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Returns a list of the folders or databases registered with an ArcGIS Server site.


ListDataStoreItems (connection_file, datastore_type)

For a hosting server, provide the server URL or use the MY_HOSTED_SERVICES keyword. For a stand-alone server, an ArcGIS Server connection file (.ags) representing the server with which you want to register the data.


The type of data that you want to list.

  • DATABASEEnterprise databases registered with the server will be listed.
  • FOLDERFile-based data sources registered with the server will be listed.

Returns the registered folders or databases as a list of lists of strings in the format [store_name, server_data, publisher_data, type].

  • store_name—The alias of the folder or database as it is registered with the ArcGIS Server site.
  • server_data—When listing folders, the path to the folder as seen by the server. When listing databases, the connection properties as seen by the server.
  • publisher_data—When listing folders, the path to the folder as seen by the publisher's machine. When listing databases, the connection properties as seen by the publisher's machine.
  • type—If the publisher's machine and the server read the data out of the same physical location, this is shared. If the publisher and server read the data out of different physical locations, this is replicated. If the data location is registered as ArcGIS Server's Managed Database, this is managed.


ListDataStoreItems example 1

Prints all folders registered with the ArcGIS Server site (a stand-alone server).

import arcpy

print("Registered FOLDER items are:")

for item in arcpy.ListDataStoreItems("GIS Servers/MyConnection.ags", "FOLDER"):
    print("Name: {}".format(item[0]))
    print("Server's path: {}".format(item[1]))
    print("Publisher's path: {}".format(item[2]))
    if item[3] == "managed":
        print("This is ArcGIS Server's Managed Database")
ListDataStoreItems example 2

Prints all databases registered with the ArcGIS Server site (a stand-alone server).

import arcpy

print("Registered databases items are:")

for item in arcpy.ListDataStoreItems("MY_HOSTED_SERVICES", "DATABASE"):
    print("Name: {}".format(item[0]))
    print("Database Connection Properties for Server: {}".format(item[1]))
    print("Database Connection Properties for Publisher: {}".format(item[2]))
    if item[3] == "managed":
        print("This is ArcGIS Server's Managed Database")

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