Compose a surface

ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | | Hilfearchiv

The Compose Surface tool allows you to order bathymetric datasets in a BIS by metadata values. You can also view raster data as a seamless surface on the map.

You can change the display order of filtered datasets by creating and ordering rules based on attributes using the Compose Surface tool. The display order is determined by the draw order weight assigned to each dataset, which is adjusted based on the rules created in the Compose Surface pane. These rules are applied to the Compose Surface group layer. One way this is helpful is if you need to ensure that you are looking at the highest resolution data. For example, if you have 10 raster datasets managed in your BIS geodatabase and three of them are 1 meter in resolution, and the rest are 5 meters in resolution, you can configure a rule that places the 1-meter datasets above the 5-meter datasets when all 10 are displayed. In this case, if any of the 5-meter datasets overlap any of the 1-meter datasets, the higher-resolution datasets are displayed on top of the lower-resolution datasets.

When you use the Compose Surface tool, a group layer is created that includes copies of the BisCatalog and BisBDI layers, BisCatalog_CS and BisBDI_CS, respectively. The rules set in the Compose Surface pane are applied to these two sublayers in the group layer. You can reference the draw order weight in the Footprints table of the BisCatalog_CS when you make changes to the rules.

When the data is organized the way you want, you can save a set of rules as a rule file or save a combination of datasets and rule sets as a model file that can be used to sort and visualize data in ArcGIS Pro. From there, you can perform surface analysis with geoprocessing tools or display the model with other applicable data layers. The saved rule and model files can be used in the Bathymetry web app as well.

You must add either the BisBDI or the BisCatalog from a BIS geodatabase to the active map to expose the Bathymetry tab in ArcGIS Pro. If the BIS only contains vector data, you must add the BisCatalog layer to the map to view it. Both the BisCatalog and the BisBDI mosaic dataset in the Compose Surface group layer reflect the rules or models applied to BIS data.