Repair an environment

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Repair a conda environment using the Package Manager page.

Repairing an environment will restore an internal module to the environment that ArcPy relies upon.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Project tab.

    The settings page appears.

  2. In the list of side tabs, click Package Manager.

    The Package Manager page appears.

  3. Click the Environment Manager button Verwalten.

    The Environment Manager dialog box appears.

    An environment that needs to be repaired will be identifiable by a Warning icon Warnung and a Broken Environment. Cannot be activated. warning message.

  4. Click the Repair button Reparieren on the row representing the environment you want to repair.

    Alternatively, right-click the row representing the environment, and select Repair.

    Repairing an environment may take several minutes. You can monitor progress in the Tasks section of the Package Manager page.

The environment is repaired.

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