Set up an aviation geodatabase

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Hilfearchiv

Mit der Aviation Charting-Lizenz verfügbar.

An Aeronautical Information System (AIS) geodatabase is necessary for chart production with ArcGIS Aviation Charting. An AIS geodatabase contains feature classes, relationships, and tables that allow you to organize, store, and edit your aviation data. Many of the Aviation Charting tools depend on specific AIS geodatabase feature classes. It is important that you have your data in an AIS geodatabase to take full advantage of these geoprocessing tools' capabilities.

Learn more about the AIS geodatabase schema

There are two ways to create an AIS geodatabase. You can create a file geodatabase or an Enterprise-Geodatabase. A file geodatabase is useful when a single user needs to edit and share their data locally without an internet connection. An Enterprise-Geodatabase is useful for large organizations where data may be accessed by multiple users. Some Aviation Charting tools such as the Chart Changes tool only work with a versioned Enterprise-Geodatabase.

The ArcGIS Aviation product files contain tools that can help you set up your geodatabase. Download and install the files to your computer before completing this workflow.

Set up a project

Before you can take advantage of an AIS geodatabase, you need to set up your project with a file geodatabase or Enterprise-Geodatabase and add the Aviation Tools Python toolbox.

  1. Open a project in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Complete the following steps if you are importing the AIS schema to a file geodatabase:
    1. In the Catalog pane, right-click Databases and click New File Geodatabase.

      The New File Geodatabase window appears.

    2. Browse to the location where you want to save the file geodatabase on your hard drive.
    3. Type a name for your geodatabase in the Name text box.
    4. Click OK.

      The New File Geodatabase window closes, and the new file geodatabase appears in the Databases folder.

  3. If you are importing the AIS schema to an Enterprise-Geodatabase, run the Create Enterprise Geodatabase tool with your database credentials.

    If you do not have your database credentials, you can use a connection file to access a previously created Enterprise-Geodatabase.

  4. If you have not added the Aviation Tools Python toolbox to your project, complete the following steps:
    1. In the Catalog pane, right-click Toolboxes and click Add Toolbox.

      The Add Toolbox window appears.

    2. Browse to the installation location for the ArcGIS Aviation product files located at <installation path>\ArcGIS Aviation Charting\Product Files\<version>\Utilities\Scripts .
    3. Click Aviation Tools.
    4. Click OK.

      The Add Toolbox window closes, and the Aviation Tools Python toolbox appears under the Toolboxes folder in the Catalog pane.

Configure an AIS geodatabase

You can apply the AIS schema to a new and empty geodatabase using the Configure AIS Geodatabase tool from the ArcGIS Aviation product files.


This tool can only be used with new, empty geodatabases and should not be used to update an existing geodatabase. If the tool is run with the LOAD_SCHEMA option and finds an existing schema in the target geodatabase, it will fail to load the new schema.

  1. Expand the Toolboxes folder.
  2. Expand the Aviation Tools Python toolbox.
  3. Expand the Data Management toolset.

    The Configure AIS Geodatabase tool appears.

  4. Double-click the Configure AIS Geodatabase tool.

    The Configure AIS Geodatabase tool options appears in the Geoprocessing pane.

  5. Browse to and choose the file geodatabase or Enterprise-Geodatabase you want to configure for the Target Geodatabase parameter.
  6. Check the check box next to the operation you want to perform under the Select Operations section:
    • LOAD_SCHEMA—Configures your geodatabase with the AIS schema from an XML workspace.

      You can find the AIS schema XML workspace in the ArcGIS Aviation product files in the following directory: <installation path>\ArcGIS Aviation Charting\Product Files\<version>\Schemas. The coordinate system for this schema is WGS_1984.

    • REGISTER_AS_VERSIONED—Enables versioning on your Enterprise-Geodatabase.

      Enterprise geodatabases are configured to allow multiple users to access the data at the same time. Because of this, you must set up version control on your geodatabase. Proper version control ensures data integrity by separating versions of the geodatabase's datasets from one another.

      This operation versions your geodatabase without moving edits to base tables.

      Learn more about versioning options for an Enterprise-Geodatabase

    • ENABLE_ARCHIVING—Enables archiving on your Enterprise-Geodatabase.

      When dealing with multiple versions of a dataset, it can be helpful to archive your data over time to ensure that data changes are never lost. Archiving ensures that data can be backed up as the data is edited.

  7. If you selected the LOAD_SCHEMA operation, click Browse next to XML Workspace Document and browse to the installation location for the AISCharting_WGS84_GX XML workspace.

    The AISCharting_WGS84_GX workspace is located in the following directory: <installation path>\ArcGIS Aviation Charting\Product Files\<version>\Schemas

  8. Click Run.

    The Configure AIS Geodatabase tool runs and configures your geodatabase with the specified configuration.

You have now set up an aviation geodatabase with the AIS schema. You can populate your geodatabase with data from an AIXM message using the Import AIXM Message tool.