
ArcGIS Pro 3.2 | | Hilfearchiv


Konvertiert ein strukturiertes NumPy-Array in eine Point-Feature-Class.


Wenn ein Feldname aus dem Eingabe-Array für das Ausgabeformat ungültig ist, wird er validiert. Alle ungültigen Zeichen im Namen des Eingabefeldes werden im Namen des Ausgabefeldes durch einen Unterstrich (_) ersetzt. Beschränkungen für Feldnamen sind abhängig von der verwendeten Datenbank.

NumPyArrayToFeatureClass überschreibt keine vorhandene Feature-Class, selbst dann nicht, wenn die Umgebungseinstellung overwriteOutput auf "True" festgelegt ist.

NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, including support for a powerful N-dimensional array object. For more information, see Working with NumPy in ArcGIS.


NumPyArrayToFeatureClass (in_array, out_table, shape_fields, {spatial_reference})

A NumPy structured array.

The array must include field names and NumPy dtypes.


The output point feature class to which the records from the NumPy array will be written.


A list (or tuple) of field names used to create the feature class's geometry. Coordinates are specified in the order of x, y, z, and m; z-coordinate and m-value fields are optional.

Assuming field names of x, y, z, and m in a numpy array, feature classes could be constructed as below.

import arcpy

# Create a feature class with x,y fields
arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(array, fc, ("x", "y"))

# Create a feature class with x,y,z fields
arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(array, fc, ("x", "y", "z"))

# Create a feature class with x,y,m fields
arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(array, fc, ("x", "y", "", "m"))

# Create a feature class with x,y,z,m fields
arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(array, fc, ("x", "y", "z", "m"))

The spatial reference of the feature class. When this argument is specified, the feature will be projected (or transformed) from the input's spatial reference. If unspecified, the input feature classes' spatial reference will be used. Valid values for this argument are a SpatialReference object or string equivalent.

(Der Standardwert ist None)



NumPyArrayToFeatureClass: Beispiel
import arcpy
import numpy

outFC = "C:/data/texas.gdb/fd/pointlocations"

# Create a numpy array with an id field, and a field with a tuple
#  of x,y coordinates
array = numpy.array(
        (1, (471316.3835861763, 5000448.782036674)),
        (2, (470402.49348005146, 5000049.216449278)),
    numpy.dtype([("idfield", numpy.int32), ("XY", "<f8", 2)]),

# Define a spatial reference for the output feature class
spatial_ref = arcpy.Describe("C:/data/texas.gdb/fd").spatialReference

# Export the numpy array to a feature class using the XY field to
# represent the output point feature
arcpy.da.NumPyArrayToFeatureClass(array, outFC, ["XY"], spatial_ref)

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