Import Floorplans To Indoors Geodatabase (Indoors)

This ArcGIS 2.6 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.


Imports floor plans from CAD files into a workspace that contains the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model.


  • The geodatabase into which floor plan data will be loaded must already exist and contain required Indoors model items.

  • When using an enterprise geodatabase, the connection file must connect directly to the database, and the connection should be made as a database owner.

  • The input CAD data should be in DWG or DGN format.

  • CAD file paths are stored in an Excel spreadsheet. A template file is included with the Indoors product data installation package available from My Esri.

    Learn more about mapping fields from floor plans to the geodatabase

  • The Unique ID Delimiter parameter will separate key values in the Indoors model hierarchy. For example, using a period will result in an ID such as ESRI.REDLANDS.OOA. Using an underscore will produce an ID such as ESRI_REDLANDS_OOA.

  • When the Sliver Threshold parameter is used, identified sliver features will be placed in the review geodatabase located in the scratch folder of the ArcGIS Pro project.

  • The Door Close Buffer parameter is used to account for poor CAD topology—for example, line gaps between doors and walls—when the CLOSE_DOORS option is set to Y in the configuration spreadsheet.

  • If data already exists in the input geodatabase, the FACILITY_ID and LEVEL_ID attribute values are used to determine the features to replace.


ImportFloorplansToIndoorsGDB(in_geodatabase, in_excel_template, uniqueid_delimiter, {sliver_threshold}, {door_close_buffer})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The Indoors geodatabase (file or enterprise) into which the floor plan data will be loaded.


An Excel spreadsheet (.xls or .xlsx file) that contains input and configuration parameters.


Specifies the delimiter that will separate key values in the Indoors model hierarchy.

  • PERIODThe ID will include key values separated by periods. This is default.
  • HYPHENThe ID will include key values separated by hyphens.
  • UNDERSCOREThe ID will include key values separated by underscores.

The ratio of perimeter to area that defines a sliver polygon. It is used when importing Unit polygons to improve the quality of the imported data. Unit polygons that are determined to be slivers are placed in a review geodatabase located in the scratch folder of the ArcGIS Pro project. The default value is 2.


The distance, in inches, the tool will search from a door to find and snap to the nearest wall. This parameter is used when the CLOSE_DOORS option is set to Y in the input Excel template file. The default value is 0.


Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated input geodatabase with the floor plan data loaded.


Code sample

ImportFloorplansToIndoorsGeodatabase example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ImportFloorplansToIndoorsGeodatabase function in immediate mode.

import arcpy
                                           'PERIOD', 2, 0)
ImportFloorplansToIndoorsGeodatabase example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the ImportFloorplansToIndoorsGeodatabase function.

# Name:
# Description: Imports CAD data into an Indoors geodatabase.

import arcpy

# Set geodatabase that is populated with the Indoors Model
in_geodatabase = 'C:/Indoors/ExampleCampus.gdb'

# Spreadsheet that points to CAD files and defines field mapping
in_excel_template = 'C:/Indoors/Config_ExampleCampus_CAD.xlsx'

# Set tool parameters
uniqueid_delimiter = 'PERIOD'
sliver_threshold = 2
door_close_buffer = 0

# Run the tool
arcpy.indoors.ImportFloorplansToIndoorsGDB(in_geodatabase, in_excel_template, 
                                           uniqueid_delimiter, sliver_threshold, 


Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: No
  • Advanced: Requires Indoors

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