Configure a web imagery layer
You can configure a web imagery layer before publishing to allow users to view the underlying data, compress the data for visualization, and apply raster functions to render and display analytical results.
- Click the Configuration tab. If your active portal is ArcGIS Enterprise, click Configure Web Layer Properties to access the configurable properties.
If your active portal is ArcGIS Online, the configurable properties display immediately.
- Under Layer(s), on the Imagery tab, click the Configure Web Layer Properties button to access the configurable properties for imagery. Click the Back button to go back to the Configuration tab main page.
- Optionally, include additional layer types and capabilities by checking the layer or capability check box.
Options include WCS and WMS.
For more information, see Additional layers and capabilities.
- Set the permissions that users will have when viewing your web imagery layer.
The options are as follows:
Maximum image size per request The maximum number of pixel rows and columns the server allows in a client request.
If the client's request exceeds this value, none of the pixels will be returned.
Default resampling method The resampling method used in the request. The methods option are the following:
- Nearest Neighbor (recommended for discrete data)
- Bilinear Interpolation (recommended for continuous data)
- Cubic Convolution (recommended for continuous data)
- Majority (recommended for discrete data)
Allowed compression The allowable compression methods for the image service. The following compression types are available:
- LZ77
You can set a default JPEG quality and LERC tolerance in the Configure Allow List dialog box.
The client can then choose which allowable compression method to use for transmission. You can set the compression method on the Display tab on the Layer Properties dialog box.
This parameter is applicable only to clients that access image services via the SOAP GetImage method, for example, ArcGIS Desktop and applications built with ArcObjects.
For clients accessing services via REST, compression is applied automatically based on the requested format type, regardless of the defined compression method.
Default compressions The compression method used as the default.
JPEG quality Edit the quality by typing a value from 0 to 100. A value of 80 tends to retain image quality while providing approximately eight times compression.
LERC tolerance The maximum error value that is applicable per pixel (not an average for the image). This value is specified in the units of the mosaic dataset. For example, if the error is 10 centimeters and the mosaic dataset is in meters, type 0.1.
Maximum samples count This generates sample point locations, pixel values, and corresponding spatial resolutions of the source data for a given geometry. By default, the maximum number of sample locations is 1,000.
Cache control max age When clients send requests to ArcGIS Server to display an image service, the response from the server is typically cached by the browser and reused for a certain period of time. This behavior helps ArcGIS Server achieve the best possible display performance for your image service. However, depending on how your image service and its associated data are used in applications, consider adjusting the length of time the browser can use a response in its cache.
ArcGIS Server image service responses include an entity tag (ETag) and a Cache-Control header. The ETag header value is a unique identifier of the response. The Cache-Control header has a max-age value that provides information to the browser regarding the maximum time period it can reuse a response from the browser's cache. This is controlled by the Cache control max age option.
When a request is repeated and the maximum age of the cache has not expired, the browser uses the cached response without sending the request to the server. If the maximum age has expired, the browser sends the request to the server and sets an IF-NONE-MATCH header with an associated ETag value corresponding to the response in its cache. ArcGIS Server evaluates the request and uses the ETag value to determine if the response has changed. If the response from the server is different from the copy on the browser, the server sends a new response to the browser. If the response is identical to the copy on the browser, the server alerts the browser to continue to use the response in its cache.
As an ArcGIS Server administrator, you can define this property to specify how long a browser is allowed to use a cached response. By mitigating the need for ArcGIS Server to send a full response, browser caches are more efficient, your applications are optimized, and you save network bandwidth.
The default value for image services is 12 hours (43,200 seconds). This means that if a request is repeated within 12 hours, the browser uses the response from its cache. This value works well for most applications.
For image services with frequently changing datasets or symbology, a value such as 5 minutes (300 seconds) is recommended. In applications with animations or time-aware data, consider increasing the value improve visualization.
Return JPGPNG as JPG When a user requests the image using the JPGPNG format, if there is transparency, a PNG format file is returned; otherwise, a JPG format file is returned. The PNG format file is often much larger than the JPG format file and can take longer to transmit. If transparency is not necessary and you want to ensure the image service is always transmitted using a smaller image size, check this check box.
Has live data When new rasters are added to the mosaic dataset of an image service, the image service information—such as source resolution, spatial extent, multidimensional information, and time extent—may become outdated. You can restart the service to reflect data changes. However, if you cannot incur any down time, choose this option to reflect data changes without restarting the service.
Allow client specified rendering rules If selected, clients can access and control the server-side rendering and processing. If you do not select this option, clients cannot access or request server-side rendering.
Processing templates Select the function chains to publish with the web imagery layer.
Default template The processing template that will be used as the default to display the data.
Allowed mensuration methods These methods are derived from the source's mensuration capabilities and listed as part of the dataset's properties. They determine the mensuration tools that can be used with the image service.
- Basic—The Distance, Area, Point Location, and Centroid Location mensuration tools can be used. These tools are available with the other options as well (except None).
- 3D—Measurements made using the tools available with the Basic option can be modified using a DEM.
- Height—The sensor model exists for datasets in the mosaic dataset; therefore, the Height: Using Base To Top mensuration tool can be used.
- Shadow—The sensor model and sun angle information exists for datasets in the mosaic dataset; therefore, the Height: Using Base To Top, Height: Using Base To Top Shadow, and Height: Using Top To Top Shadow mensuration tools can be used.
- None—The user cannot use the mensuration tools in ArcGIS with this dataset.
This is applicable to all inputs.
- Once the web imagery layer has been successfully published, click the Manage the web layer link that appears in the Sharing pane. Sign in to your organization to view the item if it was not shared publicly.
Configure a cached web imagery layer
You can configure a cached web imagery layer before publishing to specify a tiling scheme, the level of detail to cache, and when and where to build the cache.
Antialiasing options set for the application on the Display tab of the Options dialog box located on the Project tab, are applied when you publish a web tile layer. The default antialiasing mode is Best.
- Click the Configuration tab. If your active portal is ArcGIS Enterprise, click Configure Web Layer Properties to access the configurable properties.
- To share a cached web imagery layer, check the Tile check box. Click the Configure Web Layer Properties button to access the configurable properties for tiling imagery.
- Click the Tiling Scheme drop-down arrow and choose a tiling scheme that defines the scale levels, tile dimensions, and tile origin for the cache.
These properties define where tile boundaries will exist and are important to match when overlaying caches. The following are the tiling scheme options:
ArcGIS Online/Bing Maps/Google Maps This is the default tiling scheme. The coordinate system of the web layer is reprojected on the fly to WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) to ensure that your web tile layer overlays with these online services. The default tile width and height is 256 by 256 pixels. Scale levels for caching range from 0 to 23. When you initialize a new cache, ArcGIS Pro examines the layers in your GIS resource and identifies a default tile image format. If your GIS resource contains only vector layers, the default is PNG. If at least one raster layer is detected, the default is MIXED.
WGS 1984 Geographic Coordinate System, Version 2 A tiling scheme based on the WGS84 geographic coordinate system. The coordinate system of the web layer is reprojected on the fly to WGS84. The default tile width and height is 256 by 256 pixels. Scale levels for caching range from 0 to 22. When you initialize a new cache, ArcGIS Pro examines the layers in your map and identifies a default tile image format. If your GIS resource contains only vector layers, the default is PNG. If at least one raster layer is detected, the default is MIXED.
Existing cached map/image service Use an existing hosted or ArcGIS Server web tile layer or an ArcGIS Server image service as the tiling scheme of your web tile layer. When you choose this option, the tiling scheme XML file associated with the existing service is downloaded to C:\Users\USERPROFILE\My Documents\ArcGIS\TilingSchemes\Downloaded. ArcGIS Pro honors the parameters specified in the existing service, with the exception of antialiasing. Antialiasing options set for the application are used.
Tiling scheme file Import a custom tiling scheme XML file you created that contains your preferred scales and settings. Use the Generate Map Server Cache Tiling Scheme geoprocessing tool to create a custom tiling scheme XML file. Additional tiling scheme files can also be imported from C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\TilingSchemes. The tile image format default is PNG if the tile image format is not defined in the tiling scheme file. ArcGIS Pro honors the parameters specified in the tiling scheme file, with the exception of antialiasing. Antialiasing options set for the application are used.
Web tile layers that are published when a web map is shared automatically use the tiling scheme associated with the web map's basemap.
In ArcGIS Pro 1.1 and 1.2, a previous version of the WGS 1984 Geographic Coordinate System tiling scheme was available. An improved version of this tiling scheme, with higher registration accuracy at higher resolutions (detailed scales), has replaced the old tiling scheme as WGS 1984 Geographic Coordinate System, Version 2.
Cached web layers that use the old tiling scheme cannot be displayed with cached web imagery layers that use the new tiling scheme in certain clients due to differences in the tiling schemes. To continue using the old tiling scheme, choose Existing cached map/image service for Tiling Scheme and browse to a service that uses the old tiling scheme.
- Use the sliders to set the Levels of Detail property.
ArcGIS Pro examines the dependencies in your map or layer and provides a minimum and maximum range of scales for caching. Depending on your map or layer, you may want to forego caching some of the extremely large or small scales in your tiling scheme.
The Maximum source cell size option controls the base cell size of the cache. Above the maximum source cell size, the cache tiles are created by resampling existing cache tiles. Below the maximum source cell size, the cache tiles are created using the data from the source imagery. - Under Options, choose when and where to build the cache. Use the reported Estimated cache size option under Estimate to help you make this choice.
Cache automatically on the server If the cache is small, you can build the whole cache automatically. This is the default setting.
Cache manually on the server If the cache is large, you can build the cache manually in phases, caching the largest scales at selected areas of interest that are most likely to be visited. You can manually build the cache from the ArcGIS Online website or ArcGIS Enterprise website.
- Specify the Cache directory to store the data cache.
- Optionally, click the Allow clients to export cache tiles check box if you want clients to be able to download tiles from the server for offline use.
- Set a limit to the number of exported tiles allowed.
- Optionally, under Estimate, click Calculate to estimate the cache size. On the Estimate Cache Size dialog box, click the drop-down arrow and choose Good or Best for the estimation quality. Click the Start estimating cache button . The number of tiles and storage space is estimated for each cached level of detail and totaled. Click OK.
The default static estimate is based on a general assumption about average tile size and does not consider the specific properties of your map. When you estimate the cache size, sample tiles of your map are built. This means that the tiling scheme, image format, and compression are taken into account (as is LERC compression for elevation layers).
The best estimate creates more sample tiles and takes longer to calculate than the good estimate. To cancel the estimation process, click Stop estimating cache . If you adjust the tiling scheme after estimating the cache size—for example, if you change the levels of detail or the image format—the quality estimate on the sharing pane reverts to static. You need to estimate the cache size again.
- Click the Back button to go back to the Configuration tab main page.
- Optionally, include additional layer types and capabilities by checking the layer or capability check box.
Options include WCS and WMS.
For more information, see Additional layers and capabilities.
Considerations when sharing to older portals
Web imagery layers cannot be shared to Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 or earlier.