Register a dataset as traditional versioned

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When you initially add or create a dataset in an enterprise geodatabase, the dataset is not registered as versioned, and it is considered nonversioned data. Before you can edit a dataset in a version, you must register the dataset as versioned. To learn more about why you would want to edit a dataset in a version, see Overview of versioning.

There are two versioning types you can use when registering datasets as versioned:

Learn more about versioning types


Regardless of the type of versioning used, it is recommended that you complete any data loading prior to registration. All versioning types add a number of system-maintained tables, indexes, and attributes that can add to the processing time of data loading operations.

Register a dataset as traditional versioned

Before registering your dataset as versioned using traditional versioning, check that your geodatabase connection is set for traditional versioning. Right-click the geodatabase in the Catalog pane and click Geodatabase Connection Properties. In the Geodatabase Connection Properties dialog box, choose Traditional under Versioning Type.

To register a feature dataset, stand-alone feature class, or table as traditional versioned, right-click the dataset in the Catalog pane, point to Manage, and click Register As Versioned. This opens the Register As Versioned dialog box. Leave the Move Edits to Base option unchecked and click OK.

When you register your data as traditional versioned, two delta tables are created to track insert, update, and delete operations performed on the data. Therefore, a versioned dataset consists of the original table (called the business or base table) plus any changes stored in the delta tables.

Registering a dataset creates the supporting delta tables: the adds (A) and deletes (D) tables, as well as attribute indexes. The A and D tables and their attribute indexes have the potential to be among the most active in your geodatabase. In this case, these tables are read during all queries on the feature class or table. Also, anytime a user makes an edit, a row is added to one or both of these tables, so the tables grow quickly in an actively edited geodatabase. For this reason, data administrators need to plan for their storage and periodic compression operations to maintain optimum performance. For more information about version administration tasks, see Recommended version administration workflow.

Register as versioned with the option to move edits to base

Registering data as versioned with the option to move edits to base is designed to support nonversioned edits by third-party applications while still offering the traditional versioning benefits of long transactions and isolated editing. This option is available for simple features only—those that do not participate in a topology, network dataset, or utility network.

To register a feature dataset, stand-alone feature class, or table as versioned with the option to move edits to base, right-click the dataset in the Catalog pane, select Manage, and select Register As Versioned. This opens the Register As Versioned dialog box. Check Register the selected objects with the option to move edits to base. Checking this option causes edits that have been saved to the default version, whether edited directly or merged from other versions, to be saved in the base (business) tables. Edits to other versions remain in the delta tables when you save.

Unregister a dataset as versioned

You may want to unregister a dataset as versioned if it is no longer needed in the versioning environment or if you need to perform data loading and don't want the overhead from the extra version tables and indexes. To unregister as versioned, an exclusive lock is required on the dataset.

When you unregister a dataset as versioned, all edits in named versions that are not posted to default and compressed will be deleted. To prevent these edits from being lost, ensure that all named versions are reconciled and posted to default before unregistering the dataset as versioned. Additionally, ensure the geodatabase is compressed before unregistering the dataset as versioned.

To unregister a feature dataset, stand-alone feature class, or table as versioned, right-click the dataset in the Catalog pane, point to Manage, and click Unregister As Versioned. The Unregister As Versioned tool can also be used.