Keyboard shortcuts for editing

This ArcGIS 2.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that provide an alternative way to execute a command that you'd typically click with a mouse.

General editing

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Open the Modify Features pane.


Open the Create Features pane.


Pan Pan.

Pan the view.


Zoom out Preview Zoom Out.

Press and drag the pointer. Release the pointer to zoom out.


Zoom in or out Zoom.

Zoom the view in or out.


Show vertices.

Press and hold to show vertices of existing features near the pointer as you draw a new line.


Snapping List By Snapping.

Press and hold to turn snapping on or off as you create or modify features.

Escor Ctrl+Delete

Cancel edits Cancel Changes.

Deactivate the current interactive editing tool and cancel any unfinished edits.


Finish Finish.

Apply your changes to the current feature and complete the active operation.

Keyboard shortcuts for general editing functions

Undo and Redo

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Undo Undo.

Incrementally undo actions and edits recorded in the undo stack.


Redo Redo.

Incrementally restore actions and edits recorded in the undo stack.

Keyboard shortcuts for undo and redo functions

Selection tools

Keyboard shortcutActionComment

Shift+ Select Select

Add the selected feature Select All.

Add the selected feature to the current selection.

Ctrl+ Select Select

Remove the selected feature Clear Selected.

Remove the selected feature from the current selection.

Ctrl+Shift+ Select Select

Select only this feature Unselect.

Keep the selected feature and remove all other features from the current selection.

Keyboard shortcuts for the selection tools

Edit vertices

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Show vertices within the snapping tolerance.

Flash a square at vertices that are within the current snapping tolerance of the pointer.


Add a vertex Add Vertex.

Create a vertex where you click a segment.


Delete a vertex Delete Vertex.

Delete the clicked vertex.


Edit the elevation.

Move a z-enabled vertex vertically and preserve its x,y coordinates. Hover over a control handle until the pointer becomes a vertex and drag the vertex. This shortcut is available in 3D scenes.


Move a Bézier curve.

Move a Bézier curve and preserve its shape. Hover over a curve until the pointer becomes a segment, and drag the curve.


Move a Bézier handle.

Move a Bézier control handle that can't otherwise be selected when it is coincident with another vertex. Hover over a control handle until the pointer becomes a vertex and drag the handle.


Move the z-value to the pointer.

Move the z-value for the selected vertex to the elevation of the pointer. The x- and y-values are preserved.

This is available only when stereoscopic mode is enabled.


Move the pointer z-value.

Move the pointer z-value to the elevation of the selected vertex.

This is available only when stereoscopic mode is enabled.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Edit Vertices tool

Modify annotation

The following shortcuts are available when you edit annotations in the Modify Features pane.

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Change the Follow Feature distance.

In Follow Feature mode, change the distance between the annotation feature and the boundary feature.

Keyboard shortcuts for editing annotation

Geometry properties table

The following shortcuts are available when you edit vertex values in the geometry properties table in the Modify Features pane or in the Attributes pane on the Geometry tab.

Keyboard shortcutActionComment

Down arrow key

Advance to the next vertex.

Advance to the next vertex and flash it on the map.

Up arrow key

Return to the previous vertex.

Return to the previous vertex and flash it on the map.


Select inclusive rows.

Select all rows between the first and last row you click.


Select multiple rows.

Select multiple rows.

Shift+Down arrow

Add the next vertex.

Add the next vertex to the selection and flash it on the map. Rows are deselected if you switch arrow keys while pressing Shift.

Shift+Up arrow

Add the previous vertex.

Add the previous vertex to the selection and flash it on the map. Rows are deselected if you switch arrow keys while pressing Shift.


Switch the selection.

Deselect the current selection and select all unselected rows.


Select all vertices.

Select all vertices.


Select or deselect the row.

Select or deselect the current row.


Advance to the next field.

Apply the current edit and go to the next column. If at the end of a row, go to the first cell in the next row.


Apply the edit and go to the next row.

Apply the current edit and go to next row in the same column.


Apply the edit and go to the previous row.

Apply the current edit and go to the previous row in the same column.

Keyboard shortcuts for the geometry properties table

Copy and paste in tables

The following shortcuts are available when you edit values in tables that appear in the Attributes pane, the Modify Features pane, and the Template Properties dialog box.

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Copy the selection.

Copy the selected value in the cell.


Paste the selection.

Paste the copied value to the cell.


Edit the cell.

Edit the contents of the current cell.


Cancel the action.

Cancel the edited value and restore the original value to the cell.

Keyboard shortcuts for tables in tool and template panes

Text formatting tags

The following formatting shortcuts are available when you modify selected annotation in the Attributes pane on the Annotation tab.

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Apply underline.

Insert inline text formatting tags <UND> the selected text string </UND>.


Apply all caps.

Insert inline text formatting tags <ACP> the selected text string </ACP>.


Apply lowercase.

Insert inline text formatting tags <SCP> the selected text string </SCP>.

Ctrl+Shift+Plus sign (+)

Apply superscript.

Insert inline text formatting tags <SUP> the selected text string </SUP>.

Ctrl+Equal sign (=)

Apply subscript.

Insert inline text formatting tags <SUB> the selected text string </SUB>.

Keyboard shortcuts for formatting text


Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Relocate the anchor.

Relocate the selection anchor to the clicked location. You can zoom in to a feature without the current location of the anchor being visible in the active view.


Move the anchor.

Move the selection anchor.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Move tool


Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Apply a scale factor.

Open the Scale dialog box.


Relocate the anchor.

Relocate the selection anchor to the clicked location. You can zoom in to a feature without the current location of the anchor being visible in the active view.


Move the anchor.

Move the selection anchor.


Access the secondary anchor.

Turn the secondary anchor on and off. When it is turned on, the anchor is positioned at the pointer location.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Scale tool


Keyboard shortcutActionComment



Open the Angle dialog box.


Relocate the anchor.

Relocate the selection anchor to the clicked location. You can zoom in to a feature without the current location of the anchor being visible in the active view.


Move the anchor.

Move the selection anchor.


Access the secondary anchor.

Turn the secondary anchor on and off. When it is turned on, the anchor is positioned at the pointer location.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Rotate tool

Create annotation

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Find text Find Text.

Replace the text string in the text box with the label expression or field value from the topmost selected feature layer. When you select feature-linked annotation, the text is calculated from the origin feature class. If it can't be calculated, the word Text is used.


Find the next text.

Step through the selected annotation features when using Find Text Find Text.


Specify absolute X,Y,Z Absolute XYZ.

Open the Absolute X,Y,Z dialog box.


Switch sides Switch side and

Flip annotation Flip annotation.

Flip unfinished text 180 degrees and to the left or right side of the followed edge. This shortcut is available when you create text with Follow feature Follow Feature Annotation.


Use the Follow Feature options.

Open the Editor Settings dialog box. This shortcut is available when you create text with Follow feature Follow Feature Annotation.


Change the Follow Feature distance.

In Follow Feature mode, change the distance between the annotation feature and the boundary feature.

Keyboard shortcuts for annotation construction tools

Create point features

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Specify absolute X,Y,Z Absolute XYZ.

Open the Absolute X,Y,Z dialog box.

Keyboard shortcuts for point construction tools

Create polyline and polygon features

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Specify absolute X,Y,Z Absolute XYZ.

Open the Absolute X,Y,Z dialog box.


Specify the direction Direction.

Open the Direction dialog box.


Specify the distance Distance.

Open the Distance dialog box.


Specify the direction and distance Direction-Distance.

Open the Direction and Distance dialog box.


Specify deflection Deflection.

Open the Deflection dialog box.


Specify segment deflection Segment Deflection.

Open the Segment Deflection dialog box.


Make the line parallel Parallel.

Constrain the direction of a new line segment parallel to another segment. Hover over an existing segment and press the keyboard shortcut. Release the key to set the constraint and flash the segment to which it is constrained.


Make the line perpendicular Perpendicular.

Constrain the direction of a new line segment perpendicular to another segment. Hover over an existing segment and press the keyboard shortcut. Release the key to set the constraint and flash the segment to which it is constrained.

Esc or Ctrl+Delete

Cancel the edits Cancel Changes.

Cancel an unfinished feature.


Square and finish the featureSquare and Finish.

Autocomplete the last two segments at right angles and finish the feature.

F4 or Shift+double-click

Finish the current part Finish Part.

Apply your changes to the current part and leave the construction tool active to create another part for the feature.


Turn snapping on and off List By Snapping.

Temporarily turn snapping off when you press and hold the spacebar. Temporarily turn snapping on when you are creating freehand polyline or polygon features.

Keyboard shortcuts for polyline and polygon construction tools

Create arc segments

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Specify a radius.

Open the Radius dialog box.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Arc segment construction tool

Create endpoint arc segments

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Specify a radius.

Open the Radius dialog box.

Keyboard shortcuts for the End Point Arc segment construction tool

Create by tracing

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


View the options.

Open the Options dialog box.


Set a negative offset.

Switch the side of the offset and trace the other side of an edge.


Trace selected features.

Trace only selected features. If Trace selected features is turned on, you can trace selected and unselect features.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Trace segment construction tool

Create by streaming

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


View the options.

Open the Options dialog box


Start or stop streaming.

Begin or stop streaming.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Streaming construction tool

Create a circle

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Specify absolute X,Y,Z Absolute XYZ.

Open the Absolute X,Y,Z dialog box.


Specify a radius.

Open the Radius dialog box.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Circle construction tool

Create an ellipse

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Specify absolute X,Y,Z Absolute XYZ.

Open the Absolute X,Y,Z dialog box.


Specify the direction Direction.

Open the Direction dialog box.


Make the geometry a circle Circle.

Constrain the geometry to a circle. Create the first point of the ellipse, press the keyboard shortcut, and drag.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Ellipse construction tool

Elevation tools

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Suspend the sketch plane.

Suspend the current 3D elevation sketch plane while using Get Z from View Get Z From View. This allows you to click and set a z-value at a lower elevation.

Keyboard shortcuts for setting z-values for 3D features

Create a rectangle

Keyboard shortcutActionComment


Specify absolute X,Y,Z Absolute XYZ.

Open the Absolute X,Y,Z dialog box.


Specify the direction Direction.

Open the Direction dialog box.


Make the shape a square.

Constrain the shape to a square. Create the first point of the rectangle, press the keyboard shortcut, and drag.

Keyboard shortcuts for the Rectangle construction tool

Topology error inspector

Keyboard shortcutActionComment

Up arrow key and Down arrow key

Move the pointer.

Move the pointer up and down the rows in the error table.

Ctrl +Shift+Equal sign (=)

Zoom to error.Zoom To Selection.

Zoom the active map to the current error.


Show the topology rule.

Show the topology rule the current error violates.


Select the features Select.

Select the parent features causing the error.


Mark the error as an exception Mark as Exception.

Mark the current error as an exception.


Clear the exception Clear Exception.

Clear the current exception and mark the record as an error.

Keyboard shortcuts for the topology error inspector