Define areas of interest

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Hilfearchiv

Mit der Aviation Charting-Lizenz verfügbar.

You can set the extent of aeronautical charts by defining an area of interest (AOI). An AOI contains information about a chart such as the type of chart, spatial reference, rotation, and reference scale. You can have multiple areas of interest depending on the scope of your data. For each chart in a series, you need to configure an AOI. AOIs are configurable, defined by tags, and can be grouped using the MapID field.

Learn more about the AIS_AOI feature class in the AIS geodatabase schema

Create an AOI

You must create at least one polygon feature in the AIS_AOI feature class before you can make an aeronautical chart. The AIS_AOI feature class is located inside an AIS geodatabase.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open or create a project containing aviation data.
  3. Complete the following steps if your project does not contain an AIS_AOI feature layer:
    1. If necessary, click View > Catalog Pane to display the Catalog pane.
    2. Click the Databases drop-down arrow to expand the folder.
    3. Click the drop-down arrow next to the AIS geodatabase and right-click the AIS_AOI feature class.
    4. Click Add To Current Map.

      The AIS_AOI feature class appears in the Contents pane as a feature layer.

  4. On the Edit tab, in the Features group, click the Create button Features erstellen.

    The Create Features pane appears.

  5. Click AIS_AOI in the Create Features pane.
  6. Optionally, change the editing tool by clicking one of the available tools.
    Editing tools
  7. Create features on the map using the editing tool.
  8. On the Edit tab, in the Manage Edits group, click Save Änderungen speichern.

Configure areas of interest

The AIS_AOI feature class in the AIS geodatabase schema contains attributes for defining multiple areas of interest. You can define an AOI with a unique map ID, reference scale, rotation, spatial reference, and tag. You can configure these attributes to define your areas of interest by completing the following steps:

  1. Click the Edit tab.
  2. Click Select and choose the AOI feature you want to configure on the map.
  3. Right-click the selected feature and click Attributes.

    The Attributes pane appears.

  4. Change the following values in the Attributes section:
    1. Provide a unique value in the MapID field.

      Map ID values have a specific syntax. These values follow the pattern <Parent>::<Child>. For example, a valid Map ID is AERONAUTICAL::VISUAL::ANC::SANFRAN. This relationship between parent and child allows you to organize your areas of interest across large datasets.

    2. Provide a double floating point value in the ReferenceScale option.

      For example, the input value 500,000 sets the reference scale for the AOI to 1:500,000.

    3. Provide a double floating point value in the Rotation option.

      For example, the input value 90 rotates the map extent by 90 degrees.

    4. Choose a value for UseGeographicExtent from the drop-down options.
      • Yes—The AOI uses geographic extent.
      • No—The AOI does not use geographic extent.
    5. Optionally, click the Update Spatial Reference button Raumbezug aktualisieren and choose a projected coordinate system for the SpatialReference option.
    6. Provide one or more unique tag values, separated by semicolons, in the Tag text box.

      Tags such as 'Visual;Sectional' or 'Enroute;Low' are used to distinguish the chart sets for which the AOI is applicable.

  5. Click Apply.

    Your AOI configuration is saved to the AIS_AOI feature layer. Review information about the active AOI by clicking Charting and clicking AOI Information.

  6. On the Edit tab, in the Manage Edits group, click Save Änderungen speichern.