Generate Floor Transitions (Indoors)

This ArcGIS 2.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.


Creates or updates transition line features that connect floors vertically.

Selected space (unit) polygons are used to generate a vertical line between building floors (levels). These transition features are used in conjunction with pathway features to generate a network for routing.


  • The Input Facility Features parameter must be a polygon feature layer or feature class that conforms to the Indoors Model for the Facilities feature class. You can limit the generation of floor transitions to specific buildings by making a selection or defining a query on the input layer. Without a selection or a definition query, the tool will generate floor transitions for all floors in all buildings on the input layer.

  • The Transition Unit Features parameter must be a feature layer or feature class that conforms to the Indoors Model for the Units feature class.

    • The Transition Unit Features parameter is used to define areas of a floor plan for which transitions should be generated, such as stairs and elevators.
    • If the Transition Unit Features is a feature class that contains polygons representing both stairs and elevator type spaces or includes other spaces for which transitions shouldn't be generated, use the Stairway Unit Expression and Elevator Unit Expression parameters to identify which features represent which type of transition spaces. In the Indoors Model, values from the USE_TYPE field can be used.

  • The Input Pathway Features parameter must be a polyline feature layer or feature class that conforms to the Indoors Model for the PrelimPathways feature class. The tool snaps new transition features to these preliminary pathways for a connected and routable network.

  • The Target Transitions parameter must be an existing polyline feature layer or feature class that conforms to the Indoors Model for the PrelimTransitions feature class. The new transitions will be written here for use in creating the network dataset.

  • The Elevator Delay parameter improves routing and transit time calculations by factoring in expected wait times for elevator passengers and applying the delay value to the existing Pathways Features contained in the identified elevator transition spaces.

    • Including expected elevator delays may produce different results in wheelchair mode, as opposed to walking, when using the default Indoors network dataset template. This is because elevator delays may make routes using stairs shorter in total calculated travel time.

  • The tool finds the closest vertex of a Pathways Feature on each floor to the center of polygons with selected types. A vertical line is created between levels at this vertex. The z-values of the start and end vertex in the new Transitions feature will match the z-values for the pathways feature.

  • The LENGTH_3D attribute is calculated for all output transition features. For stairway-type transitions, it is increased by a factor of three to reflect travel time of walking stairs. These values can be recalculated manually if necessary.


    If transition features are manually edited, this value will need to be recalculated.

  • For elevator type transitions, the ACCESS_WHEELCHAIR field value is set to TRUE. For stairway type transitions, the value is set to FALSE.

  • For the output transition features, the following attributes are populated with default values:



    These values can be manually edited, if necessary, prior to creating the network dataset.


GenerateFloorTransitions(facility_features, transition_unit_features, pathway_features, target_transitions, {elevator_delay}, {delete_existing_transitions}, {stairway_unit_exp}, {elevator_unit_exp})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input polygon features representing a building or buildings. In the ArcGIS Indoors Model, this is the Facilities layer. The tool processes only the buildings represented by these features.

Feature Layer

The input polygon features representing the transition spaces in a building. In the ArcGIS Indoors Model, this is the Units layer.

Feature Layer

The input polyline features representing preliminary pathways. The new transition features will snap to these polyline features. In the Indoors Model, this will be the PrelimPathways layer.

Feature Layer

An existing feature class or layer that is updated with the new transitions. In the ArcGIS Indoors Model, this is the PrelimTransitions layer.

Feature Layer

The average elevator transit time. It is one-half the time in seconds that an elevator passenger can expect to spend waiting to enter and exit the elevator. Using this parameter can improve routing and transit time calculations. The value must be equal to or greater than zero.


Specifies whether existing transition features in selected transition spaces will be deleted before creating new transition features. If this parameter is not used, updated_transitions will include both existing and newly created transition features.

  • DELETE_FEATURESExisting transition features will be deleted. This is the default.
  • NO_DELETE_FEATURESExisting transition features will not be deleted.

An SQL expression used to define which Transition Unit Features represent step-based transitions, such as stairs and escalators.

SQL Expression

An SQL expression used to define which Transition Unit Features represent lift-based transitions, such as elevators.

SQL Expression

Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated Target Transitions layer.

Feature Class

Code sample

GenerateFloorTransitions example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the GenerateFloorTransitions function in immediate mode.

# Name: Indoors_GenerateFloorTransitions_example1
# Description: Generates floor transition line features for selected unit types without delay

import arcpy

                                       None, "DELETE_FEATURES", 
                                       "USE_TYPE IN ('Stairs', 'Stairway')", 
                                       "USE_TYPE IN ('Elevator', 'Elevator Cab', 'Elevator Shaft')")
GenerateFloorTransitions example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the GenerateFloorTransitions function.

# Name: Indoors_GenerateFloorTransitions_example2
# Description: Generates floor transition line features for selected unit types 
#              and adds elevator delay

import arcpy

# Define inputs
facility_features = r"C:\Indoors\ExampleCampus.gdb\Indoors\Facilities"
transition_unit_features = r"C:\Indoors\ExampleCampus.gdb\Indoors\Units"
pathway_features = r"C:\Indoors\ExampleCampus.gdb\PrelimNetwork\PrelimPathways"
target_transitions = r"C:\Indoors\ExampleCampus.gdb\PrelimNetwork\PrelimTransitions"
elevator_delay = 20
stairway_unit_exp = "USE_TYPE IN ('Stairs', 'Stairway')"
elevator_unit_exp = "USE_TYPE IN ('Elevator', 'Elevator Cab', 'Elevator Shaft')"

# Run tool
                                       pathway_features, target_transitions, 
                                       elevator_delay, 'NO_DELETE_FEATURES', 
                                       stairway_unit_exp, elevator_unit_exp)


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: No
  • Advanced: Requires Indoors

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