon feature layer with a single selected feature that will be used to identify the center and surrounding AOIs.


An attribute field that will be used to identify the generated sheet features. You can use the JOG_SHEET field as the value for this parameter if the field is present in the layer specified by the area_of_interest parameter value.


The World Aeronautical Chart (WAC) features that will be used to generate the location diagram feature classes in the input geodatabase. The default path is specified for this parameter if the Defense Mapping product files are installed.

Feature Layer

The Operational Navigation Charts (ONC) features that will be used to generate the location diagram feature classes in the input geodatabase. The default path is specified for this parameter if the Defense Mapping product files are installed.

Feature Layer

The land features that will be used to generate the location diagram feature classes in the input geodatabase. The default path is specified for this parameter if the Defense Mapping product files are installed.

Feature Layer

Abgeleitete Ausgabe


The updated input feature dataset that contains the location diagram feature classes.

Feature Dataset


GenerateLocationDiagramFeatures example (stand-alone script)

The following code sample demonstrates how to use the GenerateLocationDiagramFeatures function.

# Name:
# Description: Creates the Location Diagram for a Joint Operations Graphic (JOG) map sheet.
# The Location Diagram needs the JOG_Index features, WAC_Index features, ONC_Index features,
# and the LandPoly features for the area surrounding the processed sheet.

# Import System Modules
import arcpy

# Check Out Extensions

# Setting the environment
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

# Create layer and select single AOI for processing'C:\Users\Public\Documents\ArcGIS Defense Mapping\Product Files\2.9\ReferenceData\MapIndex.gdb\MapIndex\JOG_Index', 'JOG')'JOG', 'NEW_SELECTION', "NRN = '1501ANJ1012'")

# Setting Local Variables
in_feature_dataset = r'C:\Data\JOG.gdb\LD'
area_of_interest = 'JOG'
sheet_id_field = 'JOG_SHEET'
wac_features = r'C:\Users\Public\Documents\ArcGIS Defense Mapping\Product Files\2.9\ReferenceData\MapIndex.gdb\MapIndex\WAC_Index'
onc_features = r'C:\Users\Public\Documents\ArcGIS Defense Mapping\Product Files\2.9\ReferenceData\MapIndex.gdb\MapIndex\ONC_Index'
land_features = r'C:\Users\Public\Documents\ArcGIS Defense Mapping\Product Files\2.9\ReferenceData\MapIndex.gdb\LandPoly'

# Use the Generate Adjoining Sheet Features tool to create data required for the Adjoining Sheet Guide
arcpy.topographic.GenerateLocationDiagramFeatures(in_feature_dataset, area_of_interest, sheet_id_field, wac_features, onc_features, land_features)

# Check In Extensions




  • Basic: Nein
  • Standard: Nein
  • Advanced: Erfordert Production Mapping

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