Propagate selections between diagrams and maps

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Various commands can be used to find and locate the following:

  • Network features or network objects in open maps that are associated with diagram features currently selected in the active diagram map
  • Diagram features in the open diagrams that are associated with network features or network objects currently selected in the active map
  • Diagram features in any other open diagrams that are associated with the same network features or network objects as the diagram features currently selected in the active diagram map


This workflow can be executed from either a utility network or trace network in a file geodatabase, a utility network service, or a database connection to a utility network in an enterprise geodatabase.

Search for network elements associated with particular diagram features

Use the Apply To Maps command to find and locate network features or network objects present in open network maps that are associated with diagram features currently selected in the active diagram.

This command is available on the Network Diagram home tab when diagram features are currently selected in the active diagram.

By default, the Apply To Maps process works on all the open network maps unless you specify a particular one. It executes according to the network diagrams options currently specified.

The steps below detail how you can search for network elements associated with particular diagram features:

  1. Make sure that among the maps currently opened in your project, there is one that references the utility network or trace network associated with your diagram. If not, do one of the following:
    • Open one of the existing maps that references the utility network or trace network your diagram is associated with.
    • Add the network layer your diagram comes from to a new map including all its network source classes and object tables.
  2. Click your diagram map tab to set this diagram as the active map.
  3. Select the diagram features you want to locate in the network map.
  4. On the Network Diagram tab, click the Network Diagrams Options box at the lower right corner of the Selection group to open the Network Options dialog box. Then, verify or set up the selection options under the Propagation section:
    1. Check the Propagate reduced or collapsed elements when applying selection from or to diagram maps option so the process searches for all network features or network objects associated with the diagram features currently selected in the active diagram, whether those elements are reduced or collapsed in the diagrams.

      Uncheck this option if you want the process to search only for network features or network objects associated with diagram features currently selected in the diagram that are not reduced or collapsed in the diagrams. In that case, it will only select network features or network objects associated with the selected diagram features that are visibly represented in the diagrams.

    2. Check Select spatial container(s) when propagating edge and junction objects represented in diagram map if you want the propagation process to not only select network objects in object tables referenced in the geographic map but also systematically select their related spatial container features in the geographic map.
    3. Check Zoom to the selected resulting features if you want the process to automatically zoom in on the set of features selected in the geographic map or maps at the end.
  5. Click Apply To Maps if you want the process to operate in all the opened maps.
    Apply To Maps on Network Diagram ribbon
    Or click a map in the drop-down list below to operate in one particular opened map:
    Apply To Maps drop-down list on Network Diagram ribbon

All the retrieved network features are selected in the network feature layers referenced in the geographic map. In the same way, all the retrieved network objects are selected in the object tables referenced in the geographic map.


The process only operates on feature layers that are selectable in the destination map. Verify the selectability of your map layers if no network features are selected or only part of the network features you expected are selected.

Any reduced or collapsed network features or network objects that are not visibly represented in the active diagram because they are aggregated are selected in the destination map only when the Propagate reduced or collapsed elements when applying selection from or to diagram maps option is checked.

In particular, network features or network objects related to reduction edges that are selected in the active diagram can be retrieved in the map only when the Propagate reduced or collapsed elements when applying selection from or to diagram maps option is checked.

Explicit edges that are selected in the active diagram and represent connectivity associations in the utility network or trace network cannot be retrieved in the map, since such information is not represented in the map.

Search for diagram features associated with particular network elements

To search for diagram features associated with particular network features or network objects currently selected in the active map, execute the Apply To Diagrams command on the Data tab of the Utility Network or Trace Network tab set.


Apply To Diagrams operates on the diagrams that are opened at the time it executes, that is, those referenced in the maps—diagram maps or standard maps—that are presently opened. To retrieve other diagrams currently not open where those network features or network objects are represented, you can first execute the Find Diagrams function on the Data tab of the Utility Network or Trace Network tab set, and then open those diagrams and use Apply To Diagrams to locate and select those diagram features in all the opened diagrams where they are referenced.

By default, the Apply To Diagrams process works in all the maps—diagram maps or standard maps—that are presently opened and reference a diagram layer, unless you specify one particular opened map. It executes with regard to the network diagrams options currently specified.

The steps below detail how you can search for diagram features associated with particular network elements:

  1. Make sure that among the maps currently open in your project, there are diagram maps or standard maps referencing network diagram layers related to the utility network or trace network you are interested in.
  2. On the Network Diagram tab, click the Network Diagrams Options box at the lower right corner of the Selection group to open the network options dialog box. Then, verify or set up the selection options under the Propagation section:
    1. Check the Propagate reduced or collapsed elements when applying selection from or to diagram maps option so the process selects both diagram features that strictly represent network features and network objects currently selected in the active map, and diagram features that are associated with selected network features and network objects that are reduced or collapsed in the diagrams.

      Uncheck this option so the process only searches for diagram features associated with network features and network objects currently selected in the map that are not reduced nor collapsed in the diagrams; that is, it only selects diagram features associated with the selected network features and network objects that are visibly represented in the diagrams.

    2. Check Zoom to the selected resulting features if you want the process to automatically zoom in on the set of diagram features selected in the processed diagram maps at the end.
    3. Check Add connectivity associations when propagating from geographic map to diagram map if you want the process to execute an extra step to systematically select any connectivity association diagram edges for which it has just selected both the from and to diagram junctions.
    4. Check Add structural attachments when propagating from geographic map to diagram map if you want the process to execute an extra step to systematically select any structural attachment diagram edges for which it has just selected both the from and to diagram junctions.
  3. Click the map tab referencing the utility network or trace network to set this map as the active map.
  4. Select the network features and network objects you want to locate in the open diagrams.
  5. Click Apply To Diagrams if you want the process to operate in all the opened maps.
    Apply To Diagrams on Data tab of the
    Or click the map referencing the diagram you want in the drop-down list below to operate in one particular open diagram:
    Apply To Diagrams drop-down list on Data tab of the

All the retrieved diagram features are selected in the diagram map.


The process only operates on feature layers that are selectable in the diagram map. Verify whether your diagram map layers are selectable when no features are selected, or only part of the diagram features you expected are selected.

For network features and network objects selected in the map that are reduced or collapsed in the diagrams, the corresponding diagram features—aggregated diagram features—are selected in the diagram map only when the Propagate reduced or collapsed elements when applying selection from or to diagram maps option is checked.

In particular, network features and network objects related to reduction edges in diagrams that are selected in the active network map can be retrieved in the diagram map only when the Propagate reduced or collapsed elements when applying selection from or to diagram maps option is checked.

Retrieve features in other diagrams that are associated with specific network elements

To search for diagram features associated with the same network features or network objects as those currently selected in the active diagram, execute the Apply To Diagrams command on the Network Diagram contextual tab.


Apply To Diagrams operates on the diagrams that are open at the time it executes, that is, those referenced in the maps—diagram maps or standard maps—that are presently open. To retrieve other diagrams currently not open that reference diagram features associated with the same network features or network objects as those selected in the active diagram, you can first execute the Find Diagrams function on the Network Diagram contextual tab, and then open those diagrams and use Apply To Diagrams to locate and select those diagram features in all the opened diagrams where they are referenced.

By default, the Apply To Diagrams process works in all the maps—diagram maps or standard maps—that are presently open and reference a diagram layer unless you specify one particular opened map. It executes according to the Propagate reduced or collapsed elements when applying selection from or to diagram maps and Zoom to the selected resulting features options.

The steps below detail how you can search for diagram features associated with particular network features:

  1. Make sure that among the maps currently open in your project, there are diagram maps or standard maps referencing network diagram layers related to the utility network or trace network you are working with.
  2. Click a diagram map tab to set this diagram as the active map.
  3. Select the diagram features you want to locate in other open diagrams.
  4. On the Network Diagram tab, click the Network Diagrams Options box at the lower right corner of the Selection group to open the Network Options dialog box. Then, verify or set up the selection options under the Propagation section:
    1. Check the Propagate reduced or collapsed elements when applying selection from or to diagram maps option so the process selects diagram features associated with the same network features and network objects as those currently selected in the active diagram, whether those network features and network objects are reduced or collapsed in the source and destination diagrams.

      Conversely, uncheck this option if you want the process to only select diagram features associated with the network features and network objects that are visibly represented in the source and destination diagrams.

    2. Check Zoom to the selected resulting features if you want the process to automatically zoom in on the set of features selected in the processed diagram maps at the end.
  5. Click Apply To Diagrams if you want the process to operate in all the opened diagrams.
    Apply To Diagrams on Network Diagram ribbon
    Or click a diagram in the drop-down list below to operate in one particular opened diagram.
    Apply To Diagrams drop-down list on Network Diagram ribbon

All the retrieved diagram features are selected in the diagram maps.


The process only operates on feature layers that are selectable in the diagram maps. Verify whether your diagram map layers are selectable when no diagram features are selected or only part of the diagram features you expected are selected.

Make sure the Propagate reduced or collapsed elements when applying selection from or to diagram maps option is checked so the process operates from and to diagram features that are aggregated in the active diagram or in the destination diagram maps.

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