Download and install product files

Product data files provide business rules and a framework for quickly becoming productive by ensuring standardization and consistency across your operations. Preconfigured databases, cartographic templates, applications, and services help you produce high-quality authoritative content that can be used to publish maps, perform analysis, and share the results throughout your organization.

The ArcGIS Bathymetry product data files include optional tools for incorporating Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) metadata into the BIS geodatabase. The Bathymetry web app configuration files and deployment guide are included in the installer as well.

ArcGIS Pro product files work with the extension. Once ArcGIS Pro and the extension are installed and authorized, you can download and install the product files.


Download options can be viewed after you sign in to My Esri.


You must have the appropriate privileges to access downloads from your My Esri account.

  1. Sign in to My Esri.
  2. Click the Downloads tab.

    A list of the latest versions for various software options appears.

  3. Click the software for which you want to download product files.

    The expanded Product components node for the software appears. Downloadable content is organized by node.

  4. Locate your extension in the Data and content node, and click Download.

    Expand the Data and content node, if necessary.

    The product files installer download begins.


The product files download contains the setup program.

  1. Start the extraction program you downloaded in the previous steps.
  2. Optionally, change the destination folder for the extraction.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Close.

    The Launch the setup program check box is checked by default and starts the product files installation.


    To run the setup program later, uncheck Launch the setup program before clicking Close. Browse to the installer destination folder to open the installer (.msi file) at a later time.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Review the license agreement and accept it if you agree.
  7. Click Next.

    The setup program Destination Folder page appears with the default installation location shown: C:\Users\Public\Documents.

  8. Optionally, click Change to choose a different destination folder.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Install.
  11. Click Finish.

    The product files are installed to the chosen location.

Bathymetry product file folders

The ArcGIS Bathymetry product files installer contains product files used in data and map production.

The Bathymetry product files installer copies the following folders to the specified installation location (<installation_location>\ArcGIS Bathymetry\Product Files\<version>):

  • BAGSupport—Contains the BAG metadata mapping file, Add BAG Metadata Fields script, and BAG schema
  • BathyWebApp—Contains the Bathymetry web app .json files and documentation