Step templates

This ArcGIS 2.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Available with Workflow Manager license.

There are different types of steps used in Workflow Manager (Classic), and each step has a specific functionality and utility. The various types of steps in Workflow Manager (Classic) are described below. The automated steps are described with their arguments as well.

Workflow steps are configured using Workflow Manager Administrator, included in the ArcGIS Workflow Manager Desktop (Classic) extension. However, these steps are executed in ArcGIS Pro as well. This topic provides information about the arguments and step behavior in ArcGIS Pro.

Procedural steps

The procedural steps are manual steps with no managed or automated execution. You can use them to track any work that does not require automated execution of any specific logic; for example, fieldwork for GPS data collection, requests pending approval from a manager, or documentation.

Return codes: None

Automated steps—ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Desktop only

The automated steps execute custom logic to perform specific tasks. The steps described in this section can be used in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Workflow Manager Desktop (Classic) only. These steps can't be used in ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server (Classic).

Create Job Advanced

This step creates jobs with predefined properties, location of interest, and dependencies. The step can be configured to assign the created jobs to a specific user or group. A dependency can be created on the current step or the next step, such that the parent job would not progress beyond these steps until the new jobs reach the specified status. The new jobs can be assigned as a child to the job executing the step as well.

The new jobs can be assigned the same location of interest (LOI) as the parent job or based on an overlap of the parent job LOI with a point or polygon feature class. The following combinations describe the type of LOI created when an overlap is found:

  • Polygon AOI of parent job overlaps polygon feature class—A polygon area of interest (AOI) is created for new jobs.
  • Polygon AOI of parent job overlaps point feature class—A point POI is created for new jobs.
  • Point POI of parent job overlaps polygon feature class—A polygon AOI is created for new jobs.
  • Point POI of parent job overlaps point feature class—New jobs are not created.
  • LOI of parent job overlaps line feature class—New jobs are not created.

The step can also create a new version for the job and assign a parent version or assign the parent job's version as the version for the job. When creating a new version, these options are available for assigning the parent version:

  • The parent job's version
  • The parent job's parent version
  • The parent job's DEFAULT version
  • The job type's default properties' parent version

The step also supports creating a version for the job with a feature service data workspace. Since in this case the parent version can only be sde.Default, each option would assign sde.Default as the parent version for the child job and create a job version.

The step can assign extended properties values for the jobs created based on values specified in the step, or using the values in the parent job extended properties via tokens.


Creates a job and allows you to define the parent-child relationship with dependencies on the job.

The step supports creating a version for the job with a traditional data workspace and a feature service data workspace. When the child job is set with a feature service data workspace, the parent version can only be sde.Default.

Job Type Name:
	/jobtypename:<job type name>(required)
Assign To Group:
	/assigngroup:<group to assign to>(optional)
Assign To User:
	/assignuser:<username to assign to> (optional)
Dependency will be created and current job held at this step:
	/dependThisStep (optional)
Dependency will be created and current job held at the next step in the workflow:
	/dependNextStep (optional)
Dependency status (current job held until new job reaches this status):
	/dependStatus:<Status Type Name> (optional)
Use the current job's AOI as the new job's AOI:
	/useparentaoi (optional)
Create new jobs based on the overlap between the current job's AOI and this feature class:
	/aoiOverlapFeatureClassName:<fully qualified feature class name >(optional)
Default number of jobs to create:
	/numberJobs:<number of jobs to create> (optional)
A version will be created for the new job(s) based on this selection:
	/createVersionSetting:<the version to use as the parent version> (optional)
A version will be assigned to the new job(s) based on this selection:
	/assignVersionSetting:<the existing version the job will be assigned to>(optional)
New job(s) extended properties value will be set to one of the current job's extended properties values 
(specified by JTX Token) or to the given string value. To set multiple extended properties values at once, separate 
each entry by a semicolon:
Due date of the new job:
	/dueDate:<due date of the new job>(optional)
Job duration:
	/jobDuration:<duration of the new job>(optional)
New Job will be created as a child of the existing job:

Return codes:

  • 0 = Success
  • 1 = Failure

Edit Extended Properties

This step provides the ability to edit the extended properties configured on the job type by displaying them on a dialog box. Using this step, you can ensure the appropriate extended properties are edited at the appropriate time in the workflow. The extended properties are displayed on the dialog box in the same manner as on the job view, and the required extended properties are highlighted with a red outline if a value is not provided for them.

This step can be included multiple times in a workflow with different extended properties opened at different stages of the workflow progression. This allows you to choose only some extended properties configured on the job type to be displayed in the pop-up. The extended properties can be selected by opening the argument editor or by typing in the argument box. All selected properties are editable and override the read-only properties set on the job type. If no arguments are specified, all the extended properties selected on the job type will be displayed when the step is run.

The argument editor displays all the tables and fields configured for all the job types in the repository; however, if properties not configured on the job type are selected, they will not be displayed in the pop-up.

The argument is composed of the extended property table name and field name. For example, if you want to display the RequestorName field from the RequestorInformation table, the argument would be /Property:RequestorInformation.RequestorName.

This step also allows you to add new values for related properties. Existing related properties values can't be updated or deleted using this step.


Related properties values can only be updated or deleted from the Related Properties tab.


You can only configure the step with extended properties or related properties. If you configure the step with both extended properties and related properties, only the extended properties will be shown in the step and related properties will be ignored.

/Property:<Property Name - TableName.FieldName>

Return codes:

  • 1 = Success
  • 0 = Cancel

Import/Launch Mapping Items

This step opens a map view with a specified set of layers predefined in a map to initiate an editing step. If a map is associated with the job template, it is opened when the step is executed. If a map is not associated with the job template, the map view will be empty. The step can also be configured to open a map that is not associated with the job template and is not a part of the project using the alternative MXD argument. The map opened as a result of executing the step is always zoomed to an AOI by a factor of 1 by default, unless it is specified in the arguments to not zoom to the AOI. A zoom factor other than 1 can be specified as part of the arguments. The zoom factor does not apply to a POI; for a single POI, the map will be zoomed to 1:2000, and for multiple POIs, the map will zoom to the extent of the POIs. When this step is completed, the changes made in the map document are saved in the job's map and stored in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database or a shared location.


Starting with ArcGIS Pro ArcGIS Pro 2.5, layouts located in accessible file paths can be configured as templates and alternative maps for the Import/Launch Mapping Items step.

In ArcGIS 10.x, the job map document is maintained in MXD format. In ArcGIS Pro, the job map document is maintained in MAPX format. ArcGIS 10.3 Workflow Manager (Classic) will not open the MAPX file, and ArcGIS Pro will not open the MXD file; they are not compatible with ArcGIS 10.2.2 or earlier versions.

AOI Zoom Factor:
/aoifactor:<AOI zoom factor value>
Not zoom to the aoi:
Not repoint the map layers 
Change only the version of the map layers and not the user connection information
Not save MXDs:
Store MXD in a shared location:
/mxdfolder:<mxd location on disk>
Use Alternative MXD:
/mxd:<mxd location on disk or in repository>
Open Task file:
/taworkflow:<Task file name>

Suspend Execution

The execution of this step can be suspended to accommodate longer editing time spanning hours or days with breaks in between. This step can be suspended only when it is not configured to proceed to the next step automatically.

The step can be suspended from both the job view and the map view using the Suspend Step option when the step execution is in progress. In the map view, the suspend option is presented when you try to close the map. In the job view, the step execution progress is displayed when this step is executed.

Repoint Map Layer Version and User Connection

The layers in the map may be repointed to the job's version and user connection information when using this step. The step can repoint either to only the version or both the version and user connection information for the map layers in the map, as required. This ensures that data editing is accomplished in the correct version associated with the job and is restricted based on the database privileges of the user.

Only those layers that are selected in the job type template for repoint are repointed. The layers that are not selected in the job type template for repoint are not repointed and are available as read-only.

The layers in the map must reference data from a data workspace in your Workflow Manager (Classic) system for the version and user connection information to be repointed. If the map layers reference data from a data workspace in your Workflow Manager (Classic) system but there is no job version specified for the job, the map layers are repointed to the default database version for the data workspace. The map layers are not repointed in the following scenarios:

  • If the job map is not defined, a blank map will open because there are no layers to repoint.
  • If the data in a job map is not referencing data from a data workspace, the layers are marked non-editable and the data is view only.


Starting in ArcGIS Pro 2.2, feature service data workspaces are supported. The layers of the feature service will be repointed to the branch version.

Add Data from Job Version

Data from a job's version may be added to the map when this step is executed. A database connection file for the data workspace associated with the job is added under the Databases node on the Catalog pane. The connection file is created pointing to the job version when it is defined. If the job does not have a job version, the connection is created by pointing to the parent version for the job. The connection is not created in the following scenarios:

  • The data workspace is not defined for the job.
  • The data workspace is defined for the job, but job version and parent version are not defined for the job.
  • The user executing the step does not have access to the data workspace.

Store Job Map

The job map is stored in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database, and all the changes made to the job map are also saved by default. If you do not want to save your job map every time it is opened, you can use the /nosavemxd argument. If your map documents are large, you may need to adjust the MAXBLOBSIZE SDE configuration setting for your database.

If required, you can store the map document in an alternative location, and Workflow Manager (Classic) will not save the map document to the database but will save to that shared location for future use.

Open Task File with Map

Task files stored in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database can be opened as part of this step. Multiple task files may be associated with the Import/Launch Mapping Items step; however, only the first task file in the arguments will be loaded and be the active task in the Tasks pane. The step may have both ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS 10.x tasks associated with it. To correctly open the ArcGIS Pro task, you must edit the step arguments so that the ArcGIS Pro task is the first task argument.

The task file loaded in the project is locked for editing while the step is running. If the step is executed in multiple jobs at the same time, the task will remain open until all maps associated with it are closed. When a new map is opened by the Workflow Manager (Classic) step, it clears the existing tasks in the Tasks pane and loads the new task that is associated with the step.


  • An ArcGIS 10.x task file will not be loaded when the step is run in ArcGIS Pro.
  • The task opens with the first step as active every time the map is opened by the Workflow Manager (Classic) step. The state of the task is not preserved when the map is closed.
  • If the task being opened by the step is already installed, it may not clear properly when the map is closed.
  • The task history is not logged in Workflow Manager (Classic) history.
  • Tasks do not work in Workflow Manager (Classic) offline mode.

Launch GP Tool

The Launch GP Tool step opens the Geoprocessing pane with a specified geoprocessing tool and arguments configured for use in your workflow. Once the pane is active, you can change the arguments, if required, or run the geoprocessing tool. If successful, the workflow will reactivate; if unsuccessful, you can change the arguments and rerun the tool, or cancel from the Geoprocessing pane to return to the workflow. You can use the Launch GP Tool step to run system geoprocessing tools, Python script tools, and ModelBuilder models; the integer output from these items can also be used as a return code to guide the path of the workflow upon the tool's completion.

Launch GP Tool will always execute the ArcGIS Pro version of any tool, even if the toolbox path is pointed at an ArcGIS 10.x toolbox. The log of the geoprocessing tool execution can be attached to the job after the execution.

If you are using Launch GP Tool with an ArcGIS Pro model, ensure that the model name, not the model label, is used when calling it from the argument list.


To determine if any updates are required to your ArcGIS 10.x script or model to run in ArcGIS Pro, use the Analyze Tools For Pro geoprocessing tool in the Data Management toolbox before running it in Workflow Manager (Classic).

Toolbox Path (explicit path to the tbx file):
	/toolboxpath:<toolboxpath> (optional - do not combine with toolbox name)
Toolbox Name (if in system toolboxes):
	/toolbox:<toolbox> (optional - do not combine with toolbox path)
Display Name of the tool in the toolbox:
Parameter to override on the tool (can be specified multiple times):
	/param:<ParamName>:<ParamValue> (optional)
Flag to attach the log to the job once the tool has completed:
	/attach (optional)
License enumeration code for any additional license that should be used in the execution of the tool:
	/license:<enum value> (optional)
Output parameter to use as return value:
	/outParam:<parameter name>

Return codes:

  • 1 = Success
  • 0 = Cancel

When the outParam argument is used, the success return code is the value returned as the output parameter from the geoprocessing tool, and the cancel return code becomes -1 in this case.

Select Data Workspace

The Select Data Workspace step displays a dialog box that allows you to choose the job's data workspace from a list of available data workspaces for the project.

No Argument

Return codes:

  • 1 = Success
  • 0 = Cancel

Automated steps—ArcGIS Pro only

The steps in this section can only be used in ArcGIS Pro.

Open Pro Project Items

This step can open maps and task items in an existing project. If a specific task in a task item is configured for the step, the task is automatically run when the task item is opened.


This step can only open one task item in the project at a time. If a task is being edited in Task Designer, this step will not open its configured task item until Task Designer is closed.

This step can also open existing project maps in a map view. One or more project maps can be opened at a time, each in an individual map view. The first map specified in the argument will be the active map after loading. If no map is specified in the argument and only /map: is provided as an argument, the step will prompt you to select a map to be opened from the list of existing project maps. Using this step, any type of project map (whether it is a portal map, 3D map, 2D map, or raster map) can be opened from within a workflow. Once the step execution is completed, the map is not automatically saved in the Workflow Manager (Classic) database; if you save your map, it will be saved in the project only.

If there is an LOI defined, a bookmark for the LOI is added to Manage Bookmarks. If you do not want Workflow Manager (Classic) to create a bookmark for the LOI when you run the Open Pro Project Items step, you can use the /noBookmark argument to prevent it.

Map Name (can be specified multiple times): 
/map:<map name> (optional)
Do not create a bookmark for the LOI
/noBookmark (Optional)
Task item to be opened in the project:
/taskItem:<name of task project item> (Optional)
Task within the task item to be executed:
/task:<name of task within task item> (Optional)
Flag to rest the version to default when the step is complete. 
This only applies when the job’s data workspace is a branch versioned feature service:
/resetVersion (Optional)
Flag to close opened maps when the step is complete:
/closeMaps (Optional)

Suspend Execution

The execution of this step can be suspended to accommodate longer editing time spanning hours or days with breaks in between. This step can be suspended only when it is not configured to proceed to the next step automatically.

In the job view, the step execution progress is displayed when this step is executed. Suspending the step execution does not close the map views and the project maps and tasks are still available. Closing the map view that was opened with this step does not display the suspend option.

Repoint Map Layer Version and User Connection

The layers in the map may be repointed to the job's version and user connection information when using this step. The step can repoint either to only the version or both the version and user connection information for the map layers in the map, as required. This ensures that data editing is accomplished in the correct version associated with the job and is restricted based on the database privileges of the user.

The layers in the map must reference data from a data workspace in your Workflow Manager (Classic) system for the version and user connection information to be repointed. If the map layers reference data from a data workspace in your Workflow Manager (Classic) system but there is no job version specified for the job, the map layers are repointed to the default database version for the data workspace. The map layers are not repointed in the following scenarios:

  • If the job map is not defined, a blank map will open because there are no layers to repoint.
  • If the data in a job map is not referencing data from a data workspace, the layers are marked non-editable and the data is view only.


Starting in ArcGIS Pro 2.2, the feature service data workspace is supported. The layers of the feature service can be repointed to a branch version.


All the layers in the ArcGIS Pro maps (.mapx files) will be repointed and must remain repointed. They cannot be reconfigured in the Job Type template.

Add Data from Job Version

Data from a job's version may be added to the map when this step is executed. A database connection file for the data workspace associated with the job is added under the Databases node on the Catalog pane. The connection file is created pointing to the job version when it is defined. If the job does not have a job version, the connection is created by pointing to the parent version for the job. The connection is not created in the following scenarios:

  • The data workspace is not defined for the job.
  • The data workspace is defined for the job, but job version and parent version are not defined for the job.
  • The user executing the step does not have access to the data workspace.

Import Task

The Import Task step opens a task file stored in a Workflow Manager (Classic) database. A task in the task file can be configured to automatically run after it is opened by specifying the task file in the step argument and configuring the task workflow to Auto Run. The execution state of the task does not impact the job's workflow from proceeding to the next step; the step can be marked as complete once the task file is opened regardless of whether the task is still running.


  • An ArcGIS 10.x task file can't be opened by the Import Task step.
  • The Import Task step can't be executed if a task file is opened in Task Designer. Close Task Designer and reexecute the step to open the task file.
  • The state of the task is not preserved and can be overwritten by a new task opened in the Tasks pane.
  • The task history is not logged in Workflow Manager (Classic) history.
  • Tasks do not work in Workflow Manager (Classic) offline mode.

Task file to be opened in the project. Use a task file imported into a Workflow Manager (Classic) database:
	/taskfile:<name of the file> 

Task within the file to be executed:
	/task:<name of task within task file> (optional)

Return codes:

  • 1 = Success
  • 0 = Failure

Automated steps—All Platforms

The automated steps execute custom logic to perform specific tasks. The steps described in this section can be used in ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Workflow Manager Desktop (Classic), and ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server (Classic).

Check AOI

The Check AOI step checks if the current job has an AOI defined. You can use it in workflows that require an area of interest. This step is used to verify that the AOI has been defined before proceeding to the next steps in a workflow.

No Arguments

Return codes:

  • 1 = Job has an AOI
  • 2 = Job does not have an AOI

Clean Up

The Clean Up step deletes the job version, job map document, and job attachments based on the arguments specified. This step can be used when you don't want to store the version, map document, and attachments associated with the job to keep your repository from growing exponentially. It is recommended that this step be used when creating versions and map documents as part of your overall workflow.

You can use the Clean Up step to delete one or all of the following:

  • Job version
  • Job map document
  • Job attachment


Enable the system setting to allow users to delete versions owned by other users. This will prompt for a user name and password. When deleting a version owned by a different user, you must specify the user's credentials. The setting is defined in system settings in Workflow Manager Administrator; however, once applied, these settings are consumed by ArcGIS Pro.

Version Cleanup:
	/version|v (optional)
MXD Cleanup:
	/mxd|m (optional)
Attachment Cleanup:
	/attachments|a (optional)

Return codes:

  • 0 = Success

Close Job

The Close Job step closes the job and sets the job status to closed. This step eliminates manually closing the job. Once all steps in the job workflow are executed and the job is complete, it is closed to signify the completion of work. This can be done in an automated way by using the Close Job step as the last step in the workflow.

No Argument

Return codes:

  • 0 = Success

Create Job

The Create Job step creates a job based on the arguments and specifies the job as a child of the current job. This can be useful when you need to perform a subsection of the workflow as a separate workflow and require a dependency between the child and the parent. For example, data collection in a workflow can be a child job tracked in its own job, and the parent job is halted until the data collection child job is completed.

Job Type ID:
	Job Type Name:
	/jobtypename:<job type name> (required)
Assign to Group:
	/assigngroup:<group to assign to> (optional)
Assign to User:
	/assignuser:<user to assign to> (optional)
Job Type ID:
	/jobtypeid:<job type ID> (deprecated)

Return codes:

  • 0 = Success

Create Version

The Create Version step creates the geodatabase version to be used for the job. The protection level of the version is specified by one of the following arguments: Version Access Scope.

The step supports the traditional data workspace and the feature service data workspace.

/scope:<public|private|protected> (optional)[default:private]
Return codes:
  • 0 = Success

Set Version

The Set Version step sets the job's version to a named version. For example, set the job's version to QC version to validate edits that were posted in that version. If there is no step argument, the job version will be reset to the original version.

The step supports the traditional data workspace and the feature service data workspace.

Version to use as job version: 
/version:<versionName> (optional)
Return codes:
  • 0 = Success

Version Exists

The Version Exists step checks to see if the job already has a geodatabase version.

The step supports the traditional data workspace and the feature service data workspace.

No Argument
Return codes:
  • 1 = Version exists
  • 2 = Version doesn't exist
  • 3 = No data workspace selected

Execute GP Tool

The Execute GP Tool step runs a geoprocessing tool without displaying the Geoprocessing pane for user input. You can use the Execute GP Tool step to run system geoprocessing tools, Python script tools, and ModelBuilder models; the integer output from these items can also be used as a return code to guide the path of the workflow upon the tool's completion.

Execute GP Tool will always execute the ArcGIS Pro version of any tool, even if the Toolbox Path is pointed at an ArcGIS 10.x toolbox. The log of the geoprocessing tool execution can be attached to the job after the execution.

If using Execute GP Tool with an ArcGIS Pro model, ensure that the model name, not the model label, is used when calling it from the argument list.


To determine if any updates are required to your ArcGIS 10.x script or model to run in ArcGIS Pro, use the Analyze Tools For Pro geoprocessing tool in the Data Management toolbox before running it in Workflow Manager (Classic).

Toolbox Path (explicit path to the tbx file):
	/toolboxpath:<toolboxpath> (optional - do not combine with toolbox name)
Toolbox Name (if in system toolboxes):
	/toolbox:<toolbox> (optional - do not combine with toolbox path)
Display Name of the Tool in the toolbox:
	/tool:<tool> (required)
Parameter to override on the tool (can be specified multiple times):
	/param:<ParamName>:<ParamValue> (optional)
Flag to attach the log to the job once the tool has completed:
	/attach (optional)
Output parameter to use as return value:
	/outParam:<parameter name>

Return codes:

  • 0 = Success
  • 1 = Failure

When the outParam argument is used, the success return code is the value returned as the output parameter from the geoprocessing tool, and the cancel return code becomes -1 in this case.

Execute SQL

The Execute SQL step executes a well-formed SQL statement to update tables in the database. It can be used to update a specific geodatabase table with job-specific information based on a workflow path. For example, you can mark a field in one of the business tables with a value of true if a workflow goes to a certain branch.

Database to Send SQL:
	/database:<jtxsystem|data> (required)SQL Command:
	/sql:<sql command>

Return codes:

  • 0 = Success

Execute URL

The Execute URL step sends the URL request and gets a response back from the URL. It can be used to send web service calls to other web services to perform server-based operations. For example, you can send a request to a geoprocessing service to begin execution of a geoprocessing tool that you have published on your server. This can also be used to send messages to other systems that expose similar capabilities.


Return codes:

  • 200 = Success

Execute Workflow

The Execute Workflow step executes another workflow as part of a step in a job. This is also known as subworkflow execution. When you have steps that can be an automated workflow, you can execute these steps within the workflow as a subworkflow; for example, checking if a version already exists and, if it does not, creating a version in a specific data workspace.

Job Type Name:
	/jobtype:<job type name> (required)
Flag to not use AOI:
	/donotuseaoi (optional)
Flag to not use version:
	/donotuseversion (optional)
Flag to not copy activities to the parent job's history:
 /donotcopyactivities (optional)

Return codes:

  • 0 = Success


The Executable step runs an .exe file similar to starting an application. It can be used to open external applications or execute other programs. It also allows you to pass in an argument for the file you want to open in the particular program. For example, BatchFile.exe can be executed as part of the overall workflow. This is one of the ways Workflow Manager (Classic) allows you to integrate with other applications.

File Name:<filename>

Return codes:

  • 0 = Success

Launch URL

The Launch URL step opens a browser with the specified web address. It can be used to open existing websites that need to be a part of your overall workflow. For example, you can open a web editing application as part of a workflow to support basic editing workflows. This step can be configured with a web map or web editing application URL and the [JOB:AOI_ENVELOPE] token to zoom to the AOI of the job on the map after it is opened. Append extent=[JOB:AOI_ENVELOPE] to the web map URL, and prefix the parameter with ? if the extent is the first parameter in the URL; otherwise, prefix with &, for example,[JOB:AOI_ENVELOPE].


Return codes:

  • 52204 = Success

Open File

The Open File step opens the file specified on disk using the default Windows program associated with the file type. This step can be used to open external files that are relevant to the overall workflow. For example, you can author a step that opens a Word document template for recording findings on a job. This can be saved at a location that is accessible to other people in the organization.

File Name:
<file location with name>

Return codes:

  • 52204 = Success

Ask Question

The Ask Question step prompts the user with a question and typically requires feedback. It can be used as a decision point in a workflow that requires user feedback. Unlike the automatic decision points, such as Check AOI, that look for a specific value in the database, this prompts you with an option that will drive the path to which the workflow will proceed. It also allows you to specify a note to support the reason for making the selection on the question prompted.

Reassign Job

The Reassign Job step allows you to configure a step to assign a job to a user or group. The Reassign Job step can be used to specifically assign a job to another resource (user or group) in your organization. At ArcGIS 10.1 and later, job assignment can be done through workflow paths, providing an alternative for you when defining your workflows. Having a step for assignment provides you with a graphic representation of what happens next in your workflow.

Assign Type:
	/assignType:<user|group> (required)
Assign To:
	/assignTo:<user or group name> (required)

Return codes:

  • 0 = Success

Return Value

The Return Value step retrieves the values from an extended property field on a job and uses them as the return code for a step. You can use the Return Value step if you want to drive your workflow path based on an extended property value. For example, you have a job that allows you to generate various map output types based on an extended property value. This can be modeled into the workflow so that it branches based on the values retrieved from the extended property field. The /value: [JOBEX:TABLE:FIELD] argument will return the value from that field on the job.

Return value:
	/value:<Extended properties field> (required):

Return codes:

  • 0 = Success