00288: Extent of the map and existing web layer must overlap

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You are overwriting a cached map image layer and keeping the existing cache; however, the spatial extent of your new map does not overlap the extent of the cached layer.


  • Change the current map extent so that it includes or overlaps the cached map image layer.

More information

When you overwrite a map image layer, an option to keep the existing cache is available in the configuration properties. You have selected this option (or it was selected by default). When you keep the existing cache, tiles that were previously built remain associated with the cached layer. New tiles are built only for additional levels of detail you specify. The spatial extent of your new map must overlap the extent of the cached layer.

For example, if the extent of the cached layer is the contiguous United States, you can overwrite it with a map that has the extent of California. You can't overwrite it with a map that has the extent of Hawaii.

You set the map extent in the map properties. If you choose Use extent of data in all layers (the default), the map extent is set by the selected layers in the new map, or by all layers if none are selected. If you choose Use a custom extent, the extent can be the current visible extent of the map, the extent of a particular map layer, or any map coordinates you specify.