Mit der Maritime Charting-Lizenz verfügbar.
The Generate Land Areas tool can improve production efficiency by automatically generating land area features. When creating a cell, the Generate Land Areas tool is tailored to S-57-based and S-101 maritime schemas. It generates land area polygon features by identifying existing land topology features, such as coastline and shoreline construction, and eliminating any polygons over water or other exclusionary features. You must define an area of interest so that the Generate Land Areas tool can limit the processing area. The output writes the land area features to an existing feature class representing land areas.
Only run this tool with a single usage band. In an enterprise environment, it is recommended that you run this tool on a checkout replica in which the data has been filtered to a single usage band. If running this tool in the NIS, the scale band tools can be used to isolate the data to a single usage band.
To automate the creation of polygon land area features from existing land topology features, complete the following steps:
- Start ArcGIS Pro.
- On the Analysis tab, click Tools.
- In the Geoprocessing pane, expand Maritime Tools, and click Generate Land Areas.
- Set the Input Workspace parameter to the workspace containing a Maritime S-57- or S-101-based product schema.
- Set the Target Workspace parameter to the workspace in which the land area polygons are written.
The workspace is expected to be a Nautical workspace with either S-57 or S-101 schema. For S-57 schema, the workspace should have the NaturalFeaturesA polygon feature class with a LNDARE_LandArea subtype. For S-101 schema, the workspace should have the LandArea_A polygon feature class. In addition, this parameter makes it possible to use different workspaces (for example, read from the Nautical Information System (NIS) and output to a staging database).
- Set the Extent Polygon Features parameter to the extent polygon within which the land area polygons are generated.
- Optionally, if you have a customized product configuration file, use it to populate the Configuration File parameter.
This is an optional parameter that specifies the location of an .xml configuration file. The configuration file should list which feature classes participate in defining the land topology edges and which feature classes indicate areas where land should not exist. If not specified, the default GenerateLandAreasSettings.xml configuration file is used.
The output land area features are written to the target feature class representing land areas. In addition, a layer containing a selected set of the land area features is added to the Contents pane.
Tool messages report which configuration file was used and the total number of land area features created. Messages are stored in the project's geoprocessing History pane.