Copy coordinates

This ArcGIS 2.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Workflows require users to copy single coordinates, multiple coordinates, or specific components of a coordinate to use in various applications.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Map tab.
  2. In the Inquiry group, click Coordinate Conversion Coordinate Conversion.
  3. In the Coordinate Conversion pane, perform the action you wish to complete.
    • To copy a coordinate, click the Copy button Copy next to the output coordinate row.
    • To copy all coordinates, click the Copy All button Copy All in the Output coordinate section.
    • To copy a component of the coordinate, expand the coordinate row and click the Copy button Copy.
    • To copy selected coordinates from the List section, select one or more coordinates in the List section or on the map, right-click the selected coordinate or coordinates, and click Copy Copy Coordinates .
    • To copy all of the coordinates in the List section, right-click a coordinate in the List section, and click Copy All Copy All.