LocationAllocation output data types

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The output data types containing the results from a location-allocation analysis are described.


This provides access to the lines that connect demand points to the facilities to which they are allocated. Such lines are referenced in the documentation as allocation lines. These allocation lines include data about the demand allocated from each demand point to the associated facility.

The data type supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionData type


The name of the allocation line that includes the names of the demand point and facility to which the demand point is allocated.

The name of the allocation line is based on the names of the associated facility and demand point.

The facility name is first if the value for the travelDirection property on the analysis object is set to TravelDirection.FromFacility. For example, Facility 5 - Demand 3 indicates the route travels from Facility 5 to Demand 3.

If TravelDirection.ToFacility is specified as the value for the travelDirection property, the demand point name is first; for instance, Demand 3 — Facility 5.



The weight assigned from the connected demand point to the connected facility.



The ObjectID value of the corresponding input facility feature. This field is often used to join information from the facilities to the allocation lines.



The ObjectID value of the corresponding input demand point feature. This field is often used to join information from the demand points to the allocation lines.



The travel time in minutes between the facility and the demand point. Note that although the allocation lines have either straight or null geometries, the cost always refers to travel times as measured on a transportation network, not straight-line distances.


An additional field Total_[TimeUnits] is included if the timeUnits property of the analysis object is not set to TimeUnits.Minutes. The field values are in the units specified by the timeUnits property.


Additional fieldsTotal_[AccumulateAttributeName]_[TimeUnits] are included for each time-based cost attribute that is accumulated during the analysis.



The weighted cost of traveling between the facility and the demand point in minutes. This is the Total_Minutes value multiplied by the weight of the demand point allocated to the facility.

This field is included only if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is time based.


An additional field TotalWeigheted_[TimeUnits] is included if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is time-based and the timeUnits property of the analysis object is not set to TimeUnits.Minutes. The field values are in the units specified by the timeUnits property.



The travel distance in miles between the facility and the demand point. Note that although the allocation lines have either straight or null geometries, the cost always refers to travel distances as measured on a transportation network, not straight-line distances.



The travel distance in kilometers between the facility and the demand point. Note that although the allocation lines have either straight or null geometries, the cost always refers to travel distances as measured on a transportation network, not straight-line distances.


An additional field Total_[DistanceUnits] is included if the distanceUnits property of the analysis object is not set to DistanceUnits.Kilometers or DistanceUnits.Miles. The field values are in the units specified by the distanceUnits property.


Additional fieldsTotal_[AccumulateAttributeName]_[DistanceUnits] are included for each time-based cost attribute that is accumulated during the analysis.



The weighted cost of traveling between the facility and the demand point in miles. This is the Total_Miles value multiplied by the weight of the demand point allocated to the facility.

This field is included only if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is distance based.



The weighted cost of traveling between the facility and the demand point in kilometers. This is the Total_Kilometers value multiplied by the weight of the demand point allocated to the facility.

This field is included only if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is distance based.


An additional field TotalWeigheted_[DistanceUnits] is included if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is distance based and the distanceUnits property of the analysis object is not set to DistanceUnits.Miles or DistanceUnits.Kilometers. The field values are in the units specified by the distanceUnits property.



The travel cost in unknown units between the facility and the demand point. Note that although the allocation lines have either straight or null geometries, the cost always refers to travel cost as measured on a transportation network, not straight-line distances.

This field is included only when the travel mode used for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is neither time based nor distance based.


Additional fieldsTotal_[AccumulateAttributeName]_Other are included for each cost attribute that is neither time based nor distance based and accumulated during the analysis.



The weighted cost of traveling between the facility and the demand point in unknown units. This is the Total_Cost value multiplied by the weight of the demand point allocated to the facility.

This field is included only if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is neither time based nor distance based.



This provides access to the chosen, required, and competitor facilities, as well as any candidate facilities that were not chosen.

This data type supports the following fields. In addition to these fields, the data type also includes all the fields from the input feature class used as facilities for the analysis.

FieldDescriptionData type


The name of the facility. The values for this field are copied from the Name field on the input facilities.



The ObjectID value of the corresponding input facility feature. This field is often used to join information from the input facilities.



The best facilities, or those that are chosen in the analysis, are indicated in this field. The facility types are as follows:

  • 0 (Candidate)—The service didn't choose the candidate facility to be part of the solution.
  • 1 (Required)—Prior to submitting the analysis, the facility was designated as required; therefore, it is part of the solution regardless of how much demand it captured.
  • 2 (Competitor)—The facility represents your rivals and will remove demand from the problem. Competitor facilities are specific to the Maximize Market Share and Target Market Share problem types; they are ignored in other problem types.
  • 3 (Chosen)—These are the chosen facilities; that is, they are candidate facilities that capture the most demand.



The relative weighting of the facility, which is used to rate the attractiveness, desirability, or bias of one facility compared to another. The values for this field are copied from the Weight field on the input facilities.



The amount of weighted demand the facility is capable of supplying. The values for this field are copied from the Capacity field on the input facilities.



A count of demand points allocated to the facility. A nonzero value means the facility was part of the solution, either as a required, competitor, or chosen facility.



The sum of the effective weight from all demand points that were allocated to the facility. The value is the sum of all the Weight values from the demand points that were allocated to the facility. In the case of the Maximize Attendance and Market Share problem types, the value is an apportioned sum of the Weight field values, since these problem types allow demand to decay with distance or be split among many facilities.



The sum of travel time in minutes between the facility and each of the demand points that were allocated to the facility.

This field is included only if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is time based.


An additional field Total_[TimeUnits] is included if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is time based and the timeUnits property of the analysis object is not set to TimeUnits.Minutes. The field values are in the units specified by the timeUnits property.



This field stores the cumulative weighted cost in minutes for a facility. The weighted cost for a demand point is its weight multiplied by the least-cost path between the facility and the demand point. The weighted cost for a facility is the sum of all the weighted costs of demand points that are allocated to the facility.

For example, if a demand point with a weight of 2 is allocated to a facility 10 minutes away, the TotalWeighted_Minutes value is 20 (2 x 10). If another demand point with a weight of 3 is allocated to the same facility and is 5 minutes away, the TotalWeighted_Minutes value increases to 35 (3 x 5 + 20).

This field is included only if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is time based.


An additional field TotalWeighted_[TimeUnits] is included if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is time based and the timeUnits property of the analysis object is not set to TimeUnits.Minutes. The field values are in the units specified by the timeUnits property.



The sum of travel distance in miles between the facility and each of the demand points that were allocated to the facility.

This field is included only if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is distance based.


An additional field Total_[DistanceUnits] is included if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is distance based and the distanceUnits property of the analysis object is not set to DistanceUnits.Miles or DistanceUnits.Kilometers. The field values are in the units specified by the distanceUnits property.



This field stores the cumulative weighted cost in miles for a facility. The weighted cost for a demand point is its weight multiplied by the least-cost path between the facility and the demand point. The weighted cost for a facility is the sum of all the weighted costs of demand points that are allocated to the facility.

For example, if a demand point with a weight of 2 is allocated to a facility 10 miles away, the TotalWeighted_Miles value is 20 (2 x 10). If another demand point with a weight of 3 is allocated to the same facility and is 5 miles away, the TotalWeighted_Miles value increases to 35 (3 x 5 + 20)

This field is included only if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is distance based.


An additional field TotalWeighted_[DistanceUnits] is included if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is distance based and the distanceUnits property of the analysis object is not set to DistanceUnits.Miles or DistanceUnits.Kilometers. The field values are in the units specified by the distanceUnits property.



This field is analogous to the Total_Miles field, except values are in kilometers instead of miles.



This field is analogous to the TotalWeighted_Miles field, except values are in kilometers instead of miles.



A sum of travel cost in unknown units between the facility and each of the demand points that were allocated to the facility.

This field is included only if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is neither time based nor distance based.



This field stores the cumulative weighted cost in unknown units for a facility. The weighted cost for a demand point is its weight multiplied by the least-cost path between the facility and the demand point. The weighted cost for a facility is the sum of all the weighted costs of demand points that are allocated to the facility.

This field is included only if the travel mode set for the analysis has an impedance attribute that is neither time based nor distance based.



The numeric identifier of the network dataset source feature class on which the input point is located.



The ObjectID of the feature in the source on which the input point is located.



The position along the digitized direction of the source line feature. This value is stored as a ratio. This field is null if the network location references a junction.



The side of the edge in relation to the digitized direction of the line feature. This field is limited to a domain of two values: Right Side (1) and Left Side (2).



The direction a vehicle may depart from or arrive at the facility. The values for this field are copied from the CurbApproach field on the input facilities.



Indicates how the facility was evaluated in the analysis. The possible values are the following:

  • 0 (OK)—The facility was successfully located on the transportation network and analyzed.
  • 1 (Not Located)—The facility was not included in the analysis since a traversable road was not found within the maximum search distance from the facility.
  • 3 (Elements not traversable)—The network element that the facility is on is not traversable. This can occur when the network element is restricted by a restriction attribute.
  • 4 (Invalid Field Values)—Field values fall outside a range or coded-value domain. For example, a negative number may exist where positive numbers are required.
  • 5 (Not Reached)—The facility couldn't be reached due to constraints; for example, a curb approach is set so that a vehicle must travel in the wrong direction on a one-way street to reach the facility.
  • 7 (Not located on closest)—The closest network location to the facility is not traversable because of a restriction or barrier, so the facility has been located on the closest traversable network feature instead.



The x-coordinate of the position on the network dataset where the point was located, in the coordinate system of the network dataset.



The y-coordinate of the position on the network dataset where the point was located, in the coordinate system of the network dataset.



The z-coordinate of the position on the network dataset where the point was located, in the coordinate system of the network dataset. The SnapZ field is 0 if the network is two dimensional.



The distance in meters between the point's geographic location and the position where it was located on the network.



The values for this field are copied from the Bearing field on the input facilities.



The values for this field are copied from the BearingTol field on the input facilities.



The values for this field are copied from the NavLatency field on the input facilities.



This provides access to the demand points that participated in the analysis: those that were and were not allocated to facilities.

This data type supports the following fields. In addition to these fields, the data type also includes all the fields from the input feature class used as facilities for the analysis.

FieldDescriptionData type


The name of the demand point. The values for this field are copied from the Name field on the input demand points.



The ObjectID value of the facility to which this demand point is allocated. The field value is Null if the demand point is not allocated to any facility. This field is often used to join information from the input facilities to the output demand points.



The ObjectID value of the corresponding input demand point feature. This field is often used to join information.



The relative weighting of the demand point. The values for this field are copied from the Weight field on the input demand points.



The amount of demand allocated to chosen and required facilities. The value excludes demand allocated to competing facilities. The value options are as follows:

  • Null—The demand point wasn't assigned to any facility. This can result, for example, if the demand point could not be reached from any facility.
  • 0—The demand point was only assigned to competing facilities.
  • Positive, nonzero value—Indicates how much demand is assigned to your chosen and required facilities.



The name of the group of which the demand point is a part. The values for this field are copied from the GroupName field on the input demand points.



The values for this field are copied from the ImpedanceTransformation field on the input demand points.



The values for this field are copied from the ImpedanceParameter field on the input demand points.



The demand point can't be allocated to a facility that is beyond the value indicated here. The values for this field are copied from the Cutoff field on the input demand points.



The numeric identifier of the network dataset source feature class on which the input point is located.



The ObjectID of the feature in the source on which the input point is located.



The position along the digitized direction of the source line feature. This value is stored as a ratio. This field is null if the network location references a junction.



The side of the edge in relation to the digitized direction of the line feature. This field is limited to a domain of two values: Right Side (1) and Left Side (2).



The direction a vehicle may depart from or arrive at the demand point. The values for this field are copied from the CurbApproach field on input facilities.



Indicates how the demand point was evaluated in the analysis. The possible values are the following:

  • 0 (OK)—The demand point was successfully located on the transportation network and analyzed.
  • 1 (Not Located)—The demand point was not included in the analysis since a traversable road was not found within the maximum search distance from the demand point.
  • 3 (Elements not traversable)—The network element that the demand point is on is not traversable. This can occur when the network element is restricted by a restriction attribute.
  • 4 (Invalid Field Values)—Field values fall outside a range or coded-value domain. For example, a negative number may exist where positive numbers are required.
  • 5 (Not Reached)—The demand point couldn't be reached due to constraints; for example, a curb approach is set so that a vehicle must travel in the wrong direction on a one-way street to reach the demand point.
  • 7 (Not located on closest)—The closest network location to the demand point is not traversable because of a restriction or barrier, so the demand point has been located on the closest traversable network feature instead.



The x-coordinate of the position on the network dataset where the point was located, in the coordinate system of the network dataset.



The y-coordinate of the position on the network dataset where the point was located, in the coordinate system of the network dataset.



The z-coordinate of the position on the network dataset where the point was located, in the coordinate system of the network dataset. The SnapZ field is 0 if the network is two dimensional.



The distance in meters between the point's geographic location and the position where it was located on the network.



The values for this field are copied from the Bearing field on the input demand points.



The values for this field are copied from the BearingTol field on the input demand points.



The values for this field are copied from the NavLatency field on the input demand points.
