An overview of the Raster Reclass toolset

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Available with Spatial Analyst license.

Available with 3D Analyst license.

The Raster Reclass tools provide a variety of methods that allow you to reclassify or change input cell values to alternative values.

The most common reasons for reclassifying data are to accomplish the following:

  • Replace values based on new information.
  • Group certain values together.
  • Reclassify values to a common scale.
  • Set specific values to NoData or set NoData cells to a value.

There are several approaches to reclassifying your data. The methods of reclassification and the tools that perform them are:

  • Individual values. (Lookup, Reclassify)
  • Ranges of values. (Reclass by ASCII File, Reclass by Table, Reclassify)
  • Intervals. (Slice)

There are several approaches to reclassifying your data. The methods of reclassification and the tools that perform them are:

The following table lists the available tools and provides a brief description of each.



Creates a new raster by looking up values found in another field in the table of the input raster.

Reclass by ASCII File

Reclassifies (or changes) the values of the input cells of a raster using an ASCII remap file.

Reclass by Table

Reclassifies (or changes) the values of the input cells of a raster using a remap table.


Reclassifies (or changes) the values in a raster.


Slices or reclassifies the range of values of the input cells into zones of equal interval, equal area, or by natural breaks.

Tools of the Raster Reclass toolset

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