Update Aviation Annotation (Aviation)

Mit der Aviation Charting-Lizenz verfügbar.


Batch updates Aviation-specific annotation layers to streamline chart production and finishing.

Annotation may need to be resized for cartographic or parameter changes, such as reference scale changes. Complex annotation layers can also use different fonts or sizes in a label that do not always scale correctly. This tool allows you to update those complex layers and apply text and annotation scale updates at the same time.


  • The Annotation Layers parameter value must include feature-linked annotation.


    If an annotation feature class is not selected, it will be skipped.

  • For the Apply Scaling parameter, scaling is applied to the Annotation feature directly on the FontSize field.

    For example, if the Annotation feature has a FontSize value of 8, the following formula would be used to update the Annotation feature:

    new FontSize = ( LinkedCartoFeature.RefScale * 8) / AnnotationLayer.RefScale

  • The Area of Interest Features polygon feature class is used to set a boundary within which airspace polygon features will be processed. Airspace polygon features that wholly or partially overlap the area of interest (AOI) will be processed.


    The tool will only honor Area of Interest Features parameter values that are currently selected on a feature layer. If no AOI is selected, the tool will run using all features in the Area of Interest Features parameter value.

  • Vorsicht:

    Mit diesem Werkzeug werden die Eingabedaten geändert. Weitere Informationen und Strategien zur Vermeidung unerwünschter Datenänderungen finden Sie unter Werkzeuge, die Eingabedaten ändern oder aktualisieren.



The input map for this tool will update the domains for the Annotation Layers parameter value.

Annotation Layers

The feature-linked annotation layers and the specified sublayers that will be updated.

  • Annotation Layers—The input feature-linked annotation layers.
  • Sublayers—The sublayers that determine which annotation features will be processed.
Value Table
Area of Interest Features

The AOI boundary within which features will be processed.

Feature Layer
Apply scaling

Specifies whether scaling will be applied to annotation features based on linked cartographic feature reference scale and annotation reference scale. The formula for scaling is (( LinkedFeature.ReferenceScale * value) / AnnotationLayer.ReferenceScale ).

  • Unchecked—No annotation scaling will be applied. This is the default.
  • Checked—Annotation scaling will be applied.

Abgeleitete Ausgabe

Output Annotation Layers

The output annotation layers.


arcpy.aviation.UpdateAviationAnno(in_map, in_anno_layers, {aoi_features}, {apply_scaling})

The input value for this tool will update the domains for the in_anno_layers parameter value.


The feature-linked annotation layers and the specified sublayers that will be updated.

  • Annotation Layers—The input feature-linked annotation layers.
  • Sublayers—The sublayers that determine which annotation features will be processed.
Value Table

The AOI boundary within which features will be processed.

Feature Layer

Specifies whether scaling will be applied to annotation features based on linked cartographic feature reference scale and annotation reference scale. The formula for scaling is (( LinkedFeature.ReferenceScale * value) / AnnotationLayer.ReferenceScale ).

  • SCALEDNo annotation scaling will be applied. This is the default.
  • NOT_SCALEDAnnotation scaling will be applied.

Abgeleitete Ausgabe


The output annotation layers.



UpdateAviationAnno example (stand-alone script)

The following script demonstrates how to use the UpdateAviationAnno function.

# Name: UpdateAviationAnno_sample.py
# Description: ArcGIS processing tool that automates
# the resizing of annotation layers.

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Check out extensions

# Set the environment
arcpy.env.workspace = r"D:\Data\AIS.gdb\Data"

# Set local variables
in_map = "Map"
in_anno_layers = "ADHP_C_A 'ADHP ENR;ADHP VIS';ATSRoute_C_A"
aoi_features = "AOI"
apply_scaling = "SCALED"

# Call the UpdateAviationAnno tool
arcpy.aviation.UpdateAviationAnno(in_map, in_anno_layers, aoi_features, apply_scaling)

# Check in extensions


Dieses Werkzeug verwendet keine Geoverarbeitungsumgebungen.


  • Basic: Nein
  • Standard: Erfordert ArcGIS Aviation Charting
  • Advanced: Erfordert ArcGIS Aviation Charting

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