Exploratory analysis how-to videos

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The following collection of videos includes lessons about each of the exploratory analysis tools. Click a video to learn more about interactive line of sight, view dome, viewshed, and slice.

Create and update an interactive line of sight

Learn how to place a new line of sight observer and one or more target locations. You can reposition the object to update the visualization analysis results dynamically.

Create and update an interactive view dome

Learn how to place a new view dome observer location and make updates to the volumetric shape using the interactive handles. Any areas not visible from the observer location are colored magenta, and the analysis results can be viewed by navigating around the object.

Create and update an interactive viewshed

Learn how to create an interactive viewshed, update its properties, and understand the visibility analysis results.

Create and update an interactive slice plane

Learn how to create an interactive slice plane to quickly suppress part of a scene's display to reveal content hidden underneath. The slice plane's properties can be updated, and different slice objects can be created to suit different purposes. You can change the culling direction and configure which layers are affected by the slice plane.

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