Discover network loops

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Loops are areas of the network where flow direction is ambiguous. Within a loop, resources can flow in either direction. Loops are expected with mesh networks, but usually indicate error conditions in radial networks. You can discover loops using the Trace tool with the Loops trace type set.

To learn more, see Utility network trace types.


To perform a network loops trace, the following requirements must be met:

  • The subnetwork or subnetworks have one or more subnetwork controllers.
  • The network topology must be enabled.
  • One or more starting points exist.
  • When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the Input Utility Network parameter must be from a utility network service.

Trace network loops

  1. Ensure the utility network is added to an active map, and select the utility network or one of its related layers within the Contents pane.

    This will enable the Utility Network and Data contextual tab on the ribbon.

  2. Under Utility Network, click the Data tab.
    Tools group
  3. Ensure one or more starting points exist in the map view. Within the Tools group, click the Trace Locations command to open the Trace Locations pane. Set Starting Points and Barriers to use in the trace.

    For tracing network Loops, starting points must be specified, while barriers are optional.

  4. On the Data tab, within the Tools group gallery, click Loops. This will open the Trace tool for the utility network in the active map using a loop Trace Type.

    Use the down arrow to browse within the tools gallery for Loops.

  5. Apply additional configuration parameters as needed. Reference the Trace tool for a full list of tool parameters. Also see Configure a trace.
  6. Click Run.

Features participating in loops are returned as a single selection set. Loops are not tracked individually, so the number of loops is unknown.


If a subnetwork controller is not present or not connected to the specified subnetwork, an error is returned and the trace fails.