Create or modify the Indoors point of interest symbols

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Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.

ArcGIS Indoors comes with a default set of symbols for use in displaying points of interest (POI) types on the map and setting up the Explore panel for the Indoors client apps. The default symbols are preconfigured in the map templates and styles available in the Product Data for ArcGIS Indoors installation package and provide a framework for categorizing points of interest. If the default symbols do not meet your requirements, you can modify the existing set of symbols or create your own.

Create or modify symbol images

Indoors supports the use of PNG or SVG symbols for the Explore panel and custom style file.

Learn more about creating or modifying symbol images

Update the Indoors categories

Once you create the symbol set, the default categories provided in the map templates can be modified to include changes. Categories in the templates that are no longer required can be deleted, icons can be changed to the new symbols, and new categories with your custom icons can be added for the new categories and category groups.


For this release, Indoors only supports one level of sub-categories in a category group by default. You may be able to add more levels of sub-categories in future releases.

To modify the categories and groups in the map templates, complete the following steps:

  1. In ArcGIS Pro, open the map view of the template you want to modify.
  2. From the ribbon, click the Configure Indoors Categories button.
  3. In the Categories view, find the categories or groups you want to modify, right-click them, and click Edit Icons.
  4. Upload the new symbols.

Add or modify the ArcGIS Pro style file

To modify the style for ArcGIS Pro, see Manage styles.

Ensure consistency

It is critical that both the categories and map layers be in alignment to provide the best user experience. Make sure there is consistency between the icons used in the categories, or the category groups, and the symbols used to display the relevant features on the map.